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Chapter 1

     In a dark city, along with the surrounding cities, in america, a city that was known for high criminal acts was where all the riff raft would come. Pimps, Gangsters, Murderers, anything that was considered criminal could be found at least once here. Even psychopathes screaming bloody murder about fairy tale monsters....are they really crazy?

     "Fuck it, I'm going down there an fucking him up!" A man in a purple jacket and jeans shouted at another one, pointing the gun at the other's face. "He killed my brother, HE KILLED HIM!"
     "Your brother honestly deserved it." The other responded in a calm tone, despite the gun being pointed, safety off, in his face. "He broke into the man's estate, went blasting his pistol around like it was going to show he was bigger than the noble and now he payed for it. The man is very rich and very well guarded I hear, you'd probably be shot before you got to him."
     "Then what am I suppose to do?" The purple jacketed gangster replied in a calmer tone, almost realizing that the other man was right. He had no way of getting the revenge he wanted so badly and his brother was foolish to go in alone. Probably trying to prove he was better for the gang.
     "Simple," The man, who was wearing sunglasses, despite it being dark in the room and a business suit that must've costed at least three hundred dollars. He also had a briefcase by his feet leaning against his leg. Pure leather shoes and a watch made of gold. "You sign a contract to be my bodyguard, and do what I ask of you and I'll get you your revenge. Trust me, you won't be able to get in. I can once you've payed your dues."
     "Where do I sign?" The gangster said through gritted teeth. He didn't like being 'owned' by anyone but he would do it, for his brother. The man pulled out a piece of paper in his briefcase and a pen, yet again something that must've costed a fortune.
     "Sign on the line, don't worry about the details. It is all in your favor..not mine." The man said with a smile that could be judged as showing he lied to the man. That he wasn't pure human either. The smile was far to evil to be human but then, the gangster was too busy signing and playing scenarios of the noble being killed. Strangled. Shot once and bled out. Car blows up as his driver starts it. He didn't care, his gang refused to kill the fancy pant suit, so he would get another to do it if he couldn't.
     "Thank you," The obviously rich man said as he pulled the paper out of the gangster's grasp before he could even read what he just signed. He gave off yet another smile that seemed to chill the gangster this time. He turned away from it and when he turned back the man was gone.
     "Who....was that? Hopefully my friend wasn't wrong about that hitman. He didn't even tell me his name or how to contact him again."

     "We have another killing," A police officer said to his superior.
     "Homicide is on their way. They told us to not touch anything, so get the tape up and make sure the civilians are out of the way. We can't have anyone getting any more information of this story out. We got stories going on about lions, tigers and bears." The superior replied, he was chief of the police department and worked along side of Homicide. He was dressed out of uniform, almost always. He wore a ring on the ring finger that his ex had given him, even though they broke up he always held some attachment to her, he loved her and still does even though he denies it. The ring was a gold band with his birthstone in it, garnet, a dark red color. It cost her at least four hundred dollars. His out of uniform appeal consisted of a baseball cap that was flipped backwards, a pair of sunglasses nearly at all times, a digital watch on his left wrist and black pair of tennis shoes. He wore blue jeans with a police belt that held a holster for his 9mm pistol, a flashlight and a few other police related items. His torso is covered with a shirt, kevlar bullet proof vest and then a thin jacket-like shirt covering that to hide it and it just makes him look more muscular than he is.
     "Oh my." The officer said with a chuckle.
     "This isn't to joke about, but yes. That is where I was going. The newspaper got some far fetched story," The Chief said as he pulled the paper out and showed it to the officer.
     "Chief of Police, Benjamin Voss and Homicide Detective, Velia Profeta have not commented on any of the stories but the coroner has given us details he is allowed to release as well as the witnesses of the crimes have commented to us. The first murder was committed by someone who would have had to be very muscular or on some kind of steroid as they threw the man fifteen feet onto train tracks and the witness swears they saw the man there seconds later after the train hit the victim, biting or eating the man like a cannibal. The second murder was committed by someone who had to be rather thin and instead of a man it was seen it was a she. The witness was very prompt that he saw breasts on the killer. It seems to be a gang wide attack. A variety of killings but the one key thing was all of them was done very brutal. The second murder had been done by impaling a man with a blunt wood plank against a construction site. It had had the male impaled from his groin. We can only make the assumption he was trying to rape her or something that caused her to be so vicious to that area. The third murder was committed by someone who was yet again a muscular man or on steroids. The crime was committed this time in a church and the victim was nailed to a cross, placed with a crown of thorns and striped of all his clothes except his underwear. Any further details were kept from us but from this gathered, we have witnesses saying that the attackers were so brutal yet organized as if the criminals knew exactly who and what they wanted from them. One witness said that he thinks it is a group 'doing the word of God' because the first victim was a known criminal, the second was possibly trying to or was a rapist and the third victim was nailed in a church by the cross. Just like Jesus Christ. Another man said, the witness to the first crime, swore it was some kind of demon and he refuses to go out after dark. What we think? Vigilantes on the loose with a demonic nature. We think they are demons out there and these are using criminals as marks to call it the word of God and with that they are mocking God."
     "Can you believe that bullshit? Demons? The vigilantes I can get on board with, I believe it. Hell I'd bet my life thats what is going through the killers minds but demons? Folktales? Bullshit." Benjamin, chief of police, spoke in a more annoyed tone, with his light accent, than angered. He didn't like what all the newspapers said about it. Every time a killing happened, this being the fourth in the series of 'vigilante killers', they got a story of some bullshit. Last year there was a serial killer who they never did catch but the killings stopped. It was said the killer seemed to move lifeless and would use some kind of meat cleaver to behead the victim, carry the head away and a day later you'd find the head, brainless. Every killing and there was at least ten killings before they stopped. The newspaper headline that year? "ZOMBIE ON THE LOOSE!" He was sick of it and wondered if the publisher of that fairy tale newspaper was losing his or her minds.

     "Since when don't you Vosy?" A female's teasing voice was heard behind him.
     "Only one person ever tries to annoy me like that," Benjamin turned around and said through gritted teeth, his eyes were planted on a female that was at least five foot, seven inches. Very slim girl and her long blonde hair was slowly moving in her face, she'd have to brush it back to see. Her clothes weren't any more professional than his own. She wore a dark red sleeveless shirt, with a leopard skin jacket over it and wore a necklace with a small ankh on it. Her legs were only covered by her gray shorts and her feet covered by the black shoes that just slipped on, no socks, with an ankle bracelet on her right ankle. She may have seemed to be be wearing casual clothing, her clothing also seemed to come off as formal. "I never did and my name is Benjamin Voss to you, Miss Profeta."
     "We've known each other for seven years now," She smacked him on shoulder lightly but it felt harder than she meant. "You can call me Velia. What's the report here?"
     "It is only right they send you, of all people and yes it has been seven years now, we met because I busted you in when you were thieving that liquor." Benjamin rolled his eyes as he straightened his belt and turned to the crime scene behind him. "The only witness says he heard loud screaming coming from down in the club's basement. One good thing about this is the witness didn't know this strip club held illegal prostitution downstairs with the strippers. Apparently these three didn't get out. Must've been holding a group thing as we found the man completely naked with his genitalia cut off. The blonde was found in the corner nailed up against the wall by her hands. Spikes into them. The red head was found laying next to the male with her hands cut off and her eyes gouged out. The killers are definitely looking like vigilantes."
     "Never thought I'd be homicide detective I bet." She laughed lightly before she went back to being completely business. A crime scene had to be searched. "Yes I agree, and disagree with the supernatural dark stories of the newspapers." Velia said as she approached the basement, Benjamin followed right behind as he was on the scene first and soon as he did his scan of the scene he left the scene but he knew it first hand from memory and would help if he could. When they both entered the basement, both wearing gloves to not taint anything with finger prints as well as both with flashlights as the basement was dark. She pointed the flashlight in Benjamin's face.
     "Benny, did anyone touch the light switch down here?"
     "No Velia, and stop using pet names for me!" He shouted the last part before he added to the 'no', "It was off when we came in here. We used the bigger flashlights, I came down here with two other officers, we went to the bottom step and we could see it all with the lights on the room. I scanned it and it was obvious in those natures. You can see the eyes out from here, the hand of the woman is next to the mattress and the other girl is pinned. Same goes for the male. The rest is up to you. I did my job but you know as soon as you find anyone you are to tell me so we can go to get the criminal right?" He asked, knowing she was very strongly in 'I can do it myself' attitude.
     "Yes, father." She added the last part with heavy sarcasim. She knew he looked after her and he did care for her. He made that clear two years ago, right before they broke up. She still didn't like him like that after what he did, even though deep down she did. She had her reasons though, besides that matter.
     "Velia!" He shouted at her in yet another annoyed tone.
     "Okay, okay." She paused before she continued. "Yes, I will call you Chief of Police, Voss."
     She bent down by the first victim and lifted his arm up, under it was a dagger that was most likely used for the de-maning of this victim. As well as she was wondering if it was sharp enough to cut clean through the bone of the wrists. She turned back to Benjamin who already had a bag ready for her and she put the dagger in as evidence. She examined the female next and the wrist, it looked like it was cut off but the most interesting aspect of the killings was the stomach of the female, which was hidden slightly by the male. Benjamin covered his mouth with his arm and made a disgusted expression as he saw it. Her stomach was cut and the insides were cut out.
     "Benny check for her insides around here, see if they were left anywhere." She said before she stood up and walked over to the one pinned by her hands up on the wall. It looked like her hands were spread out and unseeable at the door she had three more spikes one going through her ankle into her other ankle, pinning both legs together. Then one in each leg to the wall. "A vigilante angel." She said under her breath, shaking her head at the brutality of it all.
     "No Velia," Benjamin said as he pointed the flashlight back towards Velia's face. "I can't find anything but blood around here. Should I call down one of the officers to gather some of the blood to make sure it is all the victim's? I can't imagine they'd not be harmed. How could they kill even these two or pin her before the other would know?"
     "Maybe they were drugged, is there cameras down here? Go ask the owner. If there is I want all the tapes from yesterday morning to this morning." Velia said in a leader's tone.
     "Yes, boss." He said with a laugh. He always did tell her that she sounded like a leader when she gave orders. She could probably lead anyone into hell and they'd still be happy with their choice, even if they died. They'd probably thank her.

     Benjamin headed up the stairs and when he got there the owner was shouting that her club was legal. Everything about it. Even though the prostitution of her club which was highly illegal.
     "Ma'am, you have to sit down. Mister Voss or Miss Profeta will be up soon to tell you what the charges are and anwser any..." The officer was cut off when Benjamin put his hand on the officer's shoulder.
     "The charges? We'll let the court decide that but if you help us, I'm sure a lawyer can cut a deal. We need names of anyone that was suppose to be down there and any tapes from yesterday morning to this morning. Anything that may help us with the investigation. If you don't, we'll not only get you on prostitution charges but we'll get you on being an accomplice to murder. Your choice." Benjamin said in such a tone that sent chills down the owner's spine. It was a firm voice, saying he meant it. While at the same time it was cool and calm like he could care less about her or her building. Added that it was a threat. It was a very unique combination for her to hear. She nodded her head and rushed into another room with Benjamin following, gave a computer floppy disc to him as well as three cds. The floppy was the list of everyone that was a customer and who was in the room last night. The cds were split eight hours each of time in that room.
     "Don't leave town. We'll be back depending on your charges or if we have more information we'll need, now go home. We have your number and address." Benjamin said as the owner muttered some curses about him and left the club. The bouncer was holding his head in his hands while sitting down on a chair near the door. He was suppose to make sure nothing happened in the club and sadly he didn't help. The killings were so close to his hometown and now in his own job.
     "We'll keep in contact, you should go home and get some rest." Benjamin put his hand on the guy's shoulder. "We'll catch the vigilantes and it'll be safe around here again soon. The officer took your statement and thats all you really can do right now. You didn't fail those people, you couldn't have known." The other man rose his head up after Benjamin had stopped talking and nodded his head.
     "Okay," He paused. "I just feel like I should've not allowed it to happen. I'm the bouncer, the guard of this club. The first victim was just down the road from my mother, the second victim. My sister knew who lives with my mother still. The third victim was nailed to that cross in my family church. I'm worried it is gonna take my family next."
     "Off the record and don't repeat this to the press?" Benjamin waited for a nod of the bouncer's head at least before continuing and when he got it he contiuned. "The ones dead have all committed some crime as far as we can tell. The third victim is the one we're not so sure of. The rest all committed crimes. As long as you keep your family out of the criminal ways you're good. It seems to be a real vigilante, or a group of them. The papers did get that right."
     "Thanks," The bouncer said alittle reassured his family would be safe. "My family are very religiously strict. We'd never commit a crime, it is almost a crime for me to work here in their eyes. It is just a job though until I can get something better."
     "You're welcome, now head home." Benjamin said with a smile as he patted the bouncer on his back and went turned to see Velia coming up from the basement.
     "Here's the information. Camera discs and the list of names of customers and ones in there." Benjamin said as he was out of ear shot of the bouncer. He handed her the discs and smiled. "The building is going to be closed down until further notice. We need a police officer posted so no one, not even the owner comes in here."
     "You know I make the orders!" Velia demanded in a tone that showed annoyance at his order to the police officers.
     "Well then, make the order."
     "Close it down until further notice and post a officer to make sure no one enters but me or Benjamin. Only us." Velia said as she shot him a glance that said 'wipe the smug smirk off your face', which he did promptly after seeing the glance.

     A form of light spiraled on the top of a rooftop, after the form had appeared it was bare skinned. Long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and an angelic look to it. It was as if it had fallen from heaven itself. It stood up, its bare form showing something rather disturbing to a human, if any would see, it had no genitalia and as soon as it stood clothes formed all over its body. Clothing that seemed to shine just as it did. It leapt down and smiled as it landed on its feet. It turned to see its first task, the draw of darkness pulling it closer to crimes. It did have a mission though, to get rid of the vigilante(s), and find one female and Mister Adam. The female had no name but just a face to it. The other had no appearance but just a name. It'd have to find them but along the way his body forced it to help. It stopped in front of the lady who was being robbed and who knows what else would happen if it wasn't there. Its eyes stared down at the muggers and they started to shine a bright blue glow. The glow seemed to scare the men away but before they got away it seemed to turn into light and appear in front of them.
     "The purse, please." It spoke in a voice that seemed to be more of a man's voice and it seemed to be male in most appearance but it held such a beauty to it that it almost seemed to come off as female. Most would mistake it for a male though. It put its hand out and the purse was dropped in it, before they left he mouthed 'may your sins be forgiven.' It walked over to the female and handed the purse back to her with a smile.
     "What's your name?" She asked in a thankful yet weary voice. Not sure how someone or something could turn into a light and reappear where that light goes. It seemed like he was her guardian angel.
     "I'm Saint Hyacinth." Hyacinth said as it rose it turned, walking away and out of sight of the lady whom it just saved.
     "Thank you, mister!" She shouted as loud as she could to hopefully reach its ears. It did reach its ears, and it smiled at the gratitude that she gave it. It made it feel as if it accomplished with task but it wasn't over for today. It was feeling as strong sense of darkness not far away and with that, Hyacinth went sprinting at a rather fast pace but at the same time looked like it was walking. It obviously held speed beyond humanly possible.

     "Do ya gots are money man?" One man in a purple jacket and jeans, obviously a gang member as another two as well were dressed the same but females, had said to a man of at least forty who had a cast on his leg. Crutches were in one of the female's hands and he went to grab one of them to help himself back up. She slammed it down on his hand, however, and he let out an ear drum busting scream, cracking coming from his hand.
     "I can't get it to you until friday!" The old man shouted inbetween his wimpers, while grasping his now broken hand. He took out a loan from the gang and in result he ended up oweing nearly double the price of what the loan was for. They had come to collect again, seeing as the first time they broke his leg.
     "You're already a months over due on payment and we can't wait any longer, we're gonna take it out of your hide, man. So bend over and take it like a man." The male gangster rose a crowbar up and went to slam it in the back of the old man's leg, in result though he was pushed back at the sudden appearance of doves that scared him back by the supernaturally way they appeared from a light just above where the man laid.
     "I do not wish for violence, nor did I wish to scare you. I cannot allow you to harm this man of God." Saint Hyacinth spoke in a firm tone and showed it had no sign of fear. The gangsters weren't pleased with the interuption, no matter how out of sight it was. The male gangster started to walk towards the man who interupted them and lunged towards him with the crowbar. When the crowbar came down towards Hyacinth, what seemed like an invisible barrier blocked the crowbar and pushed the male gangster back.
     "I'm guarded from all men and women of God who have sinned. Renounce all your sins and give your life to God, you can be forgiven. Leave the elder one alone." Hyacinth said as it bent down while the male gangster was recovering and picked up the crowbar. When it touched the crowbar it turned into two doves. The male gangster kicked at its ankles but only was caught in the barrier a second time and pushed back on the ground. Saint Hyacinth turned to the two females who dropped to their knees, cupped their hands together and started to pray for forgiveness. That they wouldn't do any sins again, they wouldn't kill, steal or do anything with the gang. It would be easier if they both got out as well, they were sisters. Hyacinth tilted its head while watching them pray for forgiveness. Soon as they finished one go on the prayer, it could sense the sins being seeped from their body and forgiven by its creator.
     "Elizabeth," It paused while it stared at one female before turning to the other and continuing. "Annabella. Both of you have been forgiven, do not commit another sin. God has forgiven you, now go home." Just at the tone of its voice they knew to obey and that it meant it. They went running off while throwing back purple bandanas, with some gang symbol on it. It turned back to the male gangster who refused to pray for forgiveness. Though he did run in another direction to get away. Hyacinth's job here was done, it saved the elder man. The two girls prayed for forgiveness and now to help the elder man more. It walked over to the now very crippled man. Bruised up, broken leg, broken hand and scars on his face.
     "Do not deal with criminals, dealing with one, makes you one. Now stand still, I sense purity in your heart even if you did an illegal act." Hyacinth said as it placed one hand on the broken leg and another on the broken hand. The man cringed and tried to pull away but its grip was too strong. Light started to flood from its hands out onto the elder man's broken limbs and within a mere minute it let go. The man clenched his once broken hand repeatedly and then tapped his leg.
     "You...healed me? God bless you! Thank God! I'll never miss church again, I'll pray every night and please, tell me your name. I want to pray for my guardian angel to always be safe and guarded by the almighty God himself!" The elder man said as he put his arms around it and held it close. Hyacinth wasn't one to become emotional, so a hug was very strange to get. Though it didn't hesitate to return the human affection, it was only right, pulling away would be downright mean to the elder. 'Respect your elders,' its father always said.
     "I am Saint Hyacinth," Hyacinth smiled as he pulled away from the elder man. "God knows, Saint Nicholas is not the only one who sees when you are awake, sleeping. Naughty or nice."
     "Santa claus is real?" The elder man asked in amazement. He was always told his family did it, why did his family take credit for Santa Claus' doing?
     "He gives his blessings through other means besides presents, he is very much real. I'm sorry for cutting this short but I must go. My powers of God allow me to know when another is in danger. You are safe and nearly sinless. Stay on the right side of God and never go to the left side of the devil. You will always be protected, if it is not your time." Hyacinth spoke as it helped the elder man up to his feet and turned, following the pull of the devil. To locate the evil that plagued this city. It had a mission to do but it had to work its way to it.
     "Thank you again, Saint Hyacinth. I owe you my life and I owe you my family's life. They'd no doubt came after them after I was dead." The old man said with a sad sigh but a smile of courage in it. He wouldn't do it no more!

     'I'll do it, I need the money fast. I'm gonna be out on the street tomorrow. No one will know if I wear this hockey mask, wear the gloves. I've seen crime scene investigators in action and all thoses law and order shows. I can do it.' A man wearing a brown coat, black leather gloves, black winter boots, and in his black jeans in the back under his coat was a 9mm pistol. As well as a switch knife in his right boot. The man's hair was roughed up, dirty and gave the impression he he was living in the streets most his life. His eyes were bloodshot, a sign of no sleep and possibly reason being drugs. It'd explain his need for money all of the sudden, a drug addiction. When he reached for the convenient store, 'Six-Sixteen, store open sixteen hours a day every day expect Sunday.', read a sign on the front of the door. Just as he started to pull it open, a man's, at least he thought a man's voice spoke to him.
     "Don't do it Fred." It spoke to him, knowing what he was about to do. It knew everything about the ones lost in the need, those of the sinners and those of the God's people. All were God's people but it was best described of those who were good in every bone. "It is not worth it, think of your six year old. She needs her father and not to visit the jail everytime she needs him. At least give me time to speak to you and show you the way of God."
     "God? God left me when I got fired, bucko. God left me when my daughter got ill. God left me when my wife died!" Fred shouted to it, getting anger and missing his wife. He was worrying for his daughter. They had to have a home for her. She was too sick to ever be on the streets. He had no one to turn to anymore. He was a very religious man until everything happened to him, so fast. He lost faith that a God would do this to him. To his daughter.
     "God has never left you Fred, he has sent me to tell you this. Do not do it, you'll end up being caught by the police, end up being hurt and your daughter will end up in an orphanage. She needs you and God is watching over you. Take me to your daughter. I can help her illness." Hyacinth said with a smile as it approached Fred and Fred being weary of the man. The eyes seemed to glow in a shine that made him smile. This man, it, was seemingly sincere. He had to try anything, anything if it helped his daughter.
     "Get in my car, if you're lying to me...I'll make an example of you to God if you really are some angel messenger to me." Fred started heading towards his truck, and waved Hyacinth into it. Hyacinth obeyed quickly and got into the passenger seat, buckling up and when Fred didn't. Hyacinth placed its hand on Fred's keys and pointed to his belt. Fred put on the belt and sighed before he skidded out of Six-Sixteen's parking lot.

     After about thirty minutes away, he entered an apartment building with Hyacinth right behind. They entered the elevator and waited patiently for the elevator to rise to the fifth floor. Hyacinth hadn't spoken again since he asked to see Fred's daughter. When they entered, a female from next door left. She gave Hyacinth a suggestive look, looking him up and down with a smile.
     "Thank you," Hyacinth replied to her thought of 'hes cute,' "But I'm genderless."
     She stared blankly at Hyacinth, not sure how it knew she thought that. Even more curious about what it meant by genderless? She didn't stay any longer as Fred ushered her out and payed her ten dollars for staying there. He was nearly broke but she did alot for him and she took what little he gave. His daughter to her was a sweetheart and she loved to babysit, plus, the girl needed a motherly figure in her life. Her mother died when she was only two years old. Fred went to her bedroom and waved for Hyacinth to follow. When they both entered the room, the six year old lifted her head off the pillow and stared into Hyacinth's eyes.
     "Papa, am I going to heaven?" She asked as she continued to stare at the angel, it was obvious to her that it was an angel. It was so pure in its eyes.
     "No, Nicki." Hyacinth spoke as it went towards her and sat on the bed next to her, ignoring Fred's words of warning. Hyacinth knew what it was doing and Nicki was a beautiful child, that showed hope of the future. "Take my hands and close your eyes, okay? This may seem to tingle but thats the most sensation you'll feel. No worries now, okay sweetie?" Hyacinth was built to know everything God wanted it to. How to talk to children, how to care like a human and everything about the ones it is here to save. The information comes to it like an open book floating next to it to flip through anytime it wanted to. When she happily took its hand she felt like her body had goosebumps all over her body and light went from its hands to hers and seemed to surge through her body. When the light faded she pulled her hands away and felt her chest lightly.
     "Papa...the pain is pain is gone." She said in a happy voice. She was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor, she hadn't had any treatment yet, it had only been two days since the diagnosis and he couldn't afford anything. So the doctors refused to do anything. It was why he was going to rob the store. The tumor was giving her pains in her body, small barely noticable at most times but it increased at times. She didn't feel anything now. She felt more energized and felt like a new little girl.
     "She's cured. God bless you two," Hyacinth walked closer to Fred and whispered in his ear. "God watches over those who need it. If I wouldn't come here, another angel would have come to save your daughter. It isn't her time. She deserves to live a long and happy life. Don't do anything bad, for your daughter."
     "Thank you!" Fred held his daughter tightly in an embrace she returned happily. "Saint Hyacinth, you'll be in my prayers. You gave me the greatest gift anyone could have ever given. Only God could give that. Not even doctors could do what you did, is it permanent?"

     "Yes. She is no longer in remission or has it. It is as if she never had it." Hyacinth replied as Nicki moved out of her father's arms and leaned up on her tippy toes and kissed the cheek of Hyacinth.
     "Thank you, tell God thank you too." She said with a smile as she stared up at her guardian angel. She thought the angel was taller than she thought it would've been. Light covered Hyacinth's body before they could ask anything else, it mouthed 'you're welcome' and it left out the window in light and reformed on the street. Hyacinth could feel a new pull, but not darkness this time. It had to be one of his allies that he was to go seek out.

     "Damnit! Not one damn thing to work off of." Velia slammed the coffee cup down after taking a swig. The cameras came up a dud. The vigilante obviously knew the camera was there because as soon as the three started to get busy together the fourth one, the killer, moved to the camera and broke the camera. Velia watched every moment of the camera though and the only thing audible is screams and a quote from Psalm 23:4. It was enough to confirm the vigilante case. Though a vigilante of what? She hit play again and over heard the exact phrase.
     'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.'
     "So you think apparently you are an angel of God, killing the darkness? God, such nutjobs." Velia looked down to her left wrist. It held a tattoo of a pentagram, five points made of silver, middle colored blood red with the dead center holding a lighter shade of red, circle like an eye with a black pupil. "Benjamin never did like my tattoo. Thought it was witchy." Velia said with a snicker, "I think that just made it more interesting to have it." Velia headed towards the phone and dialed a number, after three rings Benjamin picked up.
     "Yes? Chief Voss speaking."
     "Chief? I thought it was Chef Benjamin Voss." She said sarcastically, purposely trying to egg Benjamin on as he was easy to egg on. Afterall, she was his weakness and she knew it. She loved to use that against him. She was probably one of the only weaknesses he had. She pulled the phone away after his shout of 'I never!' speech. Once it was over she put the phone back to her ear and chuckled. "Yes, the camera was tampered with by the vigilante, you need to make a report to confirm it is a vigilante but make sure you say that it isn't a 'supernatural creature' we really don't want people going around trying to kill people, thinking they are enemies."
     "I hate the press." Benjamin said with a curse hidden under his breath. He knew he had to do it as well as he knew Velia hated them more.
     "You only have a few hours before the paper is most likely already printed, the press probably already has some statements but call Jezebelle and you should be able to beat the comments into the newspaper. Get to work." She hung up before he could anwser and that just pissed him off. He was half asleep, just about ready to go home and now he had to do more shit. Velia couldn't care less. She had went over the list of customers and none fitted the description of the vigilante and the ones suppose to be in the room reads to only be the three that died. So where did this fourth come from? She was becoming rather stumped at why but she was thinking she may know how. She called another number nearly knocking her phone off by the force of the dialing.
     "Yes, Junior Alamilla. It is Velia Profeta. Can you come meet me at my apartment building? I need to speak to you." She paused as she listened to the other line, the man on the other line was spouting off words in spanish which she was slightly confused about while she caught enough to know he was coming up to her.

     "You know it isn't wise to ask me to come up to you, Miss Profeta." A man with a coat that went down to his ankles covering him with a hood over his face. Leather gloves on his hands and leather boots covering his feet up to his knees. Not one part of his body could be seen. "Did you find anything and need my help with?" Velia opened the apartment door and let him entered the building before she spoke, she closed and locked the building door as well.
     "I need to know what you know of the vigilante." Velia said, straight to the point as she hit the up on the elevator. "I'll go over the details of the cases with you, all point back to someone or some people being vigilantes."
     The man followed almost like a phantom, moving towards to the elevator and enter it. He smiled, "Please, my name is Miguel Alamilla The VIII. Though you can call me Miguel, we do, do business together alot. We should be by now on a first name basis, I just have a habit of calling beautiful lady's by their last name in respect to them." Miguel pulled out a small cord and a device that could only be assumed to be a mini-computer. When they got to Velia's room he didn't even wait for her permission before he hooked his mini-computer up to her computer, read the discs, downloaded a copy of the videos to his mini-computer and started to make an assumption. She knew better than to interupt but she was close to doing so several times before he spoke up again with his assumption.
     "You're not gonna like this. It is obviously a vigilante but theres more to it then that..."

     "Are you kidding me?" Velia asked with a sigh as she put her head in her hands.
     "No, why would I lie? I'll keep in contact if I find a location of your vigilante, until then. Do keep the papers off us, we all hate the press butting into what they don't know." Miguel unhooked his mini-computer from hers and headed to the door, when he shut the door behind him. He leaned against it slightly, clenching his head. He shook it and went further on down the elevator and out of the building. He waved to the door keeper with an unseen smile, his eyes seemed to shine when the moonlight hit them, making the appearance of some kind of demonic being. He chuckled as the guard hurried to lock the door again and stared, watching as Miguel left.
     "No one trusts anyone now days. Too bad really, alot of us mean no harm to them. Miguel moved to his arm and started to scratch under his left glove which revealed the same pentagram tattoo that Velia had, same wrist, same position and same symbol.

     "Come on Asim, you can't be arabic." A man in a long black coat, black boots, black gloves and black sunglasses. The mans body seemed to show every sign of the shadows, maybe even be part of the shadows. The man known as Asim, at least the one recognizing the name turned to the other, "I'm your tutor." Asim paused his words before he spoke again but this time there was a change in language and he was speaking in arabic, roughly translated to 'Don't question me.'
     "Don't question you? DON'T QUESTION YOU? You turned me into a bloody bloodsucker, bugger that." The man showed a new accent that before he either had seemed to not use or it was only on choice things. Asim shook his head, "I took you away from the pain of dying. You were shot and bleeding to death. It was change you or you'd end up dying there. If you like though, I can send you back to that state." The other man just shook his head while biting his nails out of pure habit. He lunged at Asim as fast as he could but Asim grabbed the man by the wrists and twisted them both around with such brute force that he nearly snapped them off. Asim leaned closely to the man and whispered in his ear, showing signs of him being disgusted at his pupil.
     "I'm the tutor, I train the young vampiric children who have no where to go, as well as my day job of tutor to the young real children. I've loved children of all kinds but vampiric children, unlike human children, I'll kill in a heartbeat if they endanger me or our kind." Asim said as his grip on the man had changed to both hands behind his back, pinned by one hand, with the other on the man's front of his neck, pushing it back to listen. "Got it?"
     The man nodded in responce and it was settled. Asim let the man go and they were off to hunt for their night. Asim hadn't fed in ten nights, at least. Asim was a very old vampire and it showed in many of his acts. His strength was beyond strength of weaker ones, his speed unseen to the youngest vampires. A mere blur. Asim moved at speeds that even his child could not keep up. When Asim had paused at the edge of a park in the center of the city, he smiled. Mere minute later, at a blur to everyone but Asim or fellow dark ones, the other man arrived. It was pitch black and only Asim and his child could see anything. His child had branched from him to find another victim for his seventh night, on the rule that he'd bring the victim back, immobolized, so that Asim could make sure he was keeping all his talents. The only reason tonight was different is by the end of tonight, Asim would let the child be alone longer than he'd ever been alone before. He'd give him more free will. Asim wasn't old enough to control his children like his father is, so even if he wanted to control he couldn't but he'd make sure they were led down the right path.

     The thoughts of 'rules' ran through his mind, what he had told the child, known as Syd.
     'Vampires are not like they are in movies. We're actually rather religious at times.' In responce to Syd's question of 'Aren't vampires beasts?' Syd sounded so sure of himself, as if he had known it all. That Count Dracula was the basis for all vampires. 'Forget about Dracula, he was a hack compared to us and he did all those things to give people false hopes. When he got them in his grasp, cross around their neck as a way to protect them. He'd take their life, only the stake in his chest and decapitation killed him but the rest is all farce. Garlic is actually my favorite seasoning. I learned to cook, the best of the best, back in 1523.' That just spawned more questions from Syd, rightfully so. His next was simple, 'So that means the stake through your heart is still a real factor?' Syd paused before he could let Asim reply though, he asked a second question. 'And crosses then don't?'
     'Your heart is still vunerable, so yes, in a figure of speech a stake through it would hurt, possibly kill but it wouldn't be the wood that did it.' Asim spoke with a stifled laugh, it was true that all vampires have had a heart beat, real heart. They functioned nearly like a human with advantages and disadvantages. No human could see them differently, they bleed, they beat and they are strong. You'd have to literally know what to look for and watch them literally for weeks or put them in sunlight, at least the young ones.
     'Crosses? What do you think this is on my neck? I was once a christian, I'm really not as religious as I once was, but I still pray at times. Even our kind aren't savages.' Asim anwsered the question while holding up his simple silver cross on the chain. Though Syd did notice right under that on the same chain was a circle with a pentagram in it. 'It's magic properties, I don't worship Satan. I was given it back in 1324 by a witch. Just before she died. It was her want for me to have her only charm that hadn't been destoryed.'
     'Some of us, the older ones, however, can survive in the daylight. Only the very old ones that is. No, I'm not old enough. Not yet.' Asim brought the question out before Syd even asked it. It was there and Asim knew it, he could hear the questions rolling around in Syd's head. 'We can hear your mind, at least when trained well a vampire can hear a person's thoughts almost as if it is their own. Now on to your final question I take it?'
     'No, you wouldn't have to drink human blood. It just is best, you can as well keep your killing quiet or not kill at all if you can learn how to quench that hunger. Otherwise, you're lost in the beast.' Asim anwsered the thought in Syd's mind before he could ask that final question and it just confirmed what he had told Syd about mind reading. The conversation on tactics did go on about how to get people silently before they knew you were there to get them.

     Asim shook his head and sighed as he rubbed his temples out of habit, he never got a headache. Though he did wish the memories would stop coming to him. It wasn't just those memories either, the thought had brought back the year 1324.
     "Monsieur Aiken, please follow me. Madame Black is waiting for you in her abode." A butler with a french accent spoke as he ushered Asim to the house of Rosemary Black. It didn't take long for them to be inside a big house, Rosemary had inherited it from her parents. Asim let off a slight snicker as he thought of her parents. She was at the beautiful age of twenty-three and her parents had died a year ago, the thing they didn't know was that her father held the power of witchcraft. In essential, her father was a witch but didn't know it. Rosemary, however did. She was named Rosemary because her beauty always reminded her father of a beautiful rose. Her mother on the other hand wanted to call her Mary, after Saint Mary. They compromised in naming her one of both, Rosemary. When the butler was out of sight, Asim got his first look at Rosemary since he entered her abode. She rushed to him after she knew no servant would hear and threw her arms around him. Asim returned the embrace and sighed. He never dared read her thoughts even though he could, he could read her senses and she was scared. Not of him, she knew what he was and the story of how she actually forced him to her abode with witchcraft, 'To bind the dead', and then was going to send him on to the afterlife. He wasn't a demon, in the ghost variety, and because of that. All it did was piss him off. When he had her pinned and was going to take her life, her eyes seemed to show interest in him even as she was nearly losing consciousness. Her eyes showed sympathy, for one that has to live out his life, watching everything die around him. He shook the thought as he came back to then.
     "What frightens you, my beloved amor?" Asim had a very heavy french accent, not like how he speaks in present day. His concern in his tone showed just as heavy as the accent.
     "So you can tell?" Rosemary asked with the red lips, lipstick of a crimson variety, but didn't except an anwser. She knew he could tell. He could tell everything about her just by a small sigh or smile. She didn't wait for an anwser and continued on. "My fellow witch, the girl you met a week ago, has informed me she heard that I'm practicing satan's work. That the only reason my lover, you Asim, is with me is that I trapped you with spells. That I'm a witch, a bad one. They don't understand I only use my powers for good, for no more than another person would use their resources. They are going to come for me, I cannot leave though. If I leave, they'll find me. I can't go anywhere, my family name is noble and very well known. I can't hide in shadows."
     "I could give you the touch....the kiss...and you'd hide in the shadows as I do. The strength to protect yourself from..." Asim was cut off by her soft, gentle, finger on his lips. His eyes showed nothing more than love for her and she could see it. He may have been undead but vampires never did show that and this one...This one had emotions as much as he did in life.
     "No Asim," She sighed, her long crimson locks draped down to her lower back, some of which layed in front of one side of her face. Her complexion was a tan skin, she looked like a princess to Asim and thats only one attraction he had for her. "I don't want to watch the death of my sister, while I never grow old. I want to grow old with you and I know it will never happen but if they come for me. I'll try to convince them. For now, lets stay together. To have another night together. We may not have tomorrow." Asim had no tears but his eyes showed as if they were already tearing. Asim didn't want to believe it but he knew she was right. They'd come for her, they'd kill her if they thought she was a witch...if they found out she really was. They never understood difference and in this time and age. Witches, demons and the likes were all feared. If the mortals didn't look at something different as a spawn of the devil and as something different. Witches, vampires, demons and everything else wouldn't have to hide from society, they could be making bigger differences. Asim clenched his fist as more anger came up. He knew they weren't of the devil, they were just different. Evolutional differences.
     "Say something to me Asim," She said as her gentle touch pushed his face in direction to look down into her eyes. "I love you."
     "I...don't know why I can't face the fact of you gone." Asim leaned in closer to her, faces inches apart, knelt slightly due to him being seven inches taller, her being five feet tall, he had to bend down slightly to be face to face with her. Her on her tippy toes. "I love you too, with all my life and dead life. I've confided in you, given you my soul. I'll stay with you and protect you, no matter what." He closed the rest of the distance and their lips met in a kiss that could literally set the house on fire. Candles on the tables near them were shaking rapidly, a couple others floating in the air, five feet high. Asim slowly pulled away and before the candles hit the table, flame side down, he was holding the three that were landing from high and standing in front of her before she even knew he was gone. He blew the three candles out and threw them to the side.

     "Come out you witch!" A man screamed from outside her house.
     Inside it jerked Asim back to consciousness within mere seconds. He got up so fast and his nude body was covered in clothes within a blink of an eye and he had his hands up in fists. He turned to Rosemary, her form so beautiful covered by the sheets of her bed. Her eyes slowly started to creep open when she heard another shout about a witch. She looked at Asim while pulling the sheet closer to herself. She pulled off her necklace, it was given to her by her best friend and threw it towards Asim. His quick instincts allowed him to grab it and put it on before it was even near him, or so it seemed.
     "Stay here Rosemary, it is still night. They'll have to stand me, kill me if they have to, to get to you!" Asim hadn't even waited for a responce and had rushed to the front door of the abode and when the door had been busted open with a ram, Asim was thrown back by the force of the door but skidded back in a crouched position with one hand on the ground and the other back, ready to lunge back. When the four men from the front rushed in Asim hissed, baring fangs and was ready to kill them all.
     "Leave Rosemary alone! It is me you want, a beast. I'll give you a beast." Asim moved so fast that he was behind the back human and bit the neck, tearing the neck clean off. Asim slammed his full force into another one and when he was being swiped at with torches. Thats when he had to watch himself as his arm had caught fire once from the torches, leaving burn marks but he got it out before it did true damage. It was shouting from 'her devil guardian', 'the vampire! The witch is with a vampire!', 'she cursed him! The poor soul!' and many other comments that just fueled Asim's anger. Asim watched the torches, watched the ways they swiped them and on a keen sense he used his speed and cunning to grab the torch from one of them and burned him with it, impaling the torch wood end into the heart of the human with such force he crushed the bones. Another one pulled up a cross and started to give a prayer, 'banish thee evil from me', and with that Asim grabbed the cross.
     "What do you think this is!" Asim said as he pulled out a cross from around his neck and uppercutted the man, breaking his jaw. Thats when his body went pale as it could go, he heard a shrill shriek from another room. It was Rosemary. The memories got blurrier after that, what he can remember was that the men had taken her, her refusing to use her witchcraft against humans. That left her nearly defenseless and Asim couldn't get to her in time. The sun was coming up and as soon as his hand touched the door to go out his hand stung, smoking and burning. He hesitated to pull it back but then yanked it screaming.
     "I'LL SAVE YOU ROSEMARY! I'LL SAVE YOU!" Asim spoke in such a voice that showed pain and defeat. He knew if they were going to kill her, they'd do it before he'd get out at night. He'd lose her. The next memory he has was of killing four men that had just burned her on a stake. She tried to reason with them but it was too much. He couldn't even look at her body, Asim took it and gave her a proper burial, the once beautiful Rosemary was not nothing but charred Rosemary. Asim had spoke to her sister before he left, told her where he buried her and that he gave her a proper burial. In that century they never gave proper burials to witches, demons and other similar beings. They weren't worth God's words. Asim wasn't ever seen to the Black bloodline again but he did stalk his sister's daughters and their daughters. Four generations down the line he had saved a girl, a descendant of Rosemary's sister, from a demon ghost.

     "Wake up," A familar voice spoke and was laughing lightly, "YO!" The male voice paused before he added, while waving his hand in front of Asim's face, "Fuck face, wake up. Bloody 'ell, you off in day dreamin' land or what the 'ell?"
     Asim was quickly snapped out of the trance of the memories, he hadn't even moved from the park outskirts to get a victim, his mind locked on the memories but Syd, had already grabbed his victim. A young teenager, female, couldn't have been older than fourteen years old. She held a child's beauty and had some maturity beyond her age. Asim was listening very carefully to listen to the teenager's thoughts.
     'Please....please God....I'm sorry I stole that twenty out of my mother's purse! I'm sorry I had that party when my parents were out! I'm sorry! I don't want to die.' It continued on, things she did. All her sins. It was rather interesting to listen to. Then it got to something that disturbed him. Apparently she had seen Syd before.
     'I thought he was a good man! He said he'd protect me but now...he wishes to kill me...offer me to the devil he said! He scares me...God please save me.' Asim's eyes seemed to squint a bit at that, had Syd known this girl and was he killing someone he made friends with? Was he trying to make sure fear was enstilled in his kill?
     "Syd, let the girl go. You aren't suppose to scare them." Asim said out loud and when Syd started to protest, Asim's eyes grew closer together, eyebrows crossing and his anger growing. His voice came out again and he kept his ears open to the teenager's mind while speaking in another language. Arabic again, roughly translating to: "Syd! You are my child and I'm your sire, you are not to kill those who you know and you're not suppose to let yourself be known. I gave you the choice to kill or just injure but do not let that choice be abused. Stand down!"
     "Fuck that, my fancy pants friend. This is my kill, she back talked about me to my sister and now I'm hated. My pass at her was considered to be illegal and I nearly got arrested. I only loved the girl, so now she gets to go to 'ell." Syd said as he held the girl inches off the ground by her neck and only her neck. "You trained me well, do you really think you can get to her before I kill her?"
     "I never said those things about you Syd! I liked you but not like that! You were like an older brother to me." She said in a choking tone, she wanted to get free but it was true. Asim used the time he was distracted to grab Syd by his wrists, twist and make the girl be released. When she went running Syd started to fight but Asim held him in place, forcing him around like he had him earlier. His wrists pinned with one hand and his other on Syd's neck pushing the head back.
     "Miss, do not tell what you have seen. If you want, come to my place tomorrow and I can explain more. I'm a private tutor of children, and I wouldn't ever hurt a child." Asim finished his sentences with his apartment number and address. She seemed to be calm and he had to finish with Syd, so he put full trust in her and when she was out of sight, he threw Syd to the ground.
     "You fool! You know how we are going to die if we get found out. The only way our kind knows us and only way they should is if they know what to look for!" Asim said as he put his right wrist out and had the pentagram tattoo like Miguel. "And this tattoo siginifies that we are part of a secret society. We get found out and we get burned on a stake!"
     "I know that you fucking fool! She was one person, ONE GIRL! I'd kill her, make it look like an accident or brutal murder like those ones in the newspapers and boom. No one suspects us." Syd said as he spit up some blood as he stood up, his hunger was starting to get to him and he had a low growl in his voice.
     "Bah! You are the foolish one! I've never seen anyone who would actually be happy to commit murder like the brutal ones. Only the evil or confused do such things." Asim started to speak in Arabic again, when his anger rised he learned to speak in Arabic when he had changed his name to Asim, to start a new life, and now it was a thing he couldn't hold back when he had anger. He slipped in and out of his dialect. "Besides! Tomorrow I plan on hunting the vigilante because if he or she keeps killing, we'll have a full on supernatural versus mortal world and personally. I like teaching mortal children and vampiric children."

     Syd tried to overpower Asim but every single swing Syd did to Asim, every single movement at Asim was all blocked and all predicted. He knew everything that Syd was doing before Syd did it. It was easy, Syd was a week old vampire and Asim was over a thousand years old, he was skilled in all his abilities. He just never used them more than getting dinner and teaching kids, even kids with mental problems. Though that was alot less frequent as it wasn't official that he could take care of mentally challenged children but he did it 'cause he knew he could. Asim decapitated Syd's head with a small shortsword, bigger than a dagger and shorter than a sword, that was hidden under his very thin long black coat. It was thin enough to hide it there. Which is one reason he wore such a coat. It was no fight and Asim didn't like shedding blood, even if it meant to keep his kind in check but he did it. He had three hours before morning would break and just as he turned he saw someone coming towards him. A man that showed nothing but an angelic gaze. Asim held his temples and rubbed them as he saw it.
     "I'm really not in the mood to deal with God's right hand men and women. Please, do leave me alone." Asim said as he started to walk back to his building, in the other direction.
     "I'm sorry but are you Adam? My powers have drawn me to you and I'm suppose to know of a female and a man known as Adam. I only have bits to find them but my powers draw me to those who I need to find. I have a message for you though, to stop the evil. You need to gain alliances with this female I seek. As well as myself. Once the murderous vigilante 'in the name of God' is taken care of, I'll have completed my goal." Hyacinth spoke in a soothing tone but that tone had no effect on Asim, it only had effect on humans to sooth them. Asim quickly sped by and grabbed Hyacinth by its neck and laughed.
     "Not anymore I'm not, but if you really think I may need your help finding that creep naturally then do come to my apartment but don't be spouting of anything but my name now. Asim Aiken, besides. What do you have to offer me, my italian friend?" Asim had been all around the world and could spot even the slightest of accents, Hyacinth had quite a heavy italian accent, though it may have been alot easier for him to see than anyone else though. Hyacinth straightened itself up and pushed away from Asim with a smile, the magicial barrier against humans is all it had. Supernaturals weren't of God's plan and they aren't able to be blocked by God, that is why Saints are more powerful than humans.
     "Rosemary's current descendant." It paused as it studied Asim's expression. "You lost them after 1832 didn't you?"

     "At your service," a female with beautiful long crimson colored hair that went down to her waistline, a tan complexion, she was part spanish and part english. She moved from England three years ago to this city to help practice her witchcraft with a fellow witch. He had known her over the internet for two years before she reached twenty and decided to move to America. She currently did under the table witchcraft and 'magic', sending ghosts demons off to the afterlife. Talking with the dead and other magicial properties. She also tried to tell the future but it didn't always work with her magic. She currently was on a job to get rid of a ghost in some man's basement. She had given him her card and told him if he had any questions to look at the card. When he looked at the card after she said that, it had said.

'Harmony Merlo'
'Witch in training and for hire'
'The orange tabby cat'
'This is a magical card, thats how it can know. Read here to see new anwsers.'
     As soon as he read that he thought of a question and it was simply 'how can there be a cat as part of your job?'
'Its a familiar, a talking cat that guides the witch.'
     He was even more confused by that hadn't stopped the cat, Jacob, from raising its orange head and snickering. It was then that a voice with a heavy english accent spoke and made the man jump through the roof.
     "You believe in ghosts but don't believe in mwah? I'm hurt." Jacob snickered again as he rubbed against the legs of the man before he rushed off down the steps after Harmony.

     Harmony hadn't waited and walked down with her black boots, a purple skirt that went down to her knees and under it a very thin pair of black pants that come off as solid knee highs but cover from her waistline down to her ankles. She wore thin black gloves that went up to her elbows and a sleeveless purple shirt. She had a necklace with a cross pendant and a four-point star pendant on the same chain. When she stepped into the dark she pulled up her star pendant and whispered a few words, blessing to some goddess to give her light and soon as she did the star pendant started to shine like a real star, it lit up the whole room and soon as she did that a face appeared in front of her and kissed her on the lips before turning into a cloud of smoke and appeared behind her.
     "Göttin!" A male voice spoke with such intensity that it didn't seem like a ghost's tone. "I have never seen a Göttin with such Schönheit in my life. Schönheit is a rare thing. What has brought you down here with ich? You're most Schönheit with your eyes the color of brown with such a hint that they shine like rubies. Your age cannot be more than that of twenty-three. The height of five foot, two. I can see it, the slim weight of a girl who eats nearly nothing. That form to perfect to be without work. The lips of a black rose."
     "I'm not a goddess, I'm not a beauty and you can shove it!" She said angry that he had kissed her, she started to say a few words and it set up a glow around the demonic ghost in a rectangular barrier. When the demon went to the edges of it he turned to smoke and then reformed in the middle of it.
     "You block ich from going through? How dare such Schönheit do that to me? do you say? Beauty?" The demon slammed against the barrier again but it just happened again, he was pushed to the middle of it and reformed.
     "You're suppose to go on to the afterlife, I'm here to send you off. I'm getting payed big too, to help you." Harmony said as she put her hands on the barrier and seemed to move the barrier and the demon inside into the middle of the basement. She wasn't going to take no for an anwser either. Demon ghosts always wanted to stay but they weren't allowed too. They did to much and the higher ups, wanted them to be sent on to be reborn as something better or worse in some cases. She held up her star pendant in one hand and the cross in the other, her lips moving slow but together fast enough that the ghost was watching each and every movement.
     "But...Gö not send me on, I wish to stay. If I promise not to...bother that man, may I stay? I can stop being the movie statue of ghosts....Göttin! Göttin!!!" His words were nearly being bounced off of her. The only one that truly was listening was Jacob the cat. The cat went under the barrier and looked up at the ghost.
     "She's not really listening," He said while licking his front right paw. "She takes her job seriously, ever since her mother died. She's got some stick up her...well you know, I really like to refrain from the foul language that has been brought upon the new ages. When did you die my friend?"
     "Eighteen thirty-two." The ghost paused before he flipped around his body and was feet up and head down towards the cat. "My brother shot me through my heart, I was a bandit ya see? German's finest. Ich tötete viele Männer."
     "Who hasn't killed men?" The cat replied with a soft tone as he curled his tail around his back leg and layed down flat. "Many or one, we're supernaturals. I was a saint before this. Saint Jacob. I delivered a message back in thirteen forty-six. I saw all kinds of things and some of the worst men were passed on to sainton ship as the mortals liked to call it but it is just passing into the light either to be reborn or to become a saint. Theres no internship about it. It really does annoy me at times. If you want to be passed to become something better. You can just know it is wrong, never do it again, and pray the big guy forgives you."
     The ghost paused and was shaking his head at the cat.
     "Viel Bequemlichkeit mein Freund. Wie sagen sie, Besserwisser?" Was the ghost's reply to that as he glared at the cat, obviously it wasn't of something high praise. The cat scuffed at the remark and shook his head as well.
     "I try to give you a pep talk and thats the thanks I get 'Much comfort my friend. How say do they, know-it-alls?', and in american they say for a know it all is 'smartass', not know-it-all!" The cat turned to Harmony and looked up at her. "Send the smartass on, please."
     "I am!" She shouted as her concentration was lost and the pendants stopped glowing. She dropped to her knees as the barrier blasted around the room and seemingly trapped everyone in the basement in the basement.

     "Shit! Shit! Shit!" She shouted repeatedly as the ghost was free to roam the basement and his first task was that he pinned Harmony against the wall.
     "You try to kill me? You try but fail, maybe thats a Zeichen einer Mission for me." The ghost said as he held her pinned to the wall and grabbed the pendants off her neck, ripping the chain off. He tossed them to the corner of the room and started to force his hands around her neck. "I don't mean to do this to you, I really don't. I will kill to live, I killed many men in my life as I told the feline. I have never killed a women or child. Now I break it both."
     Harmony was starting to choke more and more, but the only one that was able to do something, was doing something. In the corner of the room Jacob had his front paw on the star pendant and started to speak in another dialect which was roughly translated to:

Send the dead to another life.
Bend the will to drop him to the dark.
Fend off the dark to bring him to the light.
Tend to his wounds of a broken death.
     Soon as Jacob had said the last word the ghost started to slowly turn into particles of light, that light started to spiral around and Jacob turned to Harmony, sliding the pendants towards her at a fast speed.
     "Finish it before he materializes again."
     She knew what to do and she started to bring her power up to a higher amount, the blood in her stronger. The blood in Jacob was minor and he couldn't ever send another over but he could continue to try and he would always do something to help her if she needs it. Within a few minutes afterwards she had finished it, used her powers to send him to the great beyond. She turned to Jacob while rubbing her neck.
     "Don't gloat." She said sharply as she gave him such a hideous glare it showed she'd kill him if he did.
     "Then give me a salmon when we get out of here."
     "Deal." She said as she picked Jacob up and started to carry him up the stairs when the man shouted down to see if they were alright, indeed they had He looked at the card after shouting that and shook his head in disbelief, the card had anwsered him again. Under the names and occupations, it changed to anwser his tenth question since she went down.
'We're both fine, and the job is done. We'd like to be payed now.'
     When she got up stairs she was greeted with the money in an envelope and before he could really ask questions about the bruise on her neck, a thumb imprint on one side and the fact that she had a small scratch from when her necklace was ripped from her neck, she was out of the house with Jacob and walking down the street.
     "You could've waited to see if you could have gotten a salmon from him." Jacob said as he licked his front paw, when Jacob started to jerk down he shook his head in shock.
     "Stop it! You eat what you like but I don't want to wait there." She said with a groan, she hated to be long at places like that. She wouldn't explain her injuries to some mortal man and although they assumed her to be mortal she still feared that the old days would come back. That she'd be taken away, tied to a stake and burned. Witches weren't loved in the past and they were thought to be allies with Satan, to be horrible. She never was and no witch really was, unless they wished to be. Though, anyone can do that. Anyone can ally themselves with Satan.

     "Go upstairs, or go out. I live here and I don't plan to do anything yet of the murders. Its nearly dawn, I have no time to search for things. Besides saying I must find this 'beautiful lady' as you say, what does she do? What is she? Any details?" Asim asked as he stopped in the doorway to his apartment building, unlike what he leads anyone to believe. He owns the whole building but under the name of Adam Aiken. He says it is his brother, but thats nothing of the sorts. He has no relatives, according to him. Hyacinth just shook its head and replied with a simple 'no', all he knew was the appearance of the lady.
     "Then leave me be, I have something to attend to. I have a guest." Asim replied as he had listened very carefully and upstairs in the third room there were two heartbeats. One of his vampiric guest and the other human. To loud to be vampire. If he would guess it would be a child or teenager. Possibly one of his students came to ask questions, even though everyone knows he is a night tutor. Asim slowly went up the stairs and entered the room, leaving Hyacinth behind. He saw a young female, the teenager from before. Why did she come so soon to his abode? When he noted the fact that his male vampire friend, about two years older in appearance and solid age as the young mortal girl. The child. He could see her under his hypnotizing spell, molding her to his will. She was about the same height as Gaston, benching just above him at one more inche. Four feet, eleven inches. Her right ear had a beautiful white gold earring on it, that her mother had given her but sadly her mother lost the other one. She had a couldn't have weighed over one hundred and ten pounds in her shape, she was not boney but she didn't have an ounce of fat on her.
     "Gaston," Asim started as he rubbed his temples very gently, the same mortal doom of a headache had haunted him. "You aren't allowed to kill human children as long as you are to stay with me. Teenagers count as children. You know this."
     "But!" Gaston shouted, the vampiric male.
     "No but about it, you are to leave her be. Esspecially since I just saved her life from Syd, Syd is no more. He was too wild and would become the fall of our kind if more like him rose to power."

     Asim watched as Gaston left one last kiss on her neck before leaving the room, soon as he left, snapping his fingers, she was woken from the trance. She looked around frantically and soon as she saw Asim she seemed to calm. What happened next is what actually shocked him, she rushed to him and threw her arms around him in tears. She didn't say anything but he returned her embrace. She was broken hearted, or fearful for herself. He honestly didn't know which but she had come to invite. He'd treat her like his guest and his student. Gaston was someone he had found out on the streets, just before dawn and he was feeding off a mortal. It was obvious to Asim that he was a young fledgling and ever since he has taken Gaston under his wing. When the 'wounded', mentally, female left his embrace she finally started to speak, rubbing her tears away.
     "I ran away after that man said he'd take care of me," She shivered slightly and when she did this, Asim took his coat off and put it around her. It was far too big for her but it kept her warm and in a way she felt safe with him close. Under his coat was the short sword and her eyes never left it until he put it on the mantel in the room. His clothes under his coat was a group of more fancy clothes, a black vest over a white shirt. At the tips of his longer sleeved shirt was ruffles as in the olden days, one of them for Asim. He wore a pair of black jeans that were a rather tight fit but at the same time was roomy enough to keep him from being stopped from fighting. His shoes were pure leather boots that went up about an inch or two above his ankle, hidden that fact under his jeans. In his vest pocket there was a pocket watch that was chained to that same pocket. She slowly started to continue again, "I shouldn't have done it but my sister had started making lies and rumors about things I said about him. I never said those things, he did try to touch me but he stopped. He seemed to be a gentleman in some ways, his eyes were so entrancing. I think I really did like him in a way but not like he liked me. I just thought of him as an older brother. A protector. When I ran from him, I think I snapped something in him as a few weeks later is when I saw him, now. When you saved me. Did you kill him?" She paused as if maybe she was sorry she asked it, not sure if it was wise to ask. Though her voice very broken and ragged with tears, she said one more question. "What are you?"
     "Asim Aiken, a vampire." He said softly as he sat down on a chair, facing her. "I had to, he was becoming too feral in ways. He would have probably screamed from rooftops, went on the media and done all of this just so he could be heard as a vampire. I took him in as my own child, I saved him from death. He was injured and I brought him a new life. He abused it and nearly took another child's life, yours."
     She seemed drawn to Asim, feeling as if she was safe. She remembered a big beast she saw on the streets two days ago, it was huge in her eyes. It scared her and she thought it was a nightmare she had but now. She wonders what it was. She knew he'd know, knew he'd protect her. She could feel it. So the next words was something surprising to her. Not to Asim, as he had been listening to her thoughts, trying to figure out if she was going to let the secret out or keep it. She seemed she was going to keep it.
     "Can I stay?" She asked with such innocence, he could barely deny it. Which he didn't deny it, he was happy to give shelter to any child in need. Vampire or mortal alike. He acted as the lost ones father in his eyes. Even though people look at him as a spawn of satan when they know his gift and curse. He thinks in his eyes that he helps them along the right path. He put his hand out to her, relucantly she took it and he pulled her onto his lap.
     "You can stay in this very room, I don't sleep on the bed. I use the coffin." Asim said as he gestured to the coffin. "If you tell me your name."
     "Ishtar Hunt," She said as she blushed lightly, embrassed of her lack of manners. "I'm sorry, I should've introduced myself when you did."
     Asim waved his hand in a gesture that he did not care, 'no worries', sort of way. "Besides, you had a rough night. Get some rest, Ishtar." Asim said as he stood up and at a speed unseen to her, he had her laying on the bed.
     "I'll explain more tomorrow, until then. You are safe in my abode." Asim watched as she closed her eyes and smiled, he moved towards the door when he was greeted by Gaston.

     "So whose the hot girl?" Gaston asked with his fanged smile, his brown with a hint of silver eyes almost glowing at the thought of Ishtar's blood. Asim shook his head with disapproval when he caught the blood admiration in Gaston's eyes. Gaston was a sixteen year old in appearance, wearing baggy tore up blue jeans, his knee was visible on the right side while his left side of his left leg was visible through tears. The jeans came in the tore like that, a current fad that Asim could just not understand. Gaston wore a black shirt with a big dollar symbol necklace hanging down to the middle of his chest. He had leather bands on his wrists, under his right one was a pentagram tattoo like Asim's, and on the leather bands were metal spikes. His libre was piercing, including just above each eyebrow. Just above his right breast was a upside down triangle, he would say the visible three piercings on the front of his face was the points of a triangle. Gaston always seemed to be obsessed with triangles. He had simple ball piercings on his face and inside his mouth on his tongue. As well as the big quarter size earrings on each ear, in the shape of pentagrams, solid ones. It left a penny sized hole in his ear if he left the earring out. His shoes were a fake of some very fancy leather shoes that would cost over one hundred dollars called 'Facktors' instead of 'Factors', which he was well aware of. His hair was spiked all over and if it was ever brought down it'd be of medium length. The color is another thing Asim could never understand, it was a blue and red mix. Gaston's appearance just screamed modern day punk to Asim. Gaston was four foot, ten inches tall though but he made up for that in his muscular body, he actually looked stronger than Asim but due to Asim's great power over his vampiric traits Asim is stronger beyond years of Gaston. Gaston weighed out at one hundred, forty-two, point five pounds and was a great fist fighter.
     "Her name is Ishtar Hunt and she is off limits Gaston, I've taken you in and I'm trying to teach you to never take the life of a mortal child which means no one under eighteen to twenty-one. Esspecially in the off chance that she somehow would bite you and get your blood in her. You know our kind takes nearly two centuries to age one human year. She'd be stuck as a child for centuries, many centuries." Asim said in a sooth tone, his slight french accent coming into play even though he was primarily american accent now. He wanted to make sure Gaston understood what he meant and meanwhile he had been heading towards another room, Gaston right behind. Asim's long black hair was dangling down just below his shoulders, bouncing around on his shoulders as he moved faster than a human but at a rather slow pace for his kind.
     "Yes, I know. I just wanted to taste her, she smelled so intoxicating. Her skin was so soft, that mocha color was beautiful. Her blackish red lipstick, her beautiful blue eyes, the purple v-neck shirt and the mini skirt that cut off not much higher than her knee. Her bare feet, did she lose her shoes when Syd attacked her? She has those painted fingernails, crimson I believe. Her hair up in a pigtails, the red color of her hair. I was lost in her beauty and the hunger, I had to bite her. I'm sorry Asim for breaking my promise before, I'll try to control it. I bet it is part of my teenage hormones being mixed in with my vampiric hunger. She said her father was egyptain, why they named her Ishtar after that goddess. I can see why they did." Gaston was tapping his fang with his tongue piercing, repeatedly while he waited for Asim's slap on his face or some showing that he was in the wrong. Some punishment would come he assumed but when none came he looked up into Asim's dark brown eyes, almost a black color and sighed. Asim was actually smiling at Gaston.
     "I don't know if you have a crush on her or are trying to get into her pants or trying to make her your meal. Either way, do not harm her and don't use your powers to put her into a trance again. She doesn't remember you trancing her, so you're safe there. Now go to your room and get in the coffin before day comes, we need to get our rest as tonight we'll train some before I have to go out and hunt that creature that is attacking so brutally." Asim's tone fell back into his americanized accent and watched Gaston looked puzzled and then it almost seemed like a lightbulb went off above Gaston's head as he understood what he meant by the creature.
     "The one in the newspaper? The vigilante? You think it is some creature like us?" Gaston's tone sounded anxious, Asim didn't need to read his mind to know what Gaston was thinking now. Gaston was going to come tonight on the hunt, with or without Asim's permission.
     "You can come if you want when I do so, but yes. It is either some type of demon trying to frame God's angels, which right now there is a Saint, Hyacinth, that has come to tell me to stop it. I need to find some girl who all he knows is what she looks like. Together the three of us can stop it, so tomorrow night I'm going hunting for the creature and that girl. If it isn't the demon, it could possibly be multiple vampires or a shapeshifter. No way that one person could do all the killings that was a vampire, zombie or witch. They'd not be able to change their appearance. So it'd have to be multiple killers and from how I gather it seems to be one, or two. Just by how the killings have been piling up and the fact it is always the same way of killing, so brutally. One would be less of a killer and another would be more brutal." Asim explained as he put his hair behind his ear and turned into his room. "Now go to bed Gaston."

     A few hours after dawn, outside of a bank, surrounding with cop cars, was Benjamin Voss. The situation was simple, even if it wasn't really easy. Inside there were three robbers, at least ten hostages and it was surrounded with cops. Only they wouldn't talk to Benjamin or anyone of the cops. They wanted to hear from some girl, Debra. Debra was a very rich lady that made her fortune after she bought and sold a huge company and it was said she was into illegal activities. Benjamin had called it in that they should do it while the rest of the cops were guarding the exits. She had agreed to come down but that she wouldn't go in. She assumed it was someone that was layed off and in that case she would be risking her life to go in alone. When she got down Benjamin handed her the phone.
     " made us all lose our jobs!" The man on the other end of the phone shouted, the lead robber, and then there was a loud bang from something being thrown against the wall. "Your little sister is in here and if you don't make our demands come true, she'll die." To add truth to his words he pulled the hair of some girl, probably eighteen to twenty, up and to the phone, the scream being heard on the end with Debra. She cringed.
     "I'll do anything, what do you want? Just don't hur..." She started rushing to the front door of the bank, Benjamin running right behind. There had been a loud gunshot on the other end of the phone and she feared for her sister. She had gotten inside before Benjamin could stop her from getting in and, being who he was, he rushed in after her. When he got inside there was a man standing over the three. It was Hyacinth. The robbers had been subdued and it turned to Benjamin and Debra.
     "They are yours to deal with now, a gift from God." Hyacinth's gaze turned to Debra, before being on Benjamin, and it continued with another message. "Think of others more, don't be greedy. Greed is a sin."
     "Who are..." Before Benjamin could finish Hyacinth was out the back and when it went out the back, it turned into light and went away to dodge the view of the law enforcement. Hyacinth had decided while Asim was sleeping, it'd have to do the real work of God. The one that does no end in death of others. Benjamin sighed as he lifted a walkie talkie up and gave information that it was clear to enter. All the other cops entered to secure the location. When he got a call on his cell phone from the department. A brutal killing out in the park? Thats what the call gave. Nothing more or less. It had to be the vigilante again, he sighed as he headed through the crowd and got in his car with a female officer in the passenger seat, she was his 'partner' and drove off.

     Upon arriving on the scene he found Velia already there examining the body. Benjamin walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder, speaking.
     "Are you always this fast to come to a scene?" Benjamin said with a sigh as he bent down by the victim, beheaded and burned to death. Not a pretty sight.
     "I'm actually quite slow to come if I want to be. Esspecially when I know that german hunk is possibly going to arrive," She said with a coy tone as she tapped his chest with her index finger. She brushed passed him and gave the okay to take the body away, Benjamin's cheeks had went up in flames, burning from the blushing of her teasing joke. She got in her car and it wasn't until she started the engine she felt Benjamin's hand on her upperarm. "It was a joke, now I gotta get back to gather evidence. I really don't think this was the same vigilante, probably some wannabe night creature that got whacked."
     "Theres no such things as night creatures Velia, don't get me started on that long debate again." Benjamin said with a slightly annoyed tone, he just wanted to show he was annoyed by it but at the same time he knew she was good. He didn't care to talk of it, she use to go into long debates with him that vampires and the others are real. That she knew it but couldn't show him. He was sick and tired of it. "Just be careful, okay Velia? It is dangerous out there right now. I'll finish up here and handle the press. If you ever need help with your search, make sure you call me. I don't want to find out you went in some place all brave and became an italian appetizer for some freak cannibal victim. This is probably the worse case in months and last time there was a case so extreme I remember you were in the hospital for a few weeks. Just remember, I'll come help even if I'm off duty."
     "Stop worrying so much for me Benjamin, I can take care of myself." She said with a smile, she couldn't help but stare into his green eyes, she always loved the fact that it wasn't a solid color, it seemed to have a hint of blue in them. She honestly hadn't known he still cared for her or at least enough to be giving her the 'call me if you need me' speech.
     "You know I don't mean you can't, just do it. This isn't some fancy country, city or state. We're in the heart of shit town USA. We're in a city that has the highest crime in the country. You know my number, promise you'll be calling me if you get any leads you want to follow up on." Benjamin said as he put his sunglasses back on and stood up straight away from the car window.
     "I promise, okay?" She said as she gave him a smile, they seemed to lock eyes for a few moments. Her eyes were a beautiful brownish color with a hint of a yellowish color. She was the only girl he'd ever seen with that eye color, the yellowish color anyways.
     "Yes, now go before you get to have to deal with the press too." Benjamin said as he noticed the press off in the distance. Soon as he said that she hit the gas and drove off. She didn't have to wait to hear that comment twice, she hated the press as much as Benjamin did. They were alot of like.

     Just as he had finished speaking, the press came running towards him. Questions after questions going off at him like a machine gun shooting him. Benjamin was lucky enough to be six foot, four inches tall as this allowed him to see everyone who was asking questions as most were under five foot and a half. As well as he was rather muscular himself, weighing in at one hundred and sixty pounds.
     "Is this victim really burned to death and beheaded?"
     "Is this connected with the murders of the vigilantes?"
     "Are you close to finding the vigilantes?"
     "Do you believe the vigilante is one demon or demons?"
     "Why do you not comment to the press, the people have a right to know?!"
     "Are you single? Can I have your number! You're gorgeous and hot as hell!"
     "Thats true, how old are you?"
     Benjamin laughed as he heard the last two questions, it was comic relief to him but he knew it was serious and he had to awnser them. He took a deep breath, trying to remember all the questions only a few had honestly been remembered as he had at least twenty questions thrown at him all at once.
     "Yes, it is definitely a burned and beheaded victim. It seems as if the killer had burned him and then dressed him, just after beheading him. We're honestly unsure which came first but either way, the clothes were untouched while the inner skin was burned. We're dealing with a very serious vigilante, or vigilantes I should say since our accounts have said both men and women have been seen during the crimes." Benjamin took a breath as he was about to continue he saw someone raring up for a question and he put his hand up to say stop, continuing with his speech to the press. "It could be connected but as of now Homicide believes it to be just a random death in a city with a few gangs. It isn't unlikely to have a random killing now and then, sadly, that is how it is. Until further word we can not really annouce anything more about the victims, then we already have. The press already got my statement about the other victims. The vigilantes are not far from being caught, we have the best on the job. Myself, Velia Profeta, and many others. Velia being the best homicide detective in the state. I don't believe in demons and everyone in the department as well as homicide detective Velia Profeta has said it is only a vigilante, don't have people go out killing 'demons' as you will just have more troubles. It needs to be clear, this is a vigilante. Not a demon. I don't because half the time, I admittingly am wrong to not give my report on this but, the press likes to twist your words. I really am not a people's person, I do a great job and thats where I got my position but besides that the point. I'm sorry to the public for not commenting before yesterday and now today." Benjamin paused and waited to see if there was anymore questions and when there wasn't he anwsered the final one that he remembered. It was the lady in the back of the crowd. The press had circled him literally and there was about ten or more people forming that circle with pads of paper, microphones and cameras for different media recording ways.
     "I'm single but I broke up awhile back, I do have a girl I favor but it isn't meant to be. As of now, I am not dating. I will not give my number, I'm thirty-six and honestly, that is not a press related question. It is personal so should stay private. Now is there anymore questions? If there isn't I must be going." Benjamin said with such a tone that sent chills down their spines, not in the way of fear but in the way of authority, almost a tone that yelled. 'This is it, now leave!' When there was not one more peep from the press, the circle opened and Benjamin walked by with a walk that showed that same authority, straight. One foot in front of the other, never faltering from his straight movement to his car, pulling out the keys, twirling the rest of the keys on the ring around into his hand, one key pinned with his thumb and index finger. He put it in the car door, opening it and going in. He laid his head back against the top of the car seat and sighed.
     'Why is there always so much killing!' He thought, lost in his thoughts of trying to piece together a group of vigilantes. Why kill so many sinners? Why think they have the right to choose who is a sinner worth of death? What does it begin with? Is it the fact of simple law breaking or is it to a real extreme? All these questions were running through his mind and they were no where near completing the case. Velia Profeta was the closest one to completing it and she wasn't any closer than Benjamin.

     A young man of the age of sixteen, no older, had just came out of a strip club. It was just near dark and he smelt of sex and booze. He had a very thick mustache and beard. A fake id that was very well done and he was for the second night in a row going to clubs and picking up hookers. It was his sixteenth birthday a week before and he was using this new found id from his best friend to good use. He was of a rich family and never appreicated anything, always wanting more and more. His clothes were rags when he went to clubs but in the morning he'd be in a suit that was worth more than an average person's car. His hair would be perfectly in place and he'd be combing his beard even. He was to marry a girl he didn't even know. Why? Because his family was so stuck up that they only would allow him to marry a girl of much worth. His first girlfriend was scared off because she wasn't rich. He was hanging on some guy from the club, being carried to a car. The young man jabbed the other man's chest with his index finger.
     "'re a good friend..." The young man said as his breath just about knocked the other man over in a drunken stupor. The teenager had to have at least drank ten of the heaviest shots in the club, ten in each club.
     "Tadhg, you really need to rest." The other man said as he got a baring after trying to block the breath out of his mind and carried him to his car. He put Tadhg into the passenger seat and closed the door behind him. He went around and got into the car, starting it up and driving down the road. The road had turned from the clubs to a street of trees alongside the wrong. Mostly full in everyway, but there was a couple trees that the leaves were dead and fallen off of. The road had no construction for a few miles but there was signs of 'construction ahead', it was raining now and Tadhg hadn't let up. Tadhg constantly was gripping the other man's shoulder and making up really sexist and racist jokes. Tadhg felt such laughter after telling each one. The other man was his driver, not a stranger as most assumed by the way Tadhg had acted in the clubs when he was around but he knew his place. He was the driver and his butler. At that exact thought, Tadhg grabbed the wheel and started to twirl it around, the car was swerving rapidly now. The car went off the road just as the other man pushed Tadhg to his seat, the car hit a tree and the driver went straight through the windshield, smashing his head on a tree. Tadhg started to laugh at that and think it was fact, so messed up on the alcohol. He was also on multiple different drugs, though his driver hadn't seen him take them. It was at one of the moments he was alone with the hooker. He got out of the car and saw the blood, when that happened Tadhg freaked out and started to run away. When Tadhg got deeper into the forest, about five yards away from the road, he was sent flying straight into a tree by a force he hadn't even seen.

     Tadhg slowly opened his eyes while he was on the ground, his back throbbing beyond belief, his left eye bloodshot, his right bruised shut from the impact. His lips cut up and his nose felt broken. The impact was beyond something human. When he continued to search for sight of something, it was then that he saw the huge creature. It was standing at least eight foot tall, the body was covered in a thick leather with hairs that almost said it was some kind of animal, the eyes were glowing red and the beast leapt towards Tadhg, all he could do was yell for help. A drunken yell for help was heard through the roar of the beast, only to those around. No one was around in the forest area, on the outskirts of the city. Tadhg's screams were cut short when the beast swiped the heavy claw across the man's throat. Death crept up on him and the maw of the beast pierced Tadhg's gut, ripping his intestines and other organs near. When the life of the man had left his corpse, the beast lifted up its body changing into a male's form. A very muscular male that looked as if he was on steroids, or some other drug that had completely put him on the edge, enhanced himself in ways as well.
     "God shalt not forgive the devil's children. Sin: Everything from having sex like a jack rabbit, illegally drinking, killing with your drunken side seat driving and many more in the past. There isn't a sin you haven't done."
     The man turned, his nude form walking slowly and as he walked slowly he formed clothes on his body, licking the blood off his chin, lips and cheeks around his mouth. The taste of fresh blood was haunting him. There would be more sinners but this one was taken care of. The man's chest just before the shirt had formed showed scars on it, when the shirt was formed he pulled out a knife, lifted up his shirt, and started to carve one more mark on his chest. The marks of those who have sinned. Ten or more marks were on the body.

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