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Chapter 2

     A man in complete black clothing, hidden in shadows sits with his miniture computer hooked to a huge mainframe in some dark room. Only seeable walls was one straight behind the man, it was an ancient looking stones, as if it was very old. The man layed his keyboard for the mainframe out and hooked the mini computer directly to it now, using the mini computer he was able to control the mainframe. A few key strokes of his fingers and thats when all the lights in the room flashed brightly on, nearly blinding and the man cringed before he slowly took off his hood, turning to the light, just before the hood was pulled down the same shining eyes that scared the night guard was shown. It was Miguel, but his face. It was very pale and his cheek had a bandage on it and his eyes were bloodshot under the glassy look. There was no hair and it looked as if he was at least fifty years old.
     "What'd Miss Profeta say?" A man who had been hidden by the shadows came out and smiled a toothy grin at Miguel. The grin would send chills down any mortal's spines but this grin, this grin wasn't being sent to a mortal.
     "She didn't know much more than I did. Though it does seem that the vigilante could very well be a shapeshifter. It'd explain why it is always different in most manners. That it possesses such strength too. I'm gonna try to filter things out of this tape and see what I can get. She gave me access to stuff from the last victims at the club. Brutal thing really." Miguel said as he placed his hand on his cheek and rubbed the bandage before he turned back to his computer, grabbed a pair of glasses and put them on. His fingers started to click so fast on the keys, as if they were part of him. He knew every key without looking and hit them so fast that the man standing next to him just stared. It was definitely sure why Miguel Alamilla VIII/Jr. was the one to come to, to get contacted with everything. Miguel started to tap his black boots against the table and thats when the other man noticed Miguel had slipped in earphones when he wasn't paying attention. Miguel was listening to some country oldies.
     "The man in black or toby?" The toothy grin came up again and when Miguel was jerked from his key stroking he turned to the man with a smile. He adjusted his glasses and pulled the jack out of the mainframe computer, the music blaring through the room. The room had to be in some kind of darkened sewer system, the doors were covered with barred gates and the floor had a bit of some kind of sewage, rats running around on the ground. Thats when the toothy grin started to be distracted, watching the rat while listening to the blaring music. It was the man in black. The one that really got the cash. Miguel went back to hitting the keys so fast that it was like he was playing music, the mainframe big screen was playing the video that had been cut by the killer, the camera may have been broken in ways but somehow he filtered out the video and the audio came in clearly. It sounded like a porno at the start but thats when the words got clearer. There was a girl's scream, while there was two others moaning. When filtering it out, it was obvious the girl that was hung got it first. The male got it second and the last female third. There was some very foul things shot in every direction. Then a very faint buzz, 'are you alright?' Miguel's eyes widdened when he heard that. It was the owner of the club, she heard what was happening but didn't go in until after it finished?

     "Seems like the owner is an accomplice. I love my technology. It is so fun to tinker with." Miguel turned his chair around with a smile, muting the music and noted that the man in with him was drinking the blood from a rat, the rat's body twisted in half nearly by the force of the bite. Miguel wasn't a vampire or blood demon but he knew the need for food, which reminded him. Miguel spun the chair back around and hit the keys again, so fast and thats when a drawer near him ejected open and there was a jar inside the makeshift drawer freezer. He pulled it out and inside was some redish-yellowish liquid, looking literally like slime. Inside that was something round and a pale pinkish color with that slime all over it. Miguel pulled it out of the jar, Miguel's eyes seemed to hunger more as he pulled it out and then in an instant he was devouring the pinkish 'meal', finishing up with it by drinking the slime from the jar. It looked like any mortal would throw up but when he closed it the man that was with him got sight of the sticker on the jar. 'Preservered Monkey Brain' was written on that sticker. Miguel put the jar back into the drawer and turned to the man who was giving him a face that seemed he was going to be sick.
     "If you throw up, please do it outside my chambers here, go out of the hall." Miguel said as he pointed to the barred gate with a key in it, it is the way Miguel came in and that the man had followed him in. When he went back to typing on the computer, after wiping his hands on a nearby towel, the man shook his head in protest that he was not going to throw up anywhere. The man hopped up on the desk near Miguel's mainframe computer and started back to his proposal. He placed a contract near Miguel and started to speak in his normal formal english accent.
     "My friend, Miguel." He said with a smile before he started to continue with his proposal. "Will you locate the lady known as Harmony Merlo for me? She is a witch and she has been sending alot of the demons, ghost variety, off and using her powers in front of mortals. I know it isn't quite illegal for witches to pass off as if anyone can do it and only one who can do it but I do wish to have a talk with her. She needs to make sure she knows everything, I don't know if Miss Ely told her about the witchcraft laws." He said as he went into his jacket pocket. It was a very expensive business suit, there was a briefcase near the desk he had hopped up on, a solid gold watch on his wrist and he smiled as he kicked his other leg up over his own, pure leather shoes in Miguel's face. The man pulled out a pen and put it on the paper and he also pulled out a cigarette, snapped his bird finger and thumb together. The snap caused his thumb to light up with a small flame like a lighter would light up with, he lit his cigarette and grinned.
     "Do you wish to accept my contract?" The man asked with a grin that showed he was lying in some ways why or reasons for him wanting Miguel to sign the contract. Miguel adjusted his glasses as he looked over the contract paper and shook his head in disapproval.
     "Do you always try to make people sign over their soul, mister Lucifer Gorman?" Miguel snickered and Lucifer replied simply knowing exactly what Miguel meant, knowing also that he couldn't hide that fact.
     "So I guess I do," Lucifer said shrugging his shoulders, "I know I'm not the devil but at least I try to be as bad as I can. It is in my nature to be a demon. I'm a blood demon afterall, I feed like vampires but I also love to feed off the souls, just recently there was some gangster punk that came to me asking to kill the president of demons, too bad for him he didn't know I was an employer of the spokesman for us demons. How is your great great grandfather doing, Miguel?"

     Lucifer stood up and adjusted his business suit from cuffs to waist and back up to his lapel. The business suit was of a gray color, with gold outlinings. A pure leather belt with two pocketed places, one for his cell phone and the other for his cards and wallet. This Lucifer just screamed rich bitch. He had even his briefcase with gold trimming. He grabbed his briefcase and smiled with his solid red eyes at Miguel, putting his sunglasses back on.
     "He is doing very well, leading us livingly challenged children of his very well. How is Mister Nagel? He hasn't contacted me in quite awhile, I'm surprised. He use to contact me constantly, asking for small favors." Miguel said as he pulled his glasses of, closed one of the ends and hooked the other on his shirt, after unzipping his long coat just to show a bit of his black shirt.
     " didn't hear? He gave some other demon the reigns now and they are his 'son', so now it is Mister Nagel Junior." Lucifer said as he flicked his lapel a bit and checked his watch, it was still morning outside and he was getting very impatient. He hated the sun and it messed with all his powers, if he was a different kind of demon it wouldn't have such a strong effect but blood demons are very similar to vampires. Miguel was effected extremely by the sun as well, so they both would bunk together at times. This was actually Miguel's chambers and there were a few of his kind down here in their own rooms but none had a setup as big as Miguel, the wall behind the computers was a screen that covered all of the wall, on the sides of that on the other walls were huge speakers and he had the latest top of the art computer, hacking software and everything. No one could trace his IP or anything, even if they tried. If they somehow located the IP and started towards it, they'd have to get through so many firewalls and deactivate a counter attack that would cause their computers to be infected with a virus that wipes their harddrive completely. No one could touch Miguel's setup.
     "No, I didn't hear that. I just talked to Nagel not that long ago, why did he resign?" Miguel asked as he put his glasses back on and started to type once more on the computer, sending an e-mail to Velia on his new findings. Lucifer just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, he had no idea why that happened.
     "Honestly? I was never told. Mister Nagel said he was going to take a vacation, break from ruling and trusted this new ruler to take over. Personally, I'm disappointed. I much perfered Mister Nagel, he was less psychotic than this new one. Nagel had class, like myself." Lucifer let off a laugh that sounded as if it came from some snob that would probably pass Miguel with his or her's nose up in the air, refusing to even look at him. Miguel couldn't help but chuckle lightly and shake his head.
     "You have class but no respect for my property." Miguel said as he tossed ashes onto the floor, "if you burn my desk or anything in here. You're going to be giving me your gold watch as repayment until you can gather the cash to replace it. This is thousands of dollars work. It took me nearly five hundred years to gather the cash to build this system. I built it from scratch, another reason no one can hack it. It is unique." Miguel said as he bent down and pulled a rat off the shelf just below the computer desk and put it near the ashes, the rat started to eat the ashes and then the rat's eyes flashed red. It wasn't an ordinary rat but what kind of rat it was, was still unsure to all but Miguel.
     "Excuse my manners," Lucifer said, giving a slight bow in respect. "I usually bring my own ashtray, or burn them to nothing myself. Never leave such a mess."
     "You always leave that mess here Lucifer." Miguel said with a scoff and shaking of his head again before he adjusted his glasses back again, returning to trying to find more on the vigilante killer. He had many assumptions, different scenarios and suspects but none with anything concrete. He gave many different things but the only thing he sent to Velia was simple. Lucifer had bailed while he was starting to write the e-mail to go check on other of Miguel's kind. Lucifer enjoyed one fact about Miguel, he was taller than him by nearly a foot, clocking in at six foot, eight. As well as Lucifer didn't look it but he had muscles of a two hundred pound man that was solid muscles. Much stronger than Miguel but never did Miguel become scared of Lucifer. It was actually rather pleasant.

Subject: You may like this, not 'Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages!'

Dear Velia,

     I checked over your things and I was able to get some more assumptions but the only real hard evidence, which I'm sending in this e-mail now to you is this. I was able to filter out the video static, adjust it so each voice was seperate and the first scream came from the girl in the corner while the other two seem to be having intercourse or are at least too distracted to notice it isn't a pleasure scream. The next scream comes from the male and then minutes later the girl. The second most interesting and harder evidence than you have is this, the owner buzzed down to the four, she has to have known their was ruckess while she stated to you that she didn't know until later. If she would have checked she would have found that the killer was still there. There were quotes such as the vigilante praying to God and praying for their sins. He mentions their sins even. Prostitution, drug dealing and having no regards for their bodies before marriage. This vigilante is very extreme on his religion and he truly does believe he is doing God's work. There is no doubt about that, if you have any servalance on any other thing, can you forward the videos to me? My e-mail as you know is

Signed, your best contact ever,
Miguel Alamilla The VIII
1: TheScreams.mp3
2: TheCommuncatiorPanel.mp3
3: FirstKill.mp3
4: SecondKill.mp3
5: ThirdKill.mp3
6: FullSoundsWithoutStatic.mp3'

     "Are you seriously telling me, that some man appeared out of light and then the next thing you know you are subdued without even being harmed?" Benjamin said in a very firm tone as he slammed his right hand down onto the table while he stared down one of the bank robbers, a male of not older than twenty-two, brown short hair and a piercing in his nose and ears. The guy's eyes were different colors, one brown while the other being more bluish. The man was in simple rags currently due to the bank job but he said he was actually usually dressed more fancy, how that was relevant to his case, Benjamin doesn't know. The man had his hands cuffed in front of him on the table, hands on a cup of coffee. His ankles were cuffed to the chair and Benjamin had given him a smoke, lighted it for him and even tossed the ashes off into the ashtray in front of him for him at times when he couldn't due to the cuffs hurting or just the fact he didn't want his hands to move. The bank robber's head just nodded a simple yes, no words replied.
     "Explain it one more time, slowly and from the start." Benjamin said as he sighed, slumping his body down into the chair across from the robber, his baseball cap back, his badge showing currently out, pinned to his shirt and the sunglasses firmly on his face. The bank robber seemed annoyed but could understand how far fetched this sounded, but he saw it himself.
     "I was talking to Debra and pulled her sister to the phone to scream, just as I did this a light came barreling through the back door, just like an orb of light and all of the sudden I fell backwards and face first on the floor. The next thing I saw when I opened my eyes was that a man in some old greek looking clothing, he was in a white robe like thing that was tied with a gold colored rope around the waist and then under the bottom of it seemed to be a thin white pants, I guess he didn't want his dick hanging out. He wore these freaky ass wooden sandals and I swear I wasn't sure at first if it was a he or she because it just had some kind of femine look to it but the voice was very manly to me. When I scanned my eyes a bit more and focused I could make more of a description out of him, he had long blond hair, it seemed to go down just below his breasts and the eyes were such a heavenly bright blue. You could get lost in that guys trance, I swear he had some kinda magic to him. His voice came out about God and all, there was no doubt he had an Italian accent, I was born and raised in Italy." The man paused and took a few sips of coffee, trying to recollect the rest of it but it was locked in his mind so much. He could've swore it happened a couple minutes ago. "He was standing at least six feet tall. Yes six foot, three inches or so. My friend is six foot four and he was just slightly taller than the man. He called himself Saint Hyacinth, an angel from God. His skin was perfectly white and tan combination, almost like he was molded from perfect skin, a shine to it. His eyes gave that same shine. He couldn't have weighed more than one hundred pounds, he reminded me of that cartoon of hercules, skinny runt of a demi-god. Ya know who I mean?"
     The man took more sips of coffee as he waited for Benjamin's anwser and all Benjamin could do was keep the recorder going and rubbed his temples, it was so far fetched. He wished Velia was still on the police force with him, after two years here she went into homicide and was promoted while Benjamin was left behind as chief of police and probably would never be promoted higher. He wanted homicide just as bad as she did. Though he hadn't been promoted in nearly ten years now. He loved his job, he won't deny that but he thinks homicide gets to do more, gets to help more.

     "Yes," Benjamin sighed, the tone showed annoyance but kept in check annoyance. "My little girl loves that cartoon. So you're saying you think this man that did this was some kind of demi-god from Greek mythology?"
     "I know you think I'm crazy but the man told me all about himself while my friends were tied and subdued. It was mere seconds I swear but he gave me nearly a life story. Gave me the message." The robber paused and stared at Benjamin who just as he opened his mouth the bank robber cut him off to anwser the question before continuing any further. "The message was simple, cherish life. God watches over you and that Hyacinth was sent to tell me this, that I shouldn't result to crime no matter how bad life comes my way. Life only happens once in this mortal shell, I must make it count. You see? I'll atone for my crimes. I'll listen to it. Give me a paper to sign and I can give you a signed confession, I'd like the term to be as short as possible. I want to try to become a priest later, to show other young ones that are lost, the true way. That you shouldn't ever risk such drasitic things and life should be spent with the ones you love, the things you love doing and not trying to be the best. I have a family that loves me, I should focus on that. Do good, not threaten lives that are so precious."
     "Then sign here." Benjamin said as he pulled the paper confession around and pointed a couple things out. "You admit that the other two are also accomplices and you will get off more, sign both lines to confirm that. As well as if you would try to take that description and see if you can get a sketch artist to draw him, to see if we can find him. I'd like to make sure this 'angel of God' is not the vigilante killer."
     "No!" The robber said as he finished signing the confession. His tone showed disgust at Benjamin, as if he wanted to kill him for trying to do something so bad to a pure angel. "I refuse to help you try to send one of God's angels to jail."
     "I won't throw him in jail if he checks out, hell, if he checks clean than he will even get thanks and public recognition for it. Maybe even cash or an honorary officer of the law. It was very foolish of him angel or not to go in there, but I thank him in ways as that means we got in before any hostage was dead." Benjamin said honestly as he stared at the robber with honest eyes, he showed he meant it and wasn't going to throw an innocent man in jail.
     "Okay," The robber said with a long pause before he continued, almost as if he was unsure if he should do it or not. "I'll go to the sketch artist but promise me, make a paper contract like my confession that you sign, that the state signs or I won't do it! That he won't go to jail unless he is caught with hard evidence, not just cause you don't believe he is an angel."
     "I can't..." Benjamin was cut off by the man's voice again, louder than Benjamin's to point that he wasn't done yet and very serious on the matter.
     "I can tell you don't believe he is an angel but if you heard him speak, heard that tone, knew him for just two minutes. You'd believe in it. I never believed in angels or God after what happened but now, now I believe. I want to make up for that and I won't be if I condemn an angel of God to jail!" The robber said in his serious tone before pausing and waiting for Benjamin's words.
     "Okay, I'll see what I can do. If he comes up red handed though, we have to put him in jail. That will have to be a clause in it. No buts about that." The robber just replied with a nod, knowing it was true but knew that the angel would not come up red handed. Benjamin slowly continued as he went to the door to go see what he could do, "It may be a few hours or more before I can even see if it is possible. Keep the image in your mind, very good. No forgetting!"
     "Of course, no one could forget their guardian angel." The robber said with a smile as he brushed at his hair with both cuffed hands and then went to take another sip of coffee. Another cop came in to watch the interrigation room with the prisoner inside. Benjamin still didn't believe the story but he just assumes that robber is on something like cocaine or meth or some kind of massive drug or maybe all the drugs he could find, making him really messed senses. It'd explain everything but Benjamin saw the man named Hyacinth too and honestly he wasn't able to give such a description but the Greek thing was very true. He looked like he was some kinda man from Greek.

     "Benjamin sir," A female officer said as she came into his office with a cordless police phone and put it up, waiting for his anwser to her continued question, "You have a call."
     "Who is it?" Benjamin asked with a tilted head as he was already on the phone, he held the phone's mouth piece to keep his voice away from the higher ups while they explained if they could or couldn't and what to write down for him to sign. "Yes, I'm here. Just talking to someone else, I apparently have a call too. Sorry, go on."
     "It is from the police in the town over, they say they found two bodies on the outskirts of our city. The officer said his chief wants Benjamin Voss and Velia Profeta there, A-SAP!" The female officer said in a quiet yet firm voice so she could be heard, she was slightly scared he'd be mad that she interupted him.
     "Tell him, I'll be leaving here in an hour at worst, also get the directions for me." Benjamin said while he held the mouth piece again before letting go and watching the female officer leave before he continued speaking to the higher up. "Yes, thats what he is asking. He wants assurance that unless we have evidence we can't jail the 'angel' if we find it. I can write up a binding contract of that then? Thank you, sir. Yes sir, I'll go about getting it done up so he can sign and start that sketch soon as I get off the phone asshole." He ended it with as the department higher than him hung up without even a good bye. He really did hate the stuck up bastard cops that were around. A cop higher than you always thought they were better than you, so they always snubbed you. Benjamin and Velia, however, never did that and they were the few rares that don't do it. His green and blue mixed eyes were staring at the door, took a swig of his coffee, adjusting his sunglasses and finally getting up to go to the door.
     'Another days work, another dead man or two. I wonder if Velia is having any luck.' He thought just as his cellphone rang and he shook his head. 'Speaking of the devil.' He added in his thoughts as he flipped it open, hit talk and listened to her voice.
     "Yes, this is Benjamin Voss. Only I use my cellphone, stop acting like other officers anwser it too." He said with a laugh as he went to another officer and asked them to start typing up that contract so that the robber would give the sketch. He turned to the officer, holding his hand over the mouth piece of his cellphone. "Make sure the man signs it and gives the artist the description for the sketch. I gotta get out to the new location, new body for the vigilante case I assume."
     Benjamin cringed as he heard Velia shouting at him for not listening to her and when he finally adjusted himself and said he was listening he let out a very heavy sigh that even the officer next to Velia heard it. She had told him of the owner possibly being an accomplice and that she should be brought in for questioning. Benjamin ordered two officers to go pick her up and when he got back he'd do the investigating. While rubbing his left temple and holding the phone to his right ear, he started to talk to Velia about the possibly new vigilante victim.
     "On the outskirts is two new bodies, I got a call from the other department saying it was going to be our district, even though it isn't. It has to be that or they are just trying to blow some more bodies on us and more work for us." Benjamin said the last part jokingly with a slight laugh. Benjamin listened to her speech of 'don't touch anything until I'm there' and hung up with a simple, "Love ya." Benjamin had alot of work to do and he wasn't even primary on the case. Benjamin rushed to his car as some tow truck was towing it away. Benjamin's expression held anger, annoyance and the fact he knew it wasn't illegal. His beautiful red sports car was going to the impound. Benjamin cursed the name of God and slammed his foot down hard when another cop came out of the parking garage, he flagged him down and got a ride out to the outskirts of town.
     "Thanks Joe, I can't believe the nerve of the tow truck, they towed my car!" Benjamin said just to vent more and to another person who agreed completely. Everyone on the force knew Benjamin's parking spot and knew he parked legally in the special spot that normally would be illegal but it was made to assure him a spot up front always. One perk of his rank.

     A furry orange body of a tabby cat slouched down on a beautiful crimson bed. When all of the sudden the bed moved, the cat fell off face first into the lap of Harmony and it looked up with a slight hiss.
     "You could've kept your head still, I'm not that fat." Jacob said with a snicker as he made a burrow in her lap, circling repeatedly, scratching at her legs and then laying down. Harmony just gave him a glare that if looks could kill, Jacob would be dead. Harmony readjusted her hair and held onto her necklace.
     "Even in the sun it is cold out here." She said shivering while she rubbed her sleevelessed arms. Her surroundings involved the sun above, hitting down on the perfectly green grass of a park. A swing, sandbox and many other kid things that made the park so fun for them. It wasn't fun for her, she hated resting outside. She was tempted to use her wealth from the last job of expelling that perverted ghost to get a hotel room for two nights, using it all on that. She didn't make alot during the days and she had been kicked out of her fellow witch's house when he got a girlfriend, as the girlfriend had thought Harmony and him were messing around. It just made Harmony even more angry that she did tap into the dark magic of witchery and give the man a curse, he wouldn't be satisfying her anytime soon, maybe when they invent extention sticks. She let off a slight snicker at that thought. She wasn't so vicious with her magic but he promised to give her a home until she could afford one herself and soon as he got promised a girl, he kicked her out. Nothing is as bad as a woman scorned.
     "You should've found some lonely drunk and asked to spend the night, not that you want to do him or anything, just find a room. I bet many guys would be happy to give you a bed to sleep in, even if it is their own." Jacob snickered as he lifted his head and stared Harmony in the eyes.
     "I'm not going to use my body to better your life and didn't you just get done saying you were a Saint awhile ago? What Saint uses the term 'not that you want to do him or anything'," she said with a raised eyebrow and an accusing glance. Almost as if she had been calling him out on that one, and indeed she did. All he did was lay his head back down and close his eyes, giving off a slight scuff at that comment. It was then that some beautiful young girl came up to them, she had locks of gold, the hair curling from her shoulders up, almost like spiraling hair. She had a pink dress on and little pink high heels, she couldn't have been over seven years old and she bent down near the cat.
     "Can I pet it?" She asked with an innocent and sweet smile, her hand up as if to wait for the okay or denial of it. Harmony gave a glance to Jacob who just cringed before Harmony said yes. The child sat down next to Harmony, nearly hugging against her and started petting and kissing the cat until Jacob got up and moved into the little girl's lap, she was scratching behind his ear and giving him attention Harmony hadn't been. He was enjoying this, she wasn't pulling his ears or anything like other kids of her age did. Jacob started to lick the girl's hands and thats when she giggled, turning to Harmony and smiling.
     "My name's Nicki, I was visited by an angel last night!" She said, Harmony just dismissed the thought as if it was a child's story. It was only when her father came over and sighed, his expression alot less troubled than it was the night before, had she seemed to see the saint's effect on them. He was so relieved and happy now his daughter was okay, it had lifted all the trouble from his shoulders. He dressed in blue jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirt with a black jacket.

     "Is my little Nicki bothering you? She has had so much energy since last night, with the cancer gone, she seems to be on permanant batteries." Fred said with a laugh as he knelt down and put his arms out. Nicki slowly moved Jacob to Harmony's lap and rushed over into her father's arms, holding him close. Harmony shrugged her shoulders slightly as Jacob went over and followed Nicki, who then readjusted to scratch behind Jacob's ears, the licking recommencing.
     "My name is Harmony Merlo, his name is Jacob." She said gesturing towards the orange puff ball. "No your little girl isn't bothering me at all, she seems like a very sweet little girl." Harmony looked up at the sky and started to rub her upperarms again. Thats when Nicki tugged at her father's jacket and yanked it until he took it off, she carried it to Harmony and handed it to her with those same sweet beautiful blue eyes. Harmony turned to see and looked at her father before she took the jacket, after him giving her a nod of his head. She swung it around herself and put it on, warming her up nearly instantly, purely from the man's warmth on the jacket already and now the fact that Nicki was leaning up against her too.
     "I think your daughter wants to adopt me," Harmony said with a small laugh. She made sure to keep her attention on Nicki, she loved kids in a way but never wanted to be near them, scared they'd be hurt in her line of work or because of some strength freak witchcraft accident. She was only a witch in training, why she still had Jacob, and she worried she'd mess up. She even made sure her baby sister was left with her mother and all, making sure they took care of her even though her baby sister wanted to come with Harmony and actually had the okay if she agreed. Though now she knew it was great she didn't let her sister break her, if she did, then she'd be living on the street next to her.
     "I'm Fred," He said putting out his hand to shake Harmony's hand, who kindly returned the gesture, and then he finally continued. "I haven't seen you around here much, do you live around here?" He asked simply as he stared at his daughter who had seemed to be trying to warm the girl up but when she got bored, started to pester the cat. Though the attention was good attention in the eyes of the cat and thats all he cared about, Jacob lifted his paw and seemed to guide Nicki's hand to his ear. She scratched happily and kissed the top of the cat's head.
     "I don't have a home around here, I'm traveling by foot. My friend kicked me out when there was relationship strife with his girlfriend thinking me of his mistress." Harmony said coldly, her eyes squinted and eyebrows crossed together. It was obvious she held hatred for that so called friend. The man smiled softly at her and looked to Nicki whose eyes seemed to sparkle, and then back at Harmony.
     "I have a spare bed, you can sleep on it if you like. I don't mind and I'm sure Nicki would love to have a lady in the house, she kinda gets bored of my sports talk and cars talk." Fred's lips twitched a bit before he bursted out in laughter at his joke. He just simply meant that Nicki really didn't have alot of time with girls, only one she really stuck around was that of the next door neighbor. Harmony hesitated, looking at Jacob and before she could look back to Fred. He spoke, saying he would be able to get a litterbox and cat food for the cat.
     "I..." Harmony hesitated yet again to anwser when Nicki leapt up and grabbed Harmony in a huge hug. She said that she should, Harmony was very hesitant but agreed due to the little girl. She didn't like though going with strangers. Nicki and Fred, she may know the names but she didn't really know them. The main reason was to hear more of this 'angel.'

     Velia looked up at the night sky, it was racing to become night before they ever knew it. It hadn't quite broken night yet but it was dark enough to consider it to be night time. One star in the sky able to be seen while on the other side of the world, way off there was a slight burning lowering until it wouldn't be in sight anymore. Velia had been running scenarios in her mind of why the owner had lied to them, does she connect with the rest and is this one killer or multiple killers? She kept her thoughts in checked though as she tightened the gloves on her hand, taking the light in her mouth she bent down at the body. She put her hands around, trying to find any sign of what could've happened beside their insides being pulled out and ripped to shreds. She put the flashlight back in her left hand and started to point to a simple cop.
     "Give me any information on the victim as you can, take pictures and send them all to my e-mail address." She paused as she started to head towards the car. "Damn, he is that fancy Tadhg guy from the estate just down the road from here. He had to have been coming home from how the car was. I assume the other is his driver?" Velia said in her matter of fact tone, she knew fancy nobleman like that never drove themselves, half the time they didn't know how to drive. She popped the car door open to find the keys inside the ignition, that the glass had been smashed in, in a circular shape and then the rest is scattered. Almost like something punched the car, if his impact went out. The glass would have went with him mostly. Something broke it from the other side or the scene isn't quite as it shows to be. She turned to look at the on coming traffic to see Benjamin coming towards them in his car.
     "About time you show up Benny." Velia said as she noted a piece of hair on the glass where there was some blood. She took out a tweasers and slowly with her delicate fingers, plucked it up and put it in a bag. As well as she took a swab, the bag and wiped the blood to see if they could find a match for it. She was beginning to believe it was in her mind, the vigilante but it wasn't going to be human. It couldn't have been and before Benjamin could reem her out for calling him Benny, a officer shouted.
     "Miss Profeta! I found something sharp over here." The officer said over towards the other body, his arm outstretched and index finger pointing straight to some curved-like dagger. Velia used her gloves, making sure they were tight and picked it up and put it in another bag.
     "What is it?" The officer asked as he took a picture of it, the flash nearly blinding Velia. She turned to him, rubbing her eyes with her arm and sighing. She ignored him until Benjamin came over, she was ticked that he flashed her with that damn camera light.
     "Looks like a giant snake fang or some giant claw. Never seen an animal that'd pull that off, it'd explain why he is ripped apart." Benjamin said as he stared at it, while his eyes were locked on it, she put it away and jerked his gaze back to reality. His mind couldn't stop thinking of what it could be. It was when she elbowed him in the gut really though that his mind snapped back with his gaze.
     "It is probably some animal the vigilante used or came afterwards. I could also possibly be some kind of vigilante tribe, weapons made of animal teeth, claws, armor of furs. It hasn't happened in a long time but who knows what the twenty-first century holds for us or the twenty-second century." She said softly in confusion but her mind kept to what it could be. It had to be part beast, that knocked out three of two possiblities of what it could be. Now it was more or less the what could it be? She gave the go ahead to take the bodies back and headed for her car, when Benjamin followed and got in the passenger seat she dropped her head down to the wheel.
     "Why are you following me now?" She asked as she slowly let her gaze look up at the civilianly dressed chief in her passenger seat. Benjamin just smiled before he tilted his head before speaking.
     "I know you Velia, you know stuff that I don't. Spill it. What is up with this vigilante stuff? Off the record and job. Is armageddon coming or something?"
     "I don't know anything you don't, I've told you everything I've ever found out with this. I told you the owner was in on it possibly from the moment I found out, I told you everything, so please don't give me the 'you're hidding the real stuff' shit, I'm sick of it." Velia said as she started the car and put it into drive. She turned to him and then to the door, she pretty much said with one look, 'get out now' and he knew better than to deny it but he also knew she was lying. She could never lie to him and she knew that too, which is why she got even more annoyed by him.

     A young man dressed in a eighteenth century clothing was in front of a big tower, shaped similar like a lighthouse but without the top light. It was some type of lookout tower and inside from the angle the man could see the spiralling staircase. The man was straight out of the eighteenth century with the brown to tan coat that stopped at his waistline and his the coat seemed to have the front and sides cut away as the only visable part of the coat was the back and it was cut into the shape of a upside down V which hung just below his waistline. His under shirt was white with a black vest, white ruffles at his wrists. The man wore a white wig over his bald head and had thin wire-like glasses that were twisted and held by some type of rope in the middle. He had heard tales of the tower, that the ghost of the countess of Paris haunted its floors and being dared to travel in, if it was true, he was cannon fodder. The man, however, was nervous but didn't believe in ghosts so he entered the tower, heading up the stairs and soon as he got to the top room it seemed to be a old library, countless bookshelves everywhere and on the table near the shelves was a piece of paper pinned down by a candlestick holder with a faintly lit candle. The dared man slowly approached it, feeling very scared all of the sudden. His hand reached to the paper and tugged it out from under the candle, he held it near the light and read it. It said roughly if he could read it right, it wasn't in French, that the Countess shall claim another tonight. Just as he read that the light flickered out and he could see off in the distance a shadow in the corner of the room. He quickly went to light it again with a match and soon as he did the white pale face was shown against the light, the white dress. It looked like she was floating as she moved and he quickly ran down the stairs, tripping and ending up falling down ten steps in a roll.
     "God help me." The man said as he looked up to see the girl coming down the steps. It was the Countess, she looked dead on but a deadly verison. A ghostly verison. It was a ghost. It was her ghost!
     He went running as fast as he could towards the door and was greeting with a severed head in front of him. The pale face of a man with a spiked club, wearing animal skinned clothing as if he was some savage of a tribe. The head being a trophy or meal for later, whatever the man didn't know and when he went to turn and run towards the other way he was met with a third man. The third man was at least two hundred pounds in pure muscles, his face wasn't pale like the other two but his eyes were a dark reddish color that scared the man, it was only when he noticed the sword on the sheath at the man's side did he think this man may be his savior. The third man's hair was shaved completely off and he wore a red velvet nobleman's outfit, from shoes to shirt. The shirt having a ruffles at the wrists and at the lapel. The man's skin had to be a tanish color at least but it was hard to see in the dark with only the moonlight of two windows and the front door that was open. The man with the club came rushing towards the third man and with such incredible speed he countered with the sword, his other hand behind him, holding the lapel of the other man. It was as if this man was becoming his savior. Metallic noises being clanged but neither the nobleman nor the barbarian had moved, the Countess was coming fast behind them and with force of both the savage and the countess, the nobleman was thrown against the wall. The victim went running towards him, checking him if he was alright. His ear down to his chest when all of the sudden he felt a piercing pain in his neck. This savior had bit down hard on the man's neck, slowly sucking and licking at the wound.
     The countess whose blond hair went down to the small of her back, her eyes were solid as black and her form looked very fragile, as if she weighed not even eighty pounds. Her form quickly as if a ghost was floating in the wind and just as the barbarian had moved in a fast pace, they both reached the dying man's arms, both taking a wrist and biting down hard into it, sucking and licking just as the nobleman had. The pale faces were slowly becoming pinker and more human-like, as well as their heartbeats and pulses were becoming as strong or stronger than the nobleman.

     "You both like to taunt your kills, why taunt them? Theres no gain in it, no honor and definitely no pleasure, no real pleasure." A fourth man in the shadows on the steps spoke down to them as he watched them, watching as the fading heartbeat of the man died away, the savage and barbarian were kissing each other and biting at each others lips. The nobleman pushed the dead body off him and pushed the two apart as he walked passed.
     "Its fun to taunt them but not to watch these two literally suck face afterwards," The man stopped as he licked his lips and adjusted his lapel, dusting off his red velvet pants. His tone was cold and seemingly as if he never had an emotion in his entire life. "Every single time we go to the kill, they drink and they think it is pleasing for them to drink from each other afterwards. It doesn't gain them strength anymore, it equals them out but thats equal already. They don't do anything but make me want to vomit up the blood."
     "And thats what you'd be doing if you vomited, you know our kind only produces blood as fluids." The man on the steps spoke as he sat down on the steps he started to fiddle with his wrist ruffles, his shirt white and his black vest over the shirt and a pocket watch in one of his pockets with a gold chain connecting them. The other three had the pentagram tattoo on their left wrists while this one had it on his right.
     "Oh shove it you two, just cause we're lovers and you have nothing but the mortals to play with, the mortals to make love to until you bite them and give them that final pleasure before they die into the darkness, the nothingness of death. Our lord Poirier is the true savior of us, he never faulters to this. You should really learn from your son's mistakes and your father's skill." The savage man said with a sour tone, almost as if he had been beat from the words that the one on the steps said. Within seconds from saying that, the man on the steps had the savage against the wall and held him tightly around his throat.
     "Grand Papa, please let him go." The countess said as she held his arm, it came off as if she was trying to be sarcastic but he knew she only meant good. The only of the three that did, he had wished he never had made this savage. The savage called Humbert The Terrible. The countess was Humbert's wife, Sophie and the other was his direct son, while Humbert and Sophie were turned by the nobleman. The nobleman was Vinny The Brutal in this time. Each baring their great grandfather's name of Poirier now. They were the family and they acted as it.
     "For you Sophie but keep him in check!" The man said as he released Humbert with such grace that he seemed to never have been at the spot, 'reappearing' over at the steps and in front of Vinny. His tone very cold at current time, "Vincent Poirier, why did you ever turn Humbert or Sophie?"
     "'Cause m'lord, my father. Humbert was a savage and makes a great vampire leader and his wife would be lost and dying without him." The tone was cold and almost taunting towards his 'father' and with that his cheek grew a scratch on it as if nothing had touched it but it did. A small scratch from the 'father's' nail caused that blood line, the scratch closing immediately but the blood line remaining. Vinny took his finger and wiped it away, placing the finger gently on his tongue and sucking on his finger, drinking that line of blood.
     "So, the best of you three was turned in pure pity of widowing her? You are pathetic Vincent, you turn those strong and those who you pity. You should only turn those who ask for it. Who earn it. We have one hour, lets go down to the bottom of the tower, enter the Sarcophagus of our death beds and sleep until tomorrow night. We shall feed one more night before we return to our pure father's citadel, from there we part. I no longer shall look after you as I no longer care for you two." He turned to Sophie, his features still very much hidden by the shadows. His tone going very soft as he spoke the last of his words, "You, however, shall always know where to reach me. If you ever need me you shall find me."
     Before the three could respond he was off the stairs and down the trapdoor, into the catacombs and into his sarcophagus, locking it from the inside, to keep the wandering minds of scorned children or mortal curiousity from harming him during his sleep. The other three passed glances with each other and sighed,
     "Grand Papa is so angry at us, I don't like it. He scares me." Sophie said as she held close to Humbert, Humbert returning her embrace and whispered a few encouraging words to her. He knew she wasn't scared for her own safety, Sophie held some child-like tendencies that made her unique and good, unlike both Vincent and Humbert, who were cold as the stone they layed down in every night since they were given the gift and curse. Given the sweet vampire kiss and that embrace into darkness. They saw it as a gift, but the other man saw it as a curse and gift. He knew what the curse held in it and he knew why it was a gift as well. Sophie could see it, the other two could not. She could already tell what parts would turn into a curse for her later, she knew it and she hated it but she loved the gift too much to be sent into despair.

     Vincent brushed off his black tuxedo, adjusted his tie and smiled at his two companions. Vinny The Brutal in modern day being the brute of the business world. His companions still remaining to be Sophie and Humbert. Though they were more modernized, they still loved to torment their victims. Though they were on a mission from the great lord, mister Poirier.
     "Bert." Vincent said softly as he adjusted his cuff links, "You and Sophie can meet me back at my estate. I want to get my rest for the morning, this was enough fun for me tonight. I'll do some research on the vigilante killer as well as meet up with Miguel who will know about Velia's progress. What the Penta does nowadays, such teamwork."
     "Suit yourself, father." Humbert said as he put on his sunglasses, his black leather jacket, black leather pants, and everything solid black and biker-esque. As he was. He was a punk rocker and biker who had a spiked collar, wristbelts and black fingernails.
     "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Sophie said as she brushed her blond locks behind her ear. "It isn't as much fun without all three of us. Plus it hasn't been the best since our grandfather left us, he was always the one that was fun to tease and he'd also keep my brute of a husband in line." She winked at Humbert as he lifted her up into his arms and kissed her.
     "My father is nothing but a traitor. He left the main ranks of the Penta, he was the heir!" Vincent's posture had changed from calm and collective to brutish and angered. Though just as fast as it changed, it reverted back. "That is a positive though for me, I'm going to get to be the heir now. My grandfather, the great lord Poirier, will allow me to take his place in the chance of an accident to him."
     "Yeah, we got that and if there is an accident to him and you both then it is me with Sophie." Humbert said as he took a sip of a beer bottle but inside it wasn't beer. It was blood. The three were standing dead center in a dining room where a couple's wrists and throats were slit and wine glasses with red stains in it is where it all went, plus the beer bottles. They had taken it upon themselves to turn the couple into a great feast for themselves.
     "Don't get any funny ideas, Humbert." Vincent said in a cool and calm tone but with an added threat to it. When Humbert shrugged as if to say 'whatever', Vincent went out the front door and went running towards his estate.
     "Sophie, do you really think our grandfather even misses us?" Humbert said with a shrug, knowing the anwser she'd give and knowing that he knew their father wouldn't even care if he or Vincent died. Sophie, however, he would probably risk his life protecting. He had always favored her.
     "Yes," Sophie said softly as she straightened her skirt and shirt from wrinkles due to Humbert's lifting fit. "I think he does but he probably won't show it and he didn't like Vincent much."
     "Understandable," Humbert spoke with a laugh as he tried to finish but couldn't help but nearly fall over with laughter. "Vincent always hated grandfather, he wanted to kill him back in the twenth century. Not long before he left, maybe he left to keep strife out of our small 'coven' of his children."

     Vincent arrived at his estate not long after leaving the dining room.
     "Monsieur, how was your day with the savages as you call them?" A butler standing at the door and brushing off Vincent's clothes. As well as placing a glass of blood in the boney hands of Vincent, the grip on the glass was almost a death grip until a loud shatter came, the blood dripping down from his hand and the glass flew everywhere. The butler sighed softly to himself as he pulled out a small cloth and bent down, wiping the blood up as well as placing pieces of glass on the piece of cloth to carry it to the trash. Vincent didn't even blink once as he stepped on the butler's hand as he headed into another room that could only be suggested to be a security room, as soon as he entered, you could see the men in black. They were in complete black outfits, muscle bound, wearing sunglasses. They looked as if they were statues, only going to move upon orders.
     "I want Humbert and Sophie followed. I want you to change your clothes, get into disguises as mortal vampire hunters. I want them dead! I don't trust Humbert anymore and if one goes, I must get rid of my dear beloved daughter as well. This also may bring out my father, I've heard of possible locations he has hid to. My grandfather refused to tell me the real location though, he knew I'd try something and it'd be against rules." He took a short pause as his boney fingers once more came into play, gracing his chin with a small brush as his eyes showed a deep thought. "Not even so sure I wish to keep my grandfather alive. I want to take over rule as ruler Poirier. The last eldest survivor. If I take over, I can slowly push out the penta and make vampires rule overall."
     "Accident or just do it straight out, sir." One of the men in black said as he pulled out a small piece of paper. "Write down the addresses and before the sun comes back up we'll get the addresses checked out and struck down if he is in any of them."
     "I want it to be a message, not an accident. Change into the penta hunters symbolic suits that I gave you. Afterall, out of all the hunters. My hunters are the best fitted and the strongest group." He said with a small laugh as he slouched down into a chair, clicking away at a computer keyboard. Completely ignoring the rest of men in black here.

     There was a gentle on a coffin with a delicate hand, mocha colored. It was no doubt a female and almost as quick as there was a knock, there was a return knock before a sound of a lock unbolting. The coffin slid open and once more her eyes graced her savior.
     "Asim? I..didn't know if you were gonna get up, its nearly midnight and I was..." Ishtar trailed her words off, not finishing but she didn't have to finish her words to make it clear to Asim. He didn't even have to read her mind to tell she was scared. She was nearly killed, so it wasn't surprising to him that she was scared.
     "I promised you an explaination, its technically against rules to reveal details of our existance but I trust you won't tell anyone. As well, as long as you are under my roof. None of the penta will touch you." Asim said with an added effect by rising up his right hand, pointing to his cieling as he said roof. He was very determined to keep her protected as long as she stayed with him.
     "What is the penta?" Ishtar asked as she fiddled with a lock of her hair, her other hand was in a pocket of Asim's jacket. She hadn't taken it off since he gave it to her, to keep her warm.
     "The Penta is called The Penta of Darkness as there is five unique races beyond humans. Why they are of darkness. They are usually considered to be satan's minions. Though as you can see, I'm far from being a minion of satan. I'm a vampire, the others are unique type of shapeshifters, demons, zombies and witches. Each of the five have a representing country and name. Alamilla is that of the zombies and they hail from Spain. The most known one of the zombie kind is Miguel, if you stick around me long enough. I'm sure you'll get to meet Miguel, he's a rather nice guy actually, contrary to what people believe a zombie is. As long as they have the right food, they do not become mindless. Miguel knows more about computers than the man who created them. The shapeshifters, also another form is called weres but they still fall under he fact of shapeshifters. The leader's name is known as Tarantino and they hail from Italy. The demons, the direct descendants of the first demons are known as Nagel and they hail from Germany. The witch kind hail from England and the first descendants of them is Ely. Then, my kind, they hail from France and the ones that are direct descendants are Poirier. See, each one that steps into the line of royalty, president, leader or whichever word you wish to call it. They are 'adopted' by the former leader, getting the last name of the former leader. So if you hear of one in the penta having the last name of those, they are in line to be an heir." He chuckled as he hadn't stopped talking, not even to take a breath, not that he really needed too. Ishtar's eyes were filled with curiousity, concern and shock. She slouched down into a chair and continued to listen to him as he continued on.
     "We work on guidelines and laws that keep us hidden from mortals and if we refuse to go by them. The heads and their 'hencemen' find us, imprison us or kill us. I've always been auto-immuned due to my work with the penta years ago. Those around me can be taken under my wing faster than others without words and honestly I've never had to ask permission to get what I wanted to there. Though most have to get clearance to do anything out of the books. Such as telling a mortal about us. I can tell, I'm old enough to tell that you aren't going to tell. I can read your thoughts," Asim placed his index finger to her forehead. "You are quite innocent and you only wish to be protected. I shall make sure you are." He finished by moving his finger down, tracing her hair until he slipped a piece behind her ear.

     "What's all the racket?" Gaston said as he kicked his coffin open, soon as he had kicked it open you could hear a thud from the coffin top falling to the ground and his clothes were wrinkled and dirty from inside the coffin. Gaston hadn't kept up the coffinn and in return, it wasn't very well kept. He dusted himself off and waited for a responce.
     "I was just telling our guest about the penta and the rules. Ishtar Hunt, this is another one of my guests called Gaston. Unlike you, he is a vampiric bloodline. Though he is only sixteen, whereas, I myself, am very old." Asim said with a laugh as he shook his head, he could hear Ishtar and Gaston's questioning thoughts of how old he really was. He never reveals his true age but an estimate never hurts. "In human years, I'd be 29. In vampiric years, lets just say I was present back in the twelve hundreds."
     "You're over eight hundred years old!" Ishtar shouted with shock. "How can you live with seeing the world change so much?" Her tone was in so much curiousity, almost like the vampire idea had just hit her. She had seen many vampire movies and read many books. Actually she was very fascinated by vampires but to meet a real one sent her mind in a bit of a daze after it really registered that he was real.
     "Well over that. I'm over a thousand years old." Asim said as there was a loud bang from another room. A window busted open with a gas grenade sent in. "Cover your mouth, quickly Ishtar. Gaston, don't inhale." Asim had stopped breathing to keep from the gas getting to him but then he could smell it and sense it. It wasn't reaching the room they were in yet. His senses were so keen he knew exactly where they were. Exactly what was happening. Someone was breaking in to attack and he was well prepared. He didn't need his shortsword or any weapon. He was trained very well in fighting.
     "What's going on?" Ishtar said with a muffled tone as she had her hand over her face, Gaston quickly tore part of his shirt to give to her to use as a mask. She nodded her thanks just as fast as he left her and was at Asim's side.
     "I'll guard her, you take care of them. If anyone comes near her, they gotta go through me." Gaston said with a snarl, his feral tones were there and the beast was still fresh in him but he wasn't lost in it. It was what fueled him and Asim knew this, or he'd do the same he did to Syd, to this one.
     "Ishtar, we have hunters coming in. They'll come to try to get rid of me and Gaston, honestly they may not know of what I am, most don't. But some find ways to track me, find ways to know who you are. If you make one slip up, you pay for it. Although I can handle these." Asim said softly with a grin, the fangs revealed so easily as he gave that toothy smile. "Theres four of them, the gas is knockout guess. Breath it in and you're gonna be out for a few hours. Its not like human hunters to use what won't affect a vampire."

     Asim had sped off from Gaston and Ishtar so fast that it didn't even seem he had moved but teleported into the next room. The gas had filled the room up fast and even though he could see rather well. He knew something was off, he had sensed the men in this room before. Though it wasn't until he sensed them above him did it trigger why he lost them. They were vampires too, they had stopped breathing, stopped having any life in their bodies to hide. It was the fact that one took in a breath with the gas mask and the heart was beating. He was quickly pounced by one of the vampires, his movements were too fast to be caught for too long, he swung one of their arms back, poping it out of place and stabbing the vampire's back with his own hand. Asim was moving at the speed of light to any human's eyes, he was actually fighting all of the four vampires at once. They were from this century and they were far too young/weak to beat Asim. Whoever had sent them were foolish.
     It only took ten minutes at most to clear out the four vampires, one had been impaled against the wall with its own sword. Another one had his head snapped completely off. The third and fourth had be forced to impale each other with their swords, destorying each other as their hearts were crushed. Asim had his hands and arms cut from the swords but they slowly healed. The blades were laced with a special kind of poison that makes vampire wounds to stay open. He hadn't known until it was too late as it is scentless, so no way to pick it up. Just as he was thinking it was over there was a scream from the other room. Ishtar. Asim shot out of the room at a much slower speed then he was before due to his fight but fast enough to out run young vampires. He got into the hallway of his apartment to find Gaston having made short work of one of the vampires but a second had grabbed Ishtar and was holding her hostage, a knife to her throat.
     "Who sent you?" Asim said as he stopped just behind Gaston, placing his hand on Gaston's shoulder, pulling him back behind himself. He wasn't going to let Gaston charge this vampire as it could lead to Ishtar's death. Her eyes were just as pleading as before when Syd had her. Asim clenched his fists. "A real vampire would not hide behind mortal hostages. Besides, a real vampire knows that, no vampire holds mortal attachments. They only bring a weakness to you."
     "Nice try Adam, I know you're a child tutor, so this must be your pupil or one child you're protecting. I cannot tell my employer. Afterall, I'll be killed if I told you who it was." The man said as he pushed the knife closer to Ishtar's throat, making it bleed a small thin line of blood. The blood caught the vampire's nose and he was distracted for a second by the scent, that gave Asim the opening he needed. He looked as if he floated right to Ishtar and the vampire, breaking the vampire's hand away from Ishtar, Ishtar quickly running to Gaston and with one more swift movement the vampire's neck was snapped.
     "Don't ever call me Adam." He spit a bit of blood onto the dead vampire's body.
     "Who are they?" Gaston asked with his eyes narrowed at the dead bodies. The smell of blood seeming to fuel him into a higher sense of anger. His arm protectively around Ishtar when there was a loud and frantic knock on the front door. It could be heard by the way it wasn't a normal, casual knock. It was a rapid pound, someone screaming to get in just by their knock.
     "They are vampire hunters, most likely enlisted by my former..." Asim was cut off as he could hear a female's voice asking to be let in. "child." He finally finished but by this time he was already at the door and opening it, swinging it open to see the knockers.

     Harmony brushes her hair back as she goes to see why Nicki was still awake at such a late time at night. Afterall, Fred had told her to go to bed but Harmony was far from strict like him. As well as she loved to watch the moonlight, it was supposely the best time for witch's magic to be used. When her feet started to move and she entered the girl's room finally she gasped, hand hitting her mouth. Nicki dropped the pad of paper she was drawing on and seemed to drop down on the bed as if she was standing on it.
     "You...were floating." Harmony said in a shocked tone even though those things never usually shocked her. She never would've expected this little girl had special unique powers.
     "My mama could float." Nicki said with a smile, "Can't all women float?"
     "No, no they cannot Nicki. Only very special girls and boys can float....tell me a bit about your mother. What'd she tell you about these...powers?" Harmony asked softly as she walked to the bed, sliding down next to Nicki while she looked at the picture that was half drawn. It was the Penta symbol that she was drawing. She smiled as she poked at Harmony before she started to float up again, her finger tracing a line of the Pentagram symbol that was still yet to be complete and it slowly completed itself. Almost as if by magic her finger finished the drawing.
     "See Harmony, I have more than just floating. My mother only ever showed me how to float. When I had gotten sick, I couldn't do it, I couldn't use any of my powers but now that, that angel took the sickness away I can do more than I could before." Nicki said as she put her hands up towards the painting and it didn't take much of the movement to fill in the pentagram drawing, coloring it perfectly. "She told me never to show my powers to a stranger though. She said it was a secret all women held."
     "Then why'd you be careless when I came near you?" Harmony asked softly, just curious if she had a feeling about Harmony or not.
     "I felt you wouldn't be scared of the powers." Nicki said as she blinked her eyes and all of the sudden her little rat spoke up in the corner, it had been under some stuffed animals.
     "Eeeek. A cat's in the house, how am I suppose to sleep Nick?" The rat had said as it leapt out of the stuffed animals, fast across the floor and up onto the pink bedspread of Nicki's. It wasn't a second later and it was up Nicki's back of her nighty, sneaking into her golden locks.
     "A familiar!" Harmony shouted absent mindedly as ther father knocked on the wall near Nicki's head board, he had been sleeping in the next room and heard the shouts. His voice could be heard sternly shouting through that they needed to get their sleep. Its after midnight.
     "What's a familiar?" Nicki asked in cute tone that made Harmony smile, she was so oblivious to what she was. She was a witch too and Harmony couldn't let her powers be used for anything but the good of the penta. That and if she had done anything bad, she'd be imprisoned, or maybe even worse. It was law to never break the penta's information to anyone else and Harmony knew this.
     "You'll have to promise you'll never tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Just between us," Harmony put out her pinky, she use to always do that with her younger sister. "Pinky swear."
     "Pinky swear!" Nicki shouted as she slapped her delicate and small pinky into Harmony's.
     "Ssssshhhh. Your father will get mad if we wake him again." Harmony said softly before she went to the door, slowly jestering for Jacob to come into the room, she shut the door tightly.

     "Meow...Meow...Oh why am I kidding myself, You just find out Nicki's one of you Harmony?" Jacob asked as it leapt onto the bed and curled up onto one of Nicki's pillows.
     "You knew?!??!" She nearly shouted with anger, her expression showing pure hatred for the cat at this moment. She slowly shook her head and sighed. "Nicki, theres some...traits that you and I carry that no normal human carry. We carry a special power to do witchcraft. Theres also four other primary types of special people and we work under a secret society law called the Penta of Darkness. If we break these laws, the heads of the penta come after us for doing bad things. The main thing you need to remember is never show your powers to anyone without this tattoo." Harmony slowly showed the pentagram on her wrist to Nicki and Nicki pulled it back to show she had one too.
     "My mama gave it to me. She told daddy it was a sticker but when it wouldn't wash off he got really mad, he almost took me to a doctor to get it off." Nicki said with a bit of a pout. "Why can't we tell others?"
     "Because Nicki," Harmony said softly as she went closer to Nicki, placing her arm around her. "When something happens that isn't suppose to. Like a person floats, or disappears. Or an animal talks. It scares humans and they start to panic, even if they know that person really well. They want to try to figure out what caused it and if one is found, they may think more is around and start to hunt these types of people down. When they are hunted down, they may become violent or scared that they are hunted. If they are scared, they may hurt those hunters and then we'll become considered dangerous. As you may not know it Nicki but you have powers beyond any human could wish to have."
     "Am...I not human?" Nicki said with a frown, you could tell in her voice she was thinking she was some freak by how Harmony talked. Her eyes gazing into Harmony's, making Harmony blink they were so intense.
     "No..Not at all, you're human. You just have very special powers. You're as human as your father. Its just that if others find out your power they could be scared. You don't wanna scare people do you?" Harmony responded fast as she could, hoping not to make the girl scared or make her angry. The power she held could be triggered by emotions.
     "No, I don't want to scare anyone." She said softly with a smile back at Harmony before going back to drawing on a new piece of paper but this time she took the effort to grab a pencil and draw, even if her drawing without her magic was alot less effective.

     The orange tabby known as Jacob lifted his head up and sniffed the air. "Theres a rat in here...oh fudge...its a familiar isn't it?"
     "Yes and if you try to eat me, I'll rip your tongue down with me!" The rat shouted out from Nicki's hair as Nicki laid there asleep. Harmony next to Nicki. Nicki had snuggled tightly to Harmony as if Harmony was Nicki's mother, a child reaching out to hold their mother.
     "Sssshhh you'll wake the kids." The tabby crossed its paws and laid its head down on them. The rat slowly snuck out of Nicki's hair and near Jacob.
     "How long you been with this teenage witch?" The rat asked as it stood up on its back claws and looked up at the cat, while its front claws scratched at its own nose.
     "Since she was born. I was assigned to both of the sisters until Harmony was to split away from her family." Jacob said as it opened one eye and made a small jester that made the rat fall backwards. The jester was a sign of hunger.
     "I've been with Nicki's mother until she passed away. When she passed away I couldn't leave Nicki alone, so I've been looking over her ever since. She's powerful, you know they say a child is more powerful then an adult witch, that unlike an adult. The child holds no safe guards. So technically Nicki could level a whole city with her powers while your older witch couldn't do near it." The rat said with a snicker as it twirled around to watch the cat, to make sure it didn't take a snack. "I originally was a cat too but when Nicki's mother married, I had to be something else as the male doesn't like pets. He don't know I'm here."
     "Well then...he wouldn't mind if I ate you." Jacob said with a toothy smile but knew he wouldn't do that. It wasn't good to harm another familiar, if this was a stray rat though. He'd eat it in a second. "I'm called Jacob."
     "Well on that note, I'm hiding again." The rat leapt off the bed and ran down into a hole, as fast as it ran, it looked like a small white puff ball being blown across the flow by a heavy wind. Only its pink tail was cut in sight, when it shouted back that its name was Noah. No human could have heard him speak but the tabby could, easily.
     "Smug man. Should've drowned on that ark." Jacob said with a snicker before it was drifted off to sleep and snoring, although the snoring sounded like very loud purring.

     There was a rev of a motorcycle engine, then the loud hum of the engine as the motorcyclist shot out from a small estate. A female holding him tight on the back of the motorcycle. The motorcycle had to be speeding as it went so fast, no human eye could see the cyclist or the passenger for that matter. It didn't take long for them to pass a cop. The cop's speed radar went off at one hundred miles per hour, while the speed limit, maxium speed, was fifty miles per hour. The motorcycle cop set the lights on and gunned the cycle fast. The cop pulled out a megaphone and started to shout to pull over. All the law breakers did was look back and speed up, gripping the handle to speed up faster. The cop just sped up until they took a turn off the road.
     "Stop! You're going the wrong way, its a dead end. You're going to crash if you don't listen to me." The cop shouted loudly and nerviously. He didn't want bodies on his watch. So he sped up as fast as he could and only hit the brakes as soon as the other motorcycle was far too fast to stop in time. The cycle made a huge explosion and in the explosion the cop couldn't believe his eyes. Almost like they were flying. Both the male and female law breakers leapt back from against the mountain side, however, the male leapt far enough to knock the cop off his cycle. With a quick motion, the male law breaker had his hand on the cop's gun and shot the cop repeatedly.
     "Humbert!" The female said, removing her helmet and fixing her hair as she did. It was none other than Sophie. "You know very well we already fed and killing is useless if we don't feed."
     "Rather us go to jail in a cell with window bars?" Humbert said as he took the gun and placed it in the back of his pants with the safety on. "We got a cop cycle now."
     "We're not going to steal a most likely tracked cycle Humbert, we'd just be giving them our location!" Sophie said disappointed at Humbert's lack of the rules and intelligence at the moment. She loved him truly but she wanted to beat him over the head at times. She brushed her hair behind her ear with a smile as she approached Humbert. Her hand gripped the gun and bit his earlobe hard. "Lets go have some fun."
     "Sophie, do you wanna see your grandfather again? Leave Vincent's estate for good? I'm scared he is going to attack you." Humbert said as he ignored her actions. His mind when he was on the cycle speeding was lost in the thoughts of what Vincent might do to Sophie. He knew Vincent was getting more ruthless and he had over heard Vincent talk about getting rid of their grandfather. "Vincent knows locations and well...I confirmed it with our great grandfather where our grandfather is. He swore me not to go there or to tell Vincent but I fear for your life. I may not care much for humans, or care much for even our own kind but I want to make sure you're protected. I know Poirier will protect you...fuck!" He shouted as he felt a sting going through his shoulder. A bullet had shot straight through his shoulder and immediately he swung around to face down suited up vampire hunters. They were suited in complete black armor. Almost like a black samurai soldiers. One was holding a gun while the other five had katanas.

     "Give up now and we'll make it quick." The hunter with the gun shouted as he pointed the gun out at them to try to threaten them more. The others had both hands on the hilt of the katana with the katana arched back to block any blows to their face.
     "Why would I surrender to a bunch of punk ass vampires?" Humbert said with a snarl as he started to lunge towards the vampire samurais but soon as he got near it, he was struck by a bullet to the head. His body flew back into the ground, blood dripping from his forehead. Sophie let off a death curtling scream as she went for the gunman, kicking the swordsman to the side. She wasn't very violent but she knew how to defend herself and her man. She shoved the gun around and shot every bullet off into the guy's chin. Though she could also see they were a bunch of vampires, the heartbeats is what gave them away. Too faint to be human. Too loud to be a demon. She snapped its neck around and bit down tearing the jugular out so that the vampire bled to death as well as having its head dislocated made it die instantly. The latter was more of an act of anger. She made short work of two more of the vampire warriors without even having a stretch before she felt a blade pierce her side. Just as fast as that blade entered the blade retracted out of her side, making her drop to her knees, clunching her bleeding wound hard.
     "Sophie!" Humbert shouted out as he immediately sped towards the girl with his arms around her, holding her tightly. He brushed her hair back and sighed, "Why didn't you run? You could've gotten to our grandfather." Humbert's eyes were glowing a reddish color and he left her side only for a minute as he plunged one of the blades straight into the chest of one of the three remaining samurais, twisting it around as he swung it back to be blocked by another blade. He then swung his foot around and kicked the guy in the chest, slashing towards the vampire's neck to bring a second one of them down. It took more than a bullet to the head to kill a vampire and well, that bullet had only temporarily slowed down Humbert while he got his healing abilities kicking into gear. Humbert was now against only one of the samurais. Humbert flung the blade at The samurai and almost as quick as he threw it he was at Sophie and running at a vampiric speed. He knew he didn't have long to help Sophie. His blood wasn't sufficent to help her and he had a feeling these samurais were hunters of Vincent. So he only had one choice and that choice was to get to their grandfather. Humbert only made a quick glance at Sophie's condition and it was bad, her complexion was becoming more pale by every passing minute. Her heartbeat was dying away, her pulse was already gone and he could tell she was dying fast but they weren't far, if only he could go faster he knew he'd make it. He could only guess what would happen if he couldn't make it in time and then his whole world would be gone. As the only thing he truly has to live for left was her and thats the only thought that was going through his mind as he ran, his body slowly trying to give out but he knew he wasn't too far from their grandfather's home. He barreled through any obstacles as he approached the door, he banged on it hard with his foot.

     Asim opened the door and immediately as he opened the door his fangs bared as he saw who was at the door. "I told you never to come near me...What happened to her?" Asim's mood changed completely when he saw Sophie's dying figure. He went near them and quickly took Sophie from Humbert, heading into his abode. He quickly took her into a room, placing her on a table without even introductions. He was moving at a fast speed, he could smell the poison working in her. It was a specific poison outlawed by the penta of darkness ages ago but some human vampire hunters still used it and from the way Humbert was going on about vampire vampire hunters there apparently was still some of the penta of darkness holding onto the poison. He did, however, know of a way to work against it and Humbert knew too, he just didn't have the provisions. Asim grabbed a few bags of human blood from the refridgerator, strung them up like IVs for Sophie so she was being fed blood while he worked on Sophie. He pulled out syringes, some medical supplies and among other things.
     "So who are you two kids?" Humbert said with a nod of his head towards them, his hands constantly clenching into a fist and out. He was determined to not get too impatient on Asim as he knew that their grandfather would never her. He cared deeply for Sophie as she was the only one with a mind set that he liked, Vincent and himself were always more cruel.
     "I'm Ishtar Hunt." The young girl said but remained behind Gaston as she seemed slightly scared of the acts and since Asim wasn't there to hide behind, she only trusted Gaston to protect her. Her hands were on his shoulders and her head was nearly the only part of her shown to Humbert.
     "Little girl, I'm not gonna bite." Humbert said with a fanged grin, "Unless ya want me too." He hissed slightly at her and immediately Gaston hissed back and bared his fangs in a protective manner.
     "My name is Gaston and if you touch her I swear to god that your head will be on a mantle in my room!" Gaston shouted at her in a hissed and angry tone. He had one hand out in a fist and the other was back on Ishtar's hip. He was making sure she stayed behind him and in his grasp. He had his mind on her cause it was obvious to Humbert and Asim both that he was getting an attraction to Ishtar, all young vampires at one time became attracted to a human even if it wasn't real, it was what they represented. Humans were what they'd never be again. It was different for Humbert because Sophie was his love since day one but otherwise it usually happens that way. Rosemary was Asim's first love and Humbert knows it, even if he came later. Though it wasn't just because of the human wants, it was true love.
     "Will you two shut up!" Asim shouted and simultaneously broke a syringe in his hand. He cursed under his breath and threw the glass at Humbert as he continued work on some kind of antidote while keeping the blood flowing through her so that she didn't die. The poison works by drying up all the blood at a fast pace, depending on the dose, when all the blood dries up it destories what is left of the heart and the rest of the organs until the vampire is just a hollowed shell. If the blood can stay in circulation though, it'll keep the vampire alive temporarily.
     "So who are you?" Gaston asked in a calmer tone but he never let his hand slip from her hip as a way to make sure she wouldn't leave from behind him. He was tense and it was shown by how he stood. Ishtar, however, was calming down. Humbert hissed almost immediately upon having the glass hit him, a few shards hitting into him but he just pulled them out and healed almost instantly. Only a blood spot where they were. Humbert shrugged his shoulders before he finally replied.
     "Humbert Poirier, commonly known as Humbert the Terrible in the middle ages. I'm sired from Adam's son. Vincent Poirier. So technically that makes Adam Poirier The II my grandfather. If you don't already know, Adam Poirier is standing over Sophie over there. He tell you his name is Asim Aiken?" He said as he laid back against the wall and laughed. "He only goes by Asim Aiken now because he has disowned his father and name. His father is the leader of the vampire's section of the penta of darkness which is a society that we live by. He'd be in line to be the leader if he hadn't disowned us. His opinions differ from his father's and ours. Adam, however, always has cared for his grand daughter. As she is the good side of me so to speak. She's more like Adam than I'll ever be and she holds most of his opinions, but her love for me keeps her along my path. That and she has a bad streak too."

     "She'll come around soon I think. We'll find out she's got a good complexion, her heart beat is stronger and her pulse is back. I'm gonna keep the blood going to her though until I find out if it is gone." Asim said as he rinsed his hands in a sink in the room, it was obvious this room was meant for medical reasons as he had everything a doctor may want. He turned back to Humbert who was already by Sophie, holding her hand up to his forehead and just lost in thought. Thats one thing Asim always gave Humbert, he would die to save Sophie and thats primarily the only reason he hadn't killed Humbert multiple times when he broke out into a bloodlusting fit. Sophie could always calm him and Sophie always stopped Asim from hurting Humbert. Any other fedgling that broke out into bloodlust more than once would be put down as a feral fedgling. Asim walked over to Gaston and whispered softly to the two.
     "Go to your room and wait their, I have to speak to Humbert alone." Asim then turned back into the medical room and closed the door behind him. He fiddled with the ruffles on the wrists of his shirt and let out a loud sigh. "Humbert, while I did tell you to NEVER come back here again. I'm glad you did, though how you found me is another story since our mutual leader said he kept my alias and location secret. It has been along time and honestly, it seems you've changed some Humbert. I don't know if it was just this moment or if you actually have changed. Either way, you know the rules while under my roof. They never changed, no harming humans or vampires or anyone else that has bunk in my home. Nor bringing back any victim. I'll bring out some of the old coffins in my closet for you or if you want to sit here with Sophie during the day I can bring you some blankets or something." Asim hadn't seen any reaction from Humbert since he started talking and he honestly wasn't surprised. Humbert was either loud or quiet, never a happy medium but then he noticed why. Humbert had passed out in the chair with his hands on Sophie's hand.

     Sophie's head slowly turned to Asim and smiled softly.
     "Grand Papa?" Sophie said with a faint tone. Humbert was still asleep through it but Asim was still very much alert. He quietly went near her and placed his hand on her cheek, smiling.
     "Yes," Asim said softly with a soothing tone. "It is me. Humbert came to me when you were poisoned, he wanted me to help you. As you well know, I would help you anyday."
     "Grand," She cringed and moved her free hand to hold her wound that was slowly healing. "Papa. Please don't be mad at us, we know we aren't suppose to come to you but Humbert feared for my life. Vincent wants to elimate the heirs, we're sure of it. Humbert overheard him with information that he was going to come kill you. The samurai hunters that attacked us, they were vampires. I think they were Vincent's men."
     "Sssssshhh." Asim said with a nod of his head, "I have no doubt. It seems Vincent has taken up the higher heir above Humbert. I remember when Humbert was the leader and Vincent was the lacky. Seems he wants that leadership. We were attacked too. I took care of them all easily. Creatures of the night as well."
     "No Grand Papa, I'm a strong lady now. I can speak when I want to, no matter if it hurts to speak. You're the only person we can trust, if you don't want us here. We can leave but please, at least think of it." She said as she removed her hand from her wound and touched Asim's face. "You're the only one I know besides Humbert that I'd easily let guard my back without risk of having a knife go into it. Because no matter how much we differ, you still care for us. I know you do, even if Humbert doesn't see it. If Vincent wasn't so cruel you'd probably look after him too, wouldn't you?"
     "Maybe my grand daughter," He trailed off at the end. "Maybe, but even so. I cannot change someone and Vincent would never change even if I could change people. Humbert was right when he was speaking to a couple of my students before, no matter how much you differ from me. You still hold so many good traits and if it wasn't for Humbert you'd probably have never left my coven. When Humbert took Vincent, I knew you were going to leave easily. I knew you were going to go with them so I left after our fight. It was easier for you and easier for me. And I was and still will be more use to being alone. Ever since I lost Rosemary I refused to get attached to anyone and comes out to be I did slightly to you three and it made me mad that they tried to take over the coven. Though as you know I've always opened my invitation to help you and I'm not mad at you anymore, nor am I mad at Humbert. Can't say I'm not mad at Vincent if he truly is behind this though."
     "Thank you Grand Papa." Sophie said before she ruffled Humbert's hair and yanked on it, waking him up. "Get up on this table and lay next to me."

     "Who the hell is it?" A man's drunken voice spoke as he came stomping to the door and flung it open. He grabbed the girl outside the door by her upper arm and threw her down on the ground.
     "Who said you could run the fuck away?" The man's tone rough and slightly slurred due to his drunken state. He raised his hand and back handed the girl across the face hard, cutting her cheek with his ring. She just remained silent with an expression that showed she was scared. The drunken man was almost feeding off her fear. After repeated abusive strikes on her, he lifted her up by her neck and slammed her back against the wall.
     "Now what do you say?" The man waited and when she didn't speak he added, "Say your sorry, Jenny, for running away. You know I take care of you so don't fucking leave as I'll end you if you do!"
     She didn't say anything but all of the sudden her eyes turned solid red and her knee came up to meet his crouch. He topped over in pain and her leg rose up and slammed back down across his face but it wasn't a female's foot when it connected. It was the same steroid vigilante that had killed Tadhg.
     "Pray for forgiveness?" The man said in a psychotic tone that the drunken man shivered. He may have been an abuser but he couldn't take it himself. Why he never picked on anyone his own size. The vigilante picked the drunken man up. "Sin: Being an abusive husband. Cheating. As well as one count of murder."
     "It was a mistake!" The drunken man shouted in his defense. "I never meant to kill him...I was drunk, I shouldn't have been driving but I went to jail! I payed my dues. I never drived drunk again!"
     "You never went to jail for being abusive or cheating on your wife every single night you could find another girl, Dick." The vigilante smiled with a sarcastic hint to it, "Your name fits you."
     The vigilante uppercutted Dick and then swung around so fast Dick didn't see the foot coming to his chin, sending him into the wall. The vigilante walked rather slow though, approaching him while Dick was trying to crawl away and spitting up blood. When he got on Dick, his foot came down swiftly on his back, crushing a bone or two. Just as swiftly as he did that he lifted him, slammed him against the wall and started to repeatedly beat his face in until there was nothing but a bloody mess.
     "Sin: Not forgiven." The vigilante said as the man's face turned into some kind of beast again and lunged forward ripping out Dick's jugular. The vigilante finished up, dusted himself off and left the house with Dick in his claws. He still had the face of a beast and the claws but the rest was of a man's muscular body.
     "Dick!" A girl shouted as she brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, a bruise on her cheek and her lip was cut. "What are you!"
     The vigilante beast just growled, threw Dick up into a tree and rushed off on all fours towards an abandoned section of the city. The female rushed over to the tree and screamed even louder when she saw what had really happened to him. His throat was ripped away, many other claw marks, busted up face and body. She rushed into the house and called nine-one-one.
     "What's your emergency?" The operator said in a calm tone as she always did.
     "I'm at my house, I just came back to apoligize to my husband for leaving him so abruptly and...and...I found some beast that looked mostly human but it had weird claws and a face that I can't even began to describe. My husband is dead!" Jenny said in a hurried tone and frantic, scared that the beast would come back too.
     "Is this a prank ma'am?" The operator said in an annoyed tone now, she hated college and high school pranks.
     "No!" She shouted sharply, "Send the police! If it comes back I'm scared it'll kill me!"
     "What's your address ma'am and your name?"
     "Jenny," She paused before she explained where she was.

     "Did you get the husband?" A voice in the shadows of an abandoned warehouse spoke as the vigilante entered the warehouse. It had the shape of a very tall man, six foot and a half at least. He had black clothing on and his face was hidden by shadows, there was no way to determine any features of the man. That was the only possible feature that could be, he was a male.
     "Yes, m'lord." The vigilante bowed down, his legs under him with his body forward and hands outstretched in a real bow.
     "Good," Another male voice spoke from another corner of the warehouse, the only noticable featuring being a cape, the rest of black clothing and hidden in the shadows. The two figures moved too fast to be seen and were standing next to each other still in the shadows but now in front of the vigilante.
     "Gabriel, you are the greatest angel of them all. God is very pleased with you, now go." They both spoke in sync together to the point it was hard to tell which one had the deeper voice and which one had the crueler one but lighter. However, it was the caped one that was the cruelest.
     "Thank you, God's children." Gabriel rose up and placed his hand across his chest in a short salute.
     "There is going to be a meeting of the local gangs tomorrow night. Four gangs together in one room, at least five from each gang. It will be tough but you must punish the sinners. They deal in drugs, robbing and murderering others. There will be no forgiveness. You must purge the earth of all those gangsters." The deeper voice spoke before the crueler one added where the location would be and both waved their hands in a gesture for Gabriel to get back to his work. Gabriel bowed his head and spoke softly of his way with God, that he'd never disappoint.

Coding is © Copyright/Trademarked to Corentin Argyris, June 2008-and on
Stories, unless stated otherwise, are © Copyright/Trademarked to Corentin Argyris, June 2008-and on
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