latest_version appropriately //// b. in function check_check_all_versions(), update: //// i) add a line to call a new check_versionXXXX() function //// ii) add another IF statement to set the displayed version text ($retVal) //// c. add a new check_versionXXXX() function to the end of the class (BEFORE the closing } in the file) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ class versionManager extends base{ var $latest_version, $found_version, $zdb_configuration_table_found; function versionManager() { /** * The version that this edition of the installer is designed to support */ $this->latest_version = '1.3.8'; /** * Check to see if the configuration table can be found...thus validating the installation, in part. */ $this->zdb_configuration_table_found = $this->check_configuration_table(); /** * Check to see which versions are successfully detected */ $this->found_version = $this->check_check_all_versions(); } function check_configuration_table() { global $db_test; // Check to see if any Zen Cart tables exist $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '".DB_PREFIX."configuration'"); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'ZEN-Configuration (should be 1) = '. $tables->RecordCount() .'
'; if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { return true; } } function check_check_all_versions() { if (!$this->zdb_configuration_table_found) return false; // $this->version103 = $this->check_version_103(); // $this->version104 = $this->check_version_104(); $this->version110 = $this->check_version_110(); $this->version111 = $this->check_version_111(); $this->version112 = $this->check_version_112(); // $this->version113 = $this->check_version_113(); // there were no db changes for 1.1.3 $this->version114 = $this->check_version_114(); $this->version1141 = $this->check_version_1141(); $this->version120 = $this->check_version_120(); $this->version121 = $this->check_version_121(); $this->version122 = $this->check_version_122(); $this->version123 = $this->check_version_123(); $this->version124 = $this->check_version_124(); $this->delete_bad_1_2_4_index_key(); $this->version125 = $this->check_version_125(); $this->version126 = $this->check_version_126(); $this->version127 = $this->check_version_127(); $this->version130 = $this->check_version_130(); $this->version1301 = $this->check_version_1301(); $this->version1302 = $this->check_version_1302(); $this->version135 = $this->check_version_135(); $this->version136 = $this->check_version_136(); $this->version137 = $this->check_version_137(); $this->version138 = $this->check_version_138(); // if ($this->version103 == true) $retVal = '1.0.3'; // if ($this->version104 == true) $retVal = '1.0.4'; if ($this->version110 == true) $retVal = '1.1.0'; if ($this->version111 == true) $retVal = '1.1.1'; if ($this->version112 == true) $retVal = '1.1.2 or 1.1.3'; if ($this->version114 == true) $retVal = '1.1.4'; if ($this->version1141 == true) $retVal = '1.1.4-patch1'; if ($this->version120 == true) $retVal = '1.2.0'; if ($this->version121 == true) $retVal = '1.2.1'; if ($this->version122 == true) $retVal = '1.2.2'; if ($this->version123 == true) $retVal = '1.2.3'; if ($this->version124 == true) $retVal = '1.2.4'; if ($this->version125 == true) $retVal = '1.2.5'; if ($this->version126 == true) $retVal = '1.2.6'; if ($this->version127 == true) $retVal = '1.2.7'; if ($this->version130 == true) $retVal = '1.3.0'; if ($this->version1301 == true) $retVal = ''; if ($this->version1302 == true) $retVal = ''; if ($this->version135 == true) $retVal = '1.3.5'; if ($this->version136 == true) $retVal = '1.3.6'; if ($this->version137 == true) $retVal = '1.3.7'; if ($this->version138 == true) $retVal = '1.3.8'; return $retVal; } function check_version_110() { global $db_test; // first test to see if they have run the 1.1 upgrade script (v1.0.4 to v.1.1.1) $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "files_uploaded'"); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '104-Table (should be 1) = '. $tables->RecordCount() .'
'; if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { return true; } } //end of 1.1.0 check function check_version_111() { global $db_test; // test to see if they have run the 1.1 -> 1.1.1 bugfix update $got_v1_1_1 = false; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'CATEGORIES_COUNT_ZERO'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'v111-count (should be 1) =' . $result->fields['count'] .'
'; if ($result->fields['count'] > '0') { $got_v1_1_1 = true; } return $got_v1_1_1; } //end of 1.1.1 check function check_version_112() { global $db_test; // test to see if they have run the 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 update $ccmodule_installed='false'; $got_v1_1_2 = false; $sql = "SELECT configuration_value FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if ($result->RecordCount()>0 && $result->fields['configuration_value'] == 'True') { $ccmodule_installed = 'true'; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration WHERE configuration_key = 'MODULE_PAYMENT_CC_STORE_NUMBER'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'v112-count=' . $result->fields['count'] .'(0 or 1 is okay)
'; if ($result->fields['count'] < 1 && $ccmodule_installed=='true') { $got_v1_1_2 = false; } else { $got_v1_1_2 = true; $zdb_ver = '1.1.2 or 1.1.3'; } return $got_v1_1_2; } //end of 1.1.2 check function check_version_113(){ // there were no critical SQL changes from v1.1.2 to v1.1.3 -- just to change a default, but such change shouldn't // be necessary if the installed shop/store is already functional, unless can't get free-shipping for 0-weight to work if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '113-unknown-no way to determine
'; } function check_version_114(){ global $db_test; // test to see if they have run the 1.1.2 -> 1.1.4 update $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . "customers_basket_attributes"; // could we use "describe" as well ? $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "114-fields (need products_options_sort_order) =" . $result->fields['Field'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == 'products_options_sort_order') { if ($result->fields['Type'] == 'text') { $got_v1_1_4 = true; } } $result->MoveNext(); } return $got_v1_1_4; } //end of 1.1.4 check function check_version_1141() { global $db_test; // test to see if they have run the 1.1.4 -> PATCH1 update $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SHIPPING_BOX_WEIGHT'"; // could use "describe" as well ? $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "114patch-fields=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Package Tare Small to Medium - added percentage:weight') { $got_v1_1_4_patch1 = true; } $result->MoveNext(); } return $got_v1_1_4_patch1; } // end 1.1.4-patch1 check function check_version_120() { global $db_test; // test to see if the v1.1.4->v1.2.0 upgrade has been completed //1st check for v1.20 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='TUTORIAL_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); $got_v1_2_0a = true; // set true -- if value found (but should be deleted), then set to false. while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "120a-configtitle=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] != '') { $got_v1_2_0a = false; } $result->MoveNext(); } //2nd check for v1.20 $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "product_type_layout'"); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '120b-Table= '. $tables->RecordCount() .'
'; if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { $got_v1_2_0b = true; } //3rd check for v1.20 $sql = "select configuration_group_title, configuration_group_description from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration_group WHERE configuration_group_id = '13'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "120c-cfggroup13=attrb ==" . $result->fields['configuration_group_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_group_title'] == 'Attribute Settings') { $got_v1_2_0c = true; } $result->MoveNext(); } //4th check for v1.20 $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . "categories"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "120d-fields=" . $result->fields['Field'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == 'categories_status') { if ($result->fields['Type'] == 'tinyint(1)') { $got_v1_2_0d = true; } } $result->MoveNext(); } //5th check for v1.20 $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . "customers"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "120e-fields=" . $result->fields['Field'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == 'customers_nick' || $result->fields['Field'] == 'customers_group_pricing' || $result->fields['Field'] == 'customers_email_format') { $got_v1_2_0e = true; } $result->MoveNext(); } //6th check for v1.20 $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . "products"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "120f-fields=" . $result->fields['Field'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == 'master_categories_id') { $got_v1_2_0f = true; } $result->MoveNext(); } //7th check for v1.2.0 $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "project_version'"); if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { $sql = "SELECT project_version_major, project_version_minor from " . DB_PREFIX . "project_version WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Main'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "120g-project_version=" . $result->fields['project_version_major'] . '.' . $result->fields['project_version_minor'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['project_version_major']=='1' && $result->fields['project_version_minor']>='2') $got_v1_2_0g = true; } //end project_version // evaluate all 6 checks if ($got_v1_2_0a && $got_v1_2_0b && $got_v1_2_0c && $got_v1_2_0d && $got_v1_2_0e && $got_v1_2_0f) { $got_v1_2_0 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'Got 1.2.0
'; } return $got_v1_2_0; } // end 1.2.0 check function check_version_121() { global $db_test; // test to see if the v1.2.0->v1.2.1 upgrade has been completed $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "project_version'"); if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { //1st check for v1.2.1 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX_ADMIN'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "121a-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->RecordCount()>0) $got_v1_2_1a = true; } //2nd check for v1.2.1 $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . "products_discount_quantity"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "121b-fields-'discount_qty'->FLOAT=" . $result->fields['Field'] . '->' . $result->fields['Type'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == 'discount_qty') { if (strtoupper($result->fields['Type']) == 'FLOAT') { $got_v1_2_1b = true; } } $result->MoveNext(); } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.2.1a='.$got_v1_2_1a.'
'; echo '1.2.1b='.$got_v1_2_1b.'
'; } // evaluate all 3 checks if ($got_v1_2_1a && $got_v1_2_1b) { $got_v1_2_1 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.1
'; } return $got_v1_2_1; } //end of 1.2.1 check function check_version_122() { global $db_test; // 1.2.2 checks $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "122a-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Send Copy of Order Confirmation Emails To') { $got_v1_2_2a = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.2
'; } return $got_v1_2_2a; } //end of 1.2.2 check function check_version_123() { global $db_test; //1st check for v1.2.3 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key = 'DEFAULT_ZERO_BALANCE_ORDERS_STATUS_ID'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "123a-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Default Order Status For Zero Balance Orders') { $got_v1_2_3 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.3
'; } return $got_v1_2_3; } //end of 1.2.3 check function check_version_124() { global $db_test; //1st check for v1.2.4 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='PRODUCTS_MANUFACTURERS_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "124a-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Manufacturers List - Verify Product Exist') { $got_v1_2_4 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.4
'; } return $got_v1_2_4; } //end of 1.2.4 check function delete_bad_1_2_4_index_key() { global $db_test; // THE FOLLOWING SIMPLY CHECKS FOR THE EXTRA INDEX KEY AND REMOVES IT: $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '".DB_PREFIX."project_version_history'"); if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . "project_version_history"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "INDEX TEST-'project_version_history'=" . $result->fields['Key_name'] . ' (vs project_version_key)' . '
'; if ($result->fields['Key_name'] == 'project_version_key') { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo 'Index on project_version_key found. Deleting.
'; $db_test->Execute("drop index project_version_key on " . DB_PREFIX . "project_version_history"); return true; } $result->MoveNext(); } } } function check_version_125() { global $db_test; //1st check for v1.2.5 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SESSION_IP_TO_HOST_ADDRESS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "125a-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'IP to Host Conversion Status') { $got_v1_2_5a = true; } $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='MAX_DISPLAY_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES_COLUMNS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "125b-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Maximum Display Columns Products to Multiple Categories Manager') { $got_v1_2_5b = true; } //3rd check for v1.2.5 $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '" . DB_PREFIX . "meta_tags_products_description'"); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '125c-Table= '. $tables->RecordCount() .'
'; if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { $got_v1_2_5c = true; } //4th check for v1.2.5 $sql = "show fields from " . DB_PREFIX . "whos_online"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "125d-fields-'user_agent'->VARCHAR=" . $result->fields['Field'] . '->' . $result->fields['Type'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Field'] == 'user_agent') { if (strstr(strtoupper($result->fields['Type']),'VARCHAR')) { $got_v1_2_5d = true; } } $result->MoveNext(); } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.2.5a='.$got_v1_2_5a.'
'; echo '1.2.5b='.$got_v1_2_5b.'
'; echo '1.2.5c='.$got_v1_2_5c.'
'; echo '1.2.5d='.$got_v1_2_5d.'
'; } // evaluate all 4 1.2.5 checks if ($got_v1_2_5a && $got_v1_2_5b && $got_v1_2_5c && $got_v1_2_5d) { $got_v1_2_5 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.5
'; } return $got_v1_2_5; } // end 1.2.5 check function check_version_126() { global $db_test; //check for v1.2.6 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='CATEGORIES_TABS_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "126-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Categories-Tabs Menu ON/OFF') { $got_v1_2_6 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.6
'; } return $got_v1_2_6; } // end 1.2.6 check function check_version_127() { global $db_test; //check for v1.2.7 $sql = "select configuration_description from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SHOW_VERSION_UPDATE_IN_HEADER'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "127a-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_description'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_description'] == 'Automatically check to see if a new version of Zen Cart is available. Enabling this can sometimes slow down the loading of Admin pages. (Displayed on main Index page after login, and Server Info page.)') { $got_v1_2_7a = true; } //check #2 $sql = "select configuration_description from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_BOX_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "127b-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_description'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_description'] == 'Shopping Cart Shows
0= Always
1= Only when full
2= Only when full but not when viewing the Shopping Cart') { $got_v1_2_7b = true; } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.2.7a='.$got_v1_2_7a.'
'; echo '1.2.7b='.$got_v1_2_7b.'
'; } // evaluate all 1.2.7 checks if ($got_v1_2_7a && $got_v1_2_7b) { $got_v1_2_7 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.2.7
'; } return $got_v1_2_7; } // end 1.2.7 check function check_version_130() { global $db_test; //1st check for v1.3.0 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "130a-configkey_check DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Define Breadcrumb Status') { $got_v1_3_0a = true; } //2nd check for v1.3.0 $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '".DB_PREFIX."ezpages'"); if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . "ezpages"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "1.3.0b-Index check on ezpages=" . $result->fields['Key_name'] . '->' . $result->fields['Column_name'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Column_name'] == 'pages_id') { $got_v1_3_0b = true; } $result->MoveNext(); } } //3rd check for v1.3.0 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='EZPAGES_STATUS_HEADER'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "130c-configkey_check=" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'EZ-Pages Display Status - HeaderBar') { $got_v1_3_0c = true; } //4th check for 1.3.0 $tables = $db_test->Execute("SHOW TABLES like '".DB_PREFIX."meta_tags_categories_description'"); if ($tables->RecordCount() > 0) { $sql = "show index from " . DB_PREFIX . "meta_tags_categories_description"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); while (!$result->EOF) { if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "1.3.0d-Index check on meta_tags_categories_description=" . $result->fields['Key_name'] . '->' . $result->fields['Column_name'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['Column_name'] == 'categories_id') { $got_v1_3_0d = true; } $result->MoveNext(); } } //5th check for v1.3.0 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='EMAIL_SEND_MUST_BE_STORE'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "130e-configkey_check EMAIL_SEND_MUST_BE_STORE =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Emails must send from known domain?') { $got_v1_3_0e = true; } //6th check for v1.3.0 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "130f-configkey_check IMAGE_USE_CSS_BUTTONS =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'CSS Buttons') { $got_v1_3_0f = true; } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.3.0a='.$got_v1_3_0a.'
'; echo '1.3.0b='.$got_v1_3_0b.'
'; echo '1.3.0c='.$got_v1_3_0c.'
'; echo '1.3.0d='.$got_v1_3_0d.'
'; echo '1.3.0e='.$got_v1_3_0e.'
'; echo '1.3.0f='.$got_v1_3_0f.'
'; } // evaluate all 1.3.0 checks if ($got_v1_3_0a && $got_v1_3_0b && $got_v1_3_0c && $got_v1_3_0d && $got_v1_3_0e && $got_v1_3_0f ) { $got_v1_3_0 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.3.0
'; } return $got_v1_3_0; } //end of 1.3.0 check function check_version_1301() { global $db_test; //1st check for v1.3.0.1 $sql = "select configuration_group_id from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SHOW_ACCOUNT_LINKS_ON_SITE_MAP'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "1301-configkey_check SHOW_ACCOUNT_LINKS_ON_SITE_MAP =" . $result->fields['configuration_group_id'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_group_id'] == '19') { $got_v1_3_0_1 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '
'; } } return $got_v1_3_0_1; } //end of check function check_version_1302() { global $db_test; //1st check for v1.3.0.2 $sql = "select sort_order from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SHOW_ACCOUNT_LINKS_ON_SITE_MAP'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "1302-configkey_check SHOW_ACCOUNT_LINKS_ON_SITE_MAP =" . $result->fields['sort_order'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['sort_order'] == 115) { $got_v1_3_0_2 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '
'; } } return $got_v1_3_0_2; } //end of check function check_version_135() { global $db_test; $got_v1_3_5 = false; $got_v1_3_5a = false; $got_v1_3_5b = false; //1st check for v1.3.5 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='PRODUCT_LIST_PRICE_BUY_NOW'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "135a-configkey_check PRODUCT_LIST_PRICE_BUY_NOW =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Display Product Add to Cart Button (0=off; 1=on; 2=on with Qty Box per Product)') { $got_v1_3_5a = true; } //2nd check for v1.3.5 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='PRODUCT_LIST_ALPHA_SORTER'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "135b-configkey_check PRODUCT_LIST_ALPHA_SORTER =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Include Product Listing Alpha Sorter Dropdown') { $got_v1_3_5b = true; } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.3.5a='.$got_v1_3_5a.'
'; echo '1.3.5b='.$got_v1_3_5b.'
'; } // evaluate all 1.3.5 checks if ($got_v1_3_5a && $got_v1_3_5b ) { $got_v1_3_5 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.3.5
'; } return $got_v1_3_5; } //end of 1.3.5 check function check_version_136() { global $db_test; $got_v1_3_6 = false; $got_v1_3_6a = false; $got_v1_3_6b = false; //1st check for v1.3.6 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='META_TAG_INCLUDE_MODEL'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "136a-configkey_check META_TAG_INCLUDE_MODEL =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Meta Tags - Include Product Model in Title') { $got_v1_3_6a = true; } //2nd check for v1.3.6 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY_UPCOMING'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "136b-configkey_check SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_EMPTY_UPCOMING =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Show Upcoming Products on empty Shopping Cart Page') { $got_v1_3_6b = true; } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.3.6a='.$got_v1_3_6a.'
'; echo '1.3.6b='.$got_v1_3_6b.'
'; } // evaluate all 1.3.6 checks if ($got_v1_3_6a && $got_v1_3_6b ) { $got_v1_3_6 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.3.6
'; } return $got_v1_3_6; } //end of 1.3.6 check function check_version_137() { global $db_test; $got_v1_3_7 = false; $got_v1_3_7a = false; $got_v1_3_7b = false; //1st check for v1.3.7 $sql = "select configuration_description from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "137a-configdesc_check DEFINE_BREADCRUMB_STATUS =" . $result->fields['configuration_description'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_description'] == 'Enable the Breadcrumb Trail Links?
0= OFF
1= ON
2= Off for Home Page Only') { $got_v1_3_7a = true; } //2nd check for v1.3.7 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key='USE_SPLIT_LOGIN_MODE'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "137b-configkey_check USE_SPLIT_LOGIN_MODE =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Use split-login page') { $got_v1_3_7b = true; } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.3.7a='.$got_v1_3_7a.'
'; echo '1.3.7b='.$got_v1_3_7b.'
'; } // evaluate all 1.3.7 checks if ($got_v1_3_7a && $got_v1_3_7b ) { $got_v1_3_7 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.3.7
'; } return $got_v1_3_7; } //end of 1.3.7 check function check_version_138() { global $db_test; $got_v1_3_8 = false; $got_v1_3_8a = false; $got_v1_3_8b = false; //1st check for v1.3.8 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key = 'SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_COMBINED'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "138a-configtitle_check SHOW_SHOPPING_CART_COMBINED =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Show Notice of Combining Shopping Cart on Login') { $got_v1_3_8a = true; } //2nd check for v1.3.8 $sql = "select configuration_title from " . DB_PREFIX . "configuration where configuration_key = 'MAX_RANDOM_SELECT_FEATURED_PRODUCTS'"; $result = $db_test->Execute($sql); if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo "138b-configkey_check MAX_RANDOM_SELECT_FEATURED_PRODUCTS =" . $result->fields['configuration_title'] . '
'; if ($result->fields['configuration_title'] == 'Random Featured Products for SideBox') { $got_v1_3_8b = true; } if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) { echo '1.3.8a='.$got_v1_3_8a.'
'; echo '1.3.8b='.$got_v1_3_8b.'
'; } // evaluate all 1.3.8 checks if ($got_v1_3_8a && $got_v1_3_8b ) { $got_v1_3_8 = true; if (ZC_UPG_DEBUG==true) echo '
Got 1.3.8
'; } return $got_v1_3_8; } //end of 1.3.8 check } // end class ?>