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Tekst voetbal

Former England midfielder Paul Gascoigne delivered an early goal in his debut with Chinese B-league team Gansu Tianma on Saturday, shepherding his new club to its first win of the season before a sellout home crowd. "Gazza" played 85 minutes and said he felt "very good" about his performance in the 2-0 victory over the Qingdao-based Hailifeng. "I played better than my normal level and my teammates and I worked with each other quite well," he told Reuters by telephone from the western city of Lanzhou, where Gansu Tianma are based. Asked if he felt physically fit for the game, Gascoigne replied "Everything was fine." His goal came in the 14th minute, and greatly impressed team general manager Zhong Bohong. "It was really pretty," Zhong told Reuters. "He stole the ball in midfield,