curriculum vitae

Rogier Stuger
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postgraduate research and other employment



DNA supercoiling and nucleoid architecture in E. coli
research assistant, NWO grant, prof. Hans Westerhoff, Free University Amsterdam, dr Conrad Woldringh (University of Amsterdam), and prof. Jacky Snoep (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
2003-2004 teaching assistant, department of structural biology, Free University Amsterdam
mRNA localisation in plant cells
DFG grant, dr Chris Forreiter and prof. Lutz Nover, Goethe University Frankfurt
nuclear import of ribosomal proteins in yeast
guest researcher, Royal Dutch Chemical Society grant, dr Jan van't Riet and prof. Dick Raué, Free University Amsterdam
coworker at an environmental biology project of EcoSnel, Amersfoort, the Netherlands
production of influenza vaccine, summer job at Solvay-Duphar, Weesp, the Netherlands
various sidelines and summer jobs. bartender, telemarketeer, and many many more
skills & techniques

- cloning, DNA/RNA manipulation and analysis, and other molecular biology techniques
- isolation and analysis of proteins, enzymes, RNPs, production of polyclonal antibodies
- confocal fluorescence microscopy
- organic synthesis, spectrometric structure analysis, molecular modeling
molecular biological techniques certificate, Free University Amsterdam
radiation protection certificate, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
safe microbiological techniques certificate, University of Amsterdam
- practical course on biochemistry, Free University Amsterdam (2004)
- tutorials and practical course on biological chemistry, Free University Amsterdam (2003, 2004)

- practical course on molecular microbiology, Free University Amsterdam (1999, 2000, 2002)
- practical course on molecular cell physiology, Free University Amsterdam (2001)
- practical course on molecular cell biology, University of Amsterdam (2001)
- tutorials, course on biological chemistry, Free University Amsterdam (1999, 2000, 2001)
- tutorials, chemistry, biology, science, mathematics, english for high school students (1991-1995)
- dutch and english, working knowledge of german
arranged sponsoring from the FEBS Journal (Blackwell Publishing) to organise the 2nd PhD Students & Young Postdocs GRC Stage Invasion Session, 14 August 2004 (preceding the Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Organization and Cell Function), Oxford, UK
2002 arranged sponsoring from Kluwer Academic Publishers to organise the 1st PhD Students & Young Postdocs GRC Stage Invasion Session, 3 August 2002 (preceding the Gordon Research Conference on Macromolecular Organization and Cell Function), Oxford, UK
1996 winner of a DFG research grant to study mRNA localisation and RNPs in plant cells at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
PhD thesis research, DNA supercoiling and nucleoid architecture in E. coli
Free University Amsterdam, department of biology
MSc in biochemistry
University of Amsterdam, department of chemistry
MSc research projects
RNA editing in trypanosome mitochondria
MSc thesis research, drs Dave Speijer and Rob Benne, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam
synthesis of immunogenic porphyrins for catalytic antibody production
short MSc research project, profs Upendra Pandit and Bob van Gelder, University of Amsterdam
postgraduate courses/workshops
cell cycle of bacteria, yeasts and mammalian cells - bioinformatics - mass spectrometry in biology - confocal light microscopy - mathematical biochemistry
  University of Amsterdam & Free University Amsterdam
genome analysis and yeast genetics - protein structure modeling - CD and fluorescence spectroscopy of proteins - micropreparative methods for protein analysis
  Goethe University Frankfurt
translation in yeast, machinery and regulation
  Free University Amsterdam

co-organiser of the 2nd PhD Students & Young Postdocs Stage Invasion Session, 14 August 2004, preceding the Gordon research conference on macromolecular organization and cell function, 4-9 August 2002, Queens College, Oxford, UK

co-organiser of the 2nd dutch workshop on molecular systems biology & molecular systems biology graduate course, 18-21 January 2004, Schoorl, the Netherlands (,

2002 co-organiser and session chairman of the 1st PhD students & young postdocs stage invasion session, 3 August 2002, preceding the Gordon research conference on macromolecular organization and cell function, 4-9 August 2002, Queens College, Oxford, UK
1994 student representative in the department board, biochemistry section, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam

- referee for Biocomplexity, Mol Biol Rep, Eur J Biochem, and FEBS J
- contributor to various biology discussion boards (links on
- member of the biochemistry & molecular biology and bioinformatics sections of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society
publications, lectures, posters

click here for publications, lectures, posters

details on request, click here