Current PHP version: ".phpversion()."
Current Revision Date: $date"); break; } } $date=date("l, F dS, Y \a\\t g:i a"); $server=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $msg="Here is the information submitted to $formName from $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR] on $date\r\n\r\n------------------------\r\n"; //...... Make sure we keep the variables $subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; $thankyoupage = $_REQUEST['thankyoupage']; $xmlFile = $_REQUEST['xmlfile']; $unreg = $_REQUEST['uR']; $email = $_REQUEST['eM']; if (file_exists($xmlFile)) { $fd = fopen(basename($xmlFile),'r'); while(!feof($fd)) { $contents .= fgets($fd,1024); } fclose($fd); } else { err("No <xml> data file found
Please upload the data xml file ".$_REQUEST['xmlfile']); } $file_info = preg_replace("/\r|\n/"," ",$contents); //...... Includes the form results in your thank you page $incresults = (preg_match('//',$file_info)); //...... Sends email of form results to the user $emailusr = (preg_match('//',$file_info)); preg_match('//',$file_info,$matches); $mailto = $matches[1]; preg_match('//',$file_info,$matches2); $thanksMsg = unhtmlentities($matches2[1]); preg_match('//',$file_info,$matches3); $backgroundclr = $matches3[1]; preg_match('//',$file_info,$matches4); $fontclr = $matches4[1]; preg_match('//',$file_info,$matches5); $autoresponse = $matches5[1]; if(!$thanksMsg) { $thanksMsg="Thank you for your form submission!"; } if(!$subject) { $subject="Form Submission"; } //...... Reversing array elements so they appear in correct form order $_REQVARS = array_merge($_POST,$_GET); //...... Delete them from the request array, we won't need //...... to send these in the actual email. unset($_REQVARS['thankyoupage']); unset($_REQVARS['subject']); unset($_REQVARS['mailto']); unset($_REQVARS['xmlfile']); unset($_REQVARS['thankyoumessage']); unset($_REQVARS['uR']); unset($_REQVARS['eM']); $addtoThank.="

Below is the information you submitted:

"; $txtmsg=$formName.'|'.date("Y-m-d H:i:s").'|'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'|'; $_REQVARS=array_reverse($_REQVARS); foreach($_REQVARS as $key=>$value) { $new1=str_replace("_"," ",$key); $msg .= "$new1: ".stripslashes($value)."\r\n\r\n"; $addtoThank.="$new1: ".stripslashes($value)."
"; $txtmsg .= "$new1: ".stripslashes($value)."|"; } $addtoThank.="

"; $addtoThank=str_replace("_"," ",$addtoThank); //...... Write to the text file here if ($saveFile != '[FILENAME]') { $fd = fopen($saveFile,"a+"); ccfputcsv($fd, $txtmsg); fclose($fd); } if($unreg == 'true') { $unregMsg="
Created with CoffeeCup Form Builder Download It Here
"; $msg .= "------------------------\r\n\r\nThis Form was sent to you using CoffeeCup Form Builder.\r\nPlease tell a friend about us: http://www.coffeecup.com/form-builder/\r\n"; } else { $unregMsg = ''; } $newMsg= $msg . $autoresponse; //...... Construct a proper mime/UTF-8 for extended ASCII, and internationalization $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n\r\n"; //...... If they specify "email" in their form, it will set the reply-to field. if($email) { $sentMail = mail($mailto,$subject,$newMsg,"Reply-To: $email\r\nFrom: $email\r\n$headers"); //...... MAIL TO USER if($emailusr) { mail($email,$subject,$newMsg,"Reply-To: $mailto\r\nFrom: $mailto\r\n$headers"); } } //...... Send email as regular web server user else { $sentMail = mail($mailto,$subject,$newMsg,$headers); } if (!$sentMail) err("Cannot send email!"); if(!$incresults) { $addtoThank=""; } if($thankyoupage) { header("Location: $thankyoupage"); } else { print <<<__EOT__ Form Submitted


__EOT__; } function err($string) { global $version; echo("


"); echo("

Either sendmail or smtp is not properly configured on your system.
Please contact your hosting provider to correct this problem.

"); exit(); } function ccfputcsv($handle, $mymsg) { fputs($handle, $mymsg."\n");//stripslashes(substr($str, 0, -1)) return strlen($mymsg); } function unhtmlentities($string) { $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl); return strtr($string, $trans_tbl); } ?>