Extracts - Here you can find some examples of Discworld stories.

Which one is your favourite, which one would be a story you'd want to read? Why?
Which key words from the previous exercise apply to which story?
Write them next to the book on the handout.



















Soul Music -Terry Pratchett

OTHER children got given xylophones. Susan just had to ask her grandfather to take his vest off.
Yes. There's a Death in the family.
It's hard to grow up normally when Grandfather rides a white horse, wields a scythe and talks like this - especiallly when you have to take over the family business, and everyone mistakes you for the Tooth Fairy.
And especially when you have to face the new and addictive music that has entered the Discworld.
It's lawless. It changes people.
It's called Music with Rocks In.
It's got a beat and you can dance to it, but...
It's alive.
And it won't fade away.


Eric - Terry Pratchett.

Eric is the Discworld's only demonology hacker. Pity he's not very good at it.
All he wants is his three wishes granted.
Nothing fancy - to be immortal, rule the world, have the most beautiful woman in the world fall madly in love with him, the usual stuff.
But instead of a tractable demon, he calls up Rincewind, probably the most incompetent wizard in the universe, and the extremely intractable and hostile form known as the Luggage.
With them on his side, Eric's in for a ride through space and time that is bound to make him wish (quite fervently) again  - this time that he'd never been born.
The Last Hero - Terry Pratchett

He's been a legend in his own lifetime.
He can remember the great days of high adventure.
He can remember when a hero didn't have to worry about fences and lawyers and civilization.
He can remember when people didn't tell you off for killing dragons.
But he can't always remember, these days, where he put his teeth.
He's really not happy about that bit.

So now, with his ancient sword and his new walking stick and his old friends - and they're very old friends - Cohen the Barbarian is going on one final quest. It's been a good life. He's going to climb the highest mountain in the Discworld and meet his gods. He doesn't like the way they let men grow old and die.
It's time, in fact, to give something back.
The last hero in the world is going to return what the first hero stole. With a vengeance.
That'll mean the end of the world, if no one stops him in time.
Someone is going to try. So who knows who the last hero really is?