Water projects around the world
Water projects around the world
More than one billion people do not have access to safe water and every day more than 4,000 children in developing countries die, because they do not have clean drinking water. Drinking contaminated water causes cholera and dysentery and more people die from diarrhea illnesses than from HIV/AIDS or malaria.
This fact is quite shocking considering that this is something we can prevent, simply by making a small contribution.
With your help, we can make a difference, globally and nationally.
This project will include explanations about drinking water organizations, drinking water projects, important influential people and the question: what can we do?
Water projects
Water Organizations
In 2003 Wellwater started with special bottles of water. Whenever you purchase a bottle of water with the Well logo on it, 25% of the profit will be send to Simavi, which is an organisation that specializes in placing wells in Africa and Asia. You can buy bottles of Well water in many different places (e.g. in a Supermarket or a Restaurant) , in different sizes (e.g. 0,5 L or 0,75 L) and with or without bubbles. Wellwater is part of the MVO (Corporate Social Responsibility), this means they try to find the balance between Planet, Profit and People. Wellwater believes that the ideas of MVO are very close to their own ideas and that the right balance leads to better results both in the company and outside the company. That is the reason they joined the MVO. Their slogan is: Feeling good by drinking Well, because when you drink Well you know that you help other people and its also healthy for yourself.
In 2004 Earthwater also started their own brand of water, from which they use the profit to help others. The Canadian Kori Chilibeck got the idea of starting Earthwater during one of his trips. During a trip on the Mount Everest he started talking with an old man, the man said that he gets 50 cent a day for transporting a back up the Mount Everest, which cost him 2 weeks. He did not know exactly what was in the back, but he said it was something he could never afford, when Kori looked in the back he saw cans of Coke, so people from e.g. Europe could also drink Coke on the Mount Everest. That was when Kori realized that organisations try to make money by using the poorest people in the world. It was then that he got the idea of using the profit of a company to help the people who need it, this was the beginning of Earthwater. After some research, Kori realized that the number one death cause was a lack of clean water. He spend 3 months discussing with the UNHCR, which eventually agreed to put their logo on Earthwater. He agreed that 100% of the profit would go to UNHCR, which UNHCR in turn will use to finance water projects. Kori borrowed money from his parents, used his own savings and started Earthwater, which led to selling his first bottle on the 29th of October 2004. That Earthwater came to Europe was just a coincidence, Patrick de Nekker from the Netherlands, happened to read an article about Earthwater when he was in Canada. He had full confidence in the concept of Earthwater and arranged a meeting with Kori. This meeting led to the start of Earthwater Europe, together with Henk Witteveen and Dimitri Schouten, Patrick started developing Earthwater for the Netherlands. They came up with the slogan You never drink alone and their efforts led to selling their first bottles on the 4th of July 2007. Nowadays Earthwater is also available in Portugal, Belgium, France and Germany and many others are believed to follow suit.
Childrens Safe Drinking Water (CSDW)
In 2004 the CSDW started, with as goal to provide clean drinking water to those who really need it. Every day 4,000 children die, because of a lack of clean drinking water, the CSDW wants to help these children, and with your help they can. Their main idea is to use PUR packages. With 1 packages of PUR, youre able to clean 10 litres of water, by just adding it and stirring. They work together with different organisations like the PSI, CARE, World Vision, Aquaya Institute and USAID, together with them and many other organisations they try to provide everyone with clean drinking water, by distributing packages of PUR all over the world. They already invested $25 Million in clean drinking water and already delivered 1.6 billion litres of clean drinking water. And now they have an even higher aim of 4 billion litres of clean drinking water by 2012.
The Water Project
The Water Project is an non-profit organisations, which aim is to give access to clean drinking water for everyone. The Water Project was started by Christians, because Jesus said Provide a cup of Cold Water and answer the needs of those who say Im thirsty. They started in August 2006, after hearing a first-hand report from friends in Kenya about the lack of clean drinking water. Important for them is that they work for everyone with everyone, their belief motivates their actions, but it does not limit their actions. They want to help you to help as much as you can, by making sure that donations are used as good as possible, to provide clean drinking water and restore hope. They work together with local Non-Governmental Organizations and currently concentrate on communities in Kenya, India and Sudan. For them partnerships are very important, and they plan to expand their partnerships significantly in 2010.
Water Projects around the world
Childrens Safe Drinking Water program
The Childrens Safe Drinking Water program is focused on reducing sickness and death resulting from drinking contaminated water.
The Childrens Safe Drinking Water program has delivered over 1.6 billion liters of clean drinking water and they are committed to delivering four billion liters by 2012.
Together with P&G, they have developed and financed the PUR packet.
P&G is committed to improving the lives of people around the globe, saving childrens lives and providing clean drinking water to as many people as possible. As the creator and producer of the PUR packets, P&G provides both its technical and financial support for this work. To date, P&G has invested more than $25 million toward clean drinking water.
Working with organizations such as CARE, World Vision, Aquaya Institute, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Save the Children and Americares, P&G helps distribute PUR packets to people in developing countries and emergency relief situations across the globe.
The PUR Packet.
A quick, simple and easy way to clean dirty water:
The PUR packet is an amazing innovation that quickly turns 10 liters of dirty, contaminated water into clean and drinkable water. And, because it is much smaller and easier to ship than plastic water bottles, anyone anywhere in the world can easily use it.
The PUR packet was developed by Procter & Gamble (P&G) in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Created to enable people anywhere in the world to purify dirty water in a simpler, more affordable and convenient way, the PUR packet is based on technology similar to water systems in developed countries.
Advantages of the PUR packets:
- PUR packets remove intestinal bacteria and intestinal viruses
- PUR packets remove dirt and other pollutants.
- PUR packets can be used to make clean drinking water for the entire family, including infants, and are considered an effective technology by the World Health Organization.
More than one billion liters of clean drinking water have been provided by global organizations using PUR packets including AmeriCares, CARE and World Vision.
Well Water Projects
By working together with Simavi there have been a lot of opportunities to set op projects in Africa and Asia. Some of these projects:
- In Oeganda are a lot of problems with health and hygiene so Well Water has set up 3 water tanks and 18 pumps.
- Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world and suffers from a lack of food. Well Water finances the pumps set up there.
- Bangladesh is also one of the poorest countries in the world and one of the most densely populated. So Well Water made a donation to Simavi to build 85 water supplies in Bangladesh.
There are a lot more places where Well Water made a contribution for water supplies. All about building pumps and water tanks and supplies.
Frank Water Projects
FRANK Water Projects funds facilities around the world that use the worlds most effective water filtering process. The facilities are community owned and run, with an emphasis on the projects being well sustainable into the future. So the facilities in the developing countries can work independent.
FRANK Water Projects has funded 32 clean water plants in India, reaching more than 220 thousand people. They have fund another 16 projects which were completed by March 2010.
Each project costs around 7,000 pounds and provides clean, safe drinking water for up to 7,000 people in the village and surrounding communities.
Once a project is set up, it is owned, run and maintained by the local community, with support workers on hand to provide advice when needed.
Local operators from that specific village are trained to operate and maintain the facility.
What can we do?
The Well Water project is very easy to support, since it is the purpose of the project that people buy bottles of water to support. More and more people are willing to buy durable products, which offers a great opportunity for selling bottles of Well Water. Since there is no money spend on expensive advertisement, and the production of the bottles is mainly sponsored, most of the money from the customers goes directly to the projects Well Water is connected with, which we think is very good. It gives both people in developing countries and in the Netherlands water. So the only thing that has to be done is instead of buying other mineral water, people have to buy Well Water.
The EarthWater project gives clean water. Not only to people in developing countries, but also in developed countries, by selling packets of water. They sell it in packets because that is more environment friendly The money they get for this is donated to different projects. Since EarthWater is an international organisation, the packets of water can be bought in 6 European countries and America. So even when people go on a holiday they still can support the EarthWater project by buying their water.
PUR is one of the most ambitious and gorgeous projects we found. But whats even better is that people who want to make a donation to support the PUR, can first buy a packet of PUR to see for themselves how it works. They are available on several sites, and with the easy instructions you can see this miracle yourself. You can also just make a donation. With 10 cents they can provide 1 person with 10 litres of water. With $30 they can provide an entire family with cleaned water for a year! To donate you just have to visit the site an click on the donate button. To buy a packet you can also visit the site. It is a real miracle to see, so be encouraged as to try it out yourself.
The Water Project has a huge amount of activities which can be done to support them. They provide things for all ages. The easiest is just make a simple donation. They will provide you with information about the project you donated to. If you sponsor an entire project they will, if you wish so, make a plaque with your name and place it there. We believe this encourages people more, because if their name gets connected to something, they feel proud of it. Children in schools also can get encouraged to raise money. On the site of the Water Project there are so called Water Challenges. These are projects which children can do to raise money, which they can donate on a project. They will stay informed about what happened to the money they raised and the building process and the final well. This gives children a view in how the wells are built and in the lives of the people who will use the well. We think this is really great, and that this connection with the sponsors will encourage more people to donate.
Influencial people
Jurriaan Kamp
Jurriaan Kamp is the founder of a Dutch magazine called Ode that publishes articles suited for intelligent optimists. Kamp often publishes his own views and opinions on areas such as science or business. Hes also the author of How Fifty Dollars Changes the World and Because People Matter in which he shows his incredible knowledge on the economic world. With this said, Jurriaan Kamp is known to be a very intelligent man who writes encouraging statements that inspire others to undertake actions. Hes pro-active and often travels across the globe to hold speeches on different important (global) issues or topics. In one of his latests trip to America, he originally planned on talking about Positive Chance. He decided to promote Earth Water as well (Dutch non-profit water organization) by mentioning them in his speech, explaining how the audience could contribute as well (he tagged along one of Earth Waters environmental friendly tetra package), and even advertised them for free in his Ode magazine. Hes very fond of this particular water project. Since he knows hes so influential , he used his qualities to offer help to Water Earth in reaching out to as many people possible and spreading awareness.
Project Water Projects made by:
Chantal Erkens
Youp Souren
Jordy Jacobs
Daily Krijnen