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Chapter 3: Freelance Mercenaries

     Chad quickly ripped the window covers off and saw the high-jaw t-rex creature from before. It has no bottom jaw and it just kept slamming its head against the jeep, rolling it along the road until there was a loud explosion on the side of the creature. It was knocked off balance and fell down near the jeep's ending point. Chad had made sure nothing hit Natasha but some broken glass had cut his arms and back, as well as a piece of glass was lodged into the back of his neck and he hadn't even noticed the small shard there. It was clear then as four people in black uniforms. There was no doubt they were of some small group of cops, mercenaries or some type of well trained group. The one that was leading the back had a huge cannon on his shoulder that had been fired at the t-rex creature that was still trying to get up. It didn't take long for the front two uniforms to pry the side of the jeep off, grabbing Chad and Natasha right out of the jeep. They drug Chad and Natasha with them, guns armed on them. It was obviously they were very well armed and weren't gonna be touched by any of these creatures if completely focused.
     "Who are you guys?" Chad asked as he pulled his arms away from the male that was holding him as well as going near Natasha and holding her as anyone could still see she was bit. He wanted to make sure they weren't gonna hurt her.
     "We're freelance mercenaries." The male behind him said in a weird voice, it was obvious they were wearing some kind of night vision masks, equipped with gas mask and oxygen too. Which made their voices sound like something from a science fiction movie, a bad one at that.
     "Then why did you help us. We didn't pay you." Chad said very sternly but kept following as it was better than walking back to Joe's house.
     "We'll tell you once we get back. You're the first people alive we've found in seven days, there was a radio frequency coming from the station around here. We're going to check it out and when we did we saw the car people inside the car. We're higher tech than any of these low tech cops around here. We were funded by some of the best employers until they turned against us and left us for dead. You know a person really knows who her, or his, friends are when something like this happens. It's the ones that stick around." A female voice spoke up on the left to Chad, the male voice was on his right as they approached the other two mercenaries. The two others saluted the obvious leaders of these mercenaries. It didn't take long for them to start shouting in that same mask covered tone when the t-rex creature started to mutate once more. It had mutated down into four seperate creatures when it couldn't get back up. It looked as if these creatures flesh covered spiders with a long rope like neck that branched out at the tip into suction-like cups for teeth. All four of the creatures leapt up onto the jeep and then started running on all eight legs towards the group of six now. They quickly leapt into their armored vehicle, tugging Chad and Natasha with them. The creatures slammed into the side of the vehicle but did no real damage. The male leader leapt into the driver's seat and the female leader into the passenger seat. She pulled the small rectangle shudder open just enough to point her automatic rifle out of the window and shoot it at these creatures, while the male leader took off driving. The creatures kept chase nearly at full speed of the car, just slightly slower if they were slower at all.
     "Vic, take the launcher top side." The female leader shouted back to the one that was holding the cannon before. It didn't take him even a second to grab the cannon once more and unscrew the roof top door, poking his head and the cannon out he slowly took aim. His eye squinted under the mask, unseen to anyone as he lined up the small scope to the spider creature, firing out a large rocket at one of the creatures. It took the creature just one hit to go flying back six feet and stop moving. Even though they all knew it didn't mean it was dead, at least it was out of the game for now. The one called Vic slipped back down and shouted reload, the fourth and so far silent mercenary got another rocket out and helped Vic reload the cannon. Soon as it was reloaded he popped back out the top of the armored vehicle like a jack in the box, firing the cannon at another one of the creatures and slipping back until all of the creatures were backing off. It wasn't even minutes later and they pulled up at the radio station in Starlight City. The six slowly got out of the armored vehicle and made sure to keep their weapons ready. The female leader knelt down to be at eye level with Natasha.
     "Can you use this?" She said as she handed a 9mm pistol to the teenager. Natasha shook her head no but she took it anyways as she wanted to be well armed as well as these mercenaries. Just then both Natasha and Chad felt a small prick on the back of their necks, Natasha quickly held her neck and Chad went on the defensive, swinging around and pointing his desert eagle at the male leader.
     "What the fuck did you just do to us!" Chad shouted in anger and had his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot the mercenaries.
     "The girl checks out, she has the antibodies working in her blood stream. Lucky girl." The male leader said as he tossed a small needle like device down on the ground and stepped on it. He then checked the other small needle device and pulled his pistol on Chad as well. "The guy's infected. On a fucking massive level! The guy should already be one of those creatures."
     "I'm not infected." Chad said as he kept his pistol aimed at the male leader, as well as pulling out his second desert eagle and pointing it at the female leader who also was aiming her gun at him. Natasha pointed the pistol shakily at the two back and forth. She'd help Chad but she didn't want to hurt a human.
     "These needles check if the virus is in your body. Three colors depending on the situation. Antibodies, infected and not infected is the results. The color covers more of the bar if its higher infection and this thing is fully colored. You should already have changed and mutated even." The male leader said as he went to shoot Chad just as the female leader's hand came in front of Chad's face to stop the other one from shooting.
     "Maybe he has something else in his blood keeping him from turning. Maybe he is a carrier or something. We'll just have to watch him is all. He obviously is good with guns and thats all we need." She said as she lowered the male leader's gun. It was obvious that she had control over the male or at least they both favored each other's opinions highly as immediately he holstered his gun and so did Chad as a sign of respect to the female mercenary.

     "So what was the radio message?" Chad asked as he watched Natasha's strengthened form. She had improved so fast and he was expecting she may not even make it. Though the mercenary confirmed one thing in Chad's mind. He was infected and there was something new about him, he had healed so fast at the hospital and he could feel something about him different. Something that made him stronger.
     "The message said that there was two people held up in the radio station, a male, the speaker, and the female. The female was the guy's fiancee and he wanted to make sure they got out alive. He said that a man was trying to kill them with some axe. That the guy had gotten to his girl and wounded her. He wasn't sure where this mysterious axeman went or anything but he knew it was still dangerous so he broadcasted it at least once every hour. We were just able to ship up and come here to look for him when we found you. Our masks also have an x-ray for heat signatures and really anyone could tell the creature smelled something it wanted in the jeep. Afterall, the creature was practically playing soccer with the jeep. So what's your story?" The male leader said as he rubbed his neck, obviously hadn't slept in awhile by the way he acted.
     "I'm the police captain of Starlight City and was in the military a few years before that. Overall, I'm just trying to stay alive and protect anyone I can find. We're suppose to meet my friend Joe at his house. He has a blast room and more ammo there. We had went out to get somethings to help with Natasha's wounds. We split up for that reason as it was risky and since I had already been bit before and hadn't turned. Incase she turned, I wanted to be there and would be able to at least make sure I tried damn hard to keep her alive." Chad said as he looked down, Natasha had went to his side and hugged him. It was almost a silent thank you for his help.
     "Well," The female said with a long pause as she checked the room they had entered. They were starting to walk through the radio station in a tight group, making sure no one was left behind even one step while they talked. The radio station looked awfully quiet. "We know why she survived. She has the antibodies in her blood stream, probably was one hell of a trip to get them to take action though but a few humans have antibodies already in their blood stream. When they work in the body, they have no fear of infection. Though if you don't have the antibodies you turn into those mindless things or worse, those mutated creatures. If you had the antibodies you'd came up positive, SO, we're right to worry about you mister Captain sir. We just don't want to risk losing another person to those things."
     "I've been bitten a few times and everytime it heals. Some guy told me that we were the next step in evolution. I think its the same guy that your person is talking about. He had an axe and he moved at such speed. It was hard to keep up with him. As well as he stabbed me and I healed within five minutes of the wound being made. Is there a possiblity theres a second strain of this infection? How do you guys know about it? Was it man made?" Chad asked and then paused a few seconds before he shook his head. "I'm sorry, my name is Chad and this is Natasha. What are your names?"
     "Cannon boy goes by Victor." The male leader said as he nodded his head in the direction of the mercenary holding the cannon still. "The silent one is Blake, he is our resident sniper."
     "And your names?" Chad added as they both went silent for a few minutes as they explored the area, there was not one sign of anyone, even those zombie creatures.
     "It's very quiet here..." Victor said from the back as he started to scan around. Unlike Chad and Natasha, the four mercenaries could see everything. Their masks switching through night vision, heat signatures, etc.. There was no sign of anything. Then there was a loud shot from a pistol and then a screaming from a guy. It was no doubt a male screaming 'god no!' They all rushed as fast as they could to the sound of the voice but when they reached the location of the voice. They saw a gruesome sight. A man was holding a female in his arms, a gun by his side and a bullet wound to the head on the female. By some of the features on the female, it was obvious she had turned on the guy. Natasha buried her face in Chad's shirt, his arm around her like he would his own child, praying she'd be able to have a full and happy life. The two leaders of the mercenaries band started to approach the man and soon as they did he grabbed the gun, pointing it at them.
     "Stay back!" The man shouted. "Stay the fuck back!"
     "Sir," the female spoke up first, trying to be soothing in her voice. "We're just here to help you. We're not gonna hurt you and we can rest awhile here if it'd make you feel better. Are you the one that was broadcasting your message on the radio? We're just here responding, we can help you."
     "That man with the axe let those things bite her....You can't help me, you can't bring her back!" The man said still shouting as he pointed the gun at the female mercenary.
     "Sir put the gun down, we're just here to help you. Pointing the gun at us, isn't gonna help you either." The man said as he stepped in front of the female and thats when there was a loud shot from the gun, the male mercenary was impacted back into the female. The man with the gun just shook his head.
     "You can't help me...she was my love...I'd die for her and I'll die to be with her." He said as he put the gun into his mouth and shot up, killing himself. His body went limp and the gun fell out of his mouth, bloody splatter on the wall from the shot. The bullet had went clean through. As much as the man that killed himself was a hard sight, the three mercenaries quickly checked the wound on the male. It was then that he coughed and slowly stood up.
     "Good thing we have bulletproof vests. Damn those things hurt though." He said as he held his chest, it felt to him like a hammer was just slammed into his chest or a cannon ball had been fired at him.
     "Devin you bastard!" The female leader shouted at him as she slapped him on the back of the head. "Don't ever worry us like that again!"
     "So his name is Devin?" Chad said, finally getting at least one of their names. They had been quite secretive so far. Ignoring some of his questions, choosing when and how to speak.
     "Where are our manners," The female said with a bit of a laugh. "Yes. He is Devin Tapia and I'm Stephanie Flowers."
     "You two together?" Chad asked as they slowly started to back out of the room. All but Natasha seemed to be use to the death and even she wasn't so far off on not being shocked. Though she elbowed Chad for being so rude.
     "Someone just lost his love and he killed him and you're asking if they are together or not? Thats just insensitive!" She said as she left his side and walked out of the room further in a bit of a rage. She was more mad that she was in this situation, hoping she'd go to sleep and wake up in her bed. With it all being a terrible nightmare. Soon as Chad started heading out of the room as well there was a loud scream and then a silence, followed by a loud slam. Chad rushed as fast as he could, the four mercenaries right behind.
     "Ah, so we meet again. This time, you're not so lucky to have your big bad sheriff to protect." Santo said as he sniffed Natasha's head. "You're fearful. Mmmmmmm, the smell of fear. I love it. I wouldn't do that if I was you." Santo said as Chad leveled his pistol towards Santo and the axe in Santo's hand went up to Natasha's throat. "One wrong move and her head is removed."
     "What do you want!" Chad shouted in anger as he lowered his pistol. Devin and Stephanie lifted their pistols but soon as they did Chad made them lower them. Santo grinned such a psychotic grin that it sent shivers down the mercenaries spines. Though there wasn't one bit of fear from Chad and he had his pistol ready to shoot if he needed to. "Just let her go. You obviously want me, so you can have me, if she is let free in the protection of these four."
     "Not likely." Santo said as he went running away at a fast speed, holding onto Natasha the whole time. He was obviously taking a prisoner. Chad clenched his fist tight but he knew he couldn't keep up with Santo. He'd have to find him but he had no idea how. He swung around and grabbed Devin by his vest and slammed him against the wall.
     "Tell me what that virus is suppose to do! Tell me now!" He shouted so loud that it actually hurt their ears as they had a bit of sensitive hearing due to their masks. The mercenary known as Vic placed his hand on the arm of Chad and eased him to lower Devin.
     "Its suppose to increase the life of animals, as well as their senses, skills, immunity to colds and viruses. Though," Victor paused as he looked off to the side and then lowered his cannon as well. "It also increased the animalistic instincts, made them more violent. We have no idea how it mutated into creatures but the violent instincts pretty much made them unable to be dealt with. The second thing about the virus was it was suppose to make the animals last alot longer but, it ended up doing that anyways. Even if they died. Somehow this virus that was actually suppose to be an enhancer, was passed on through bites and scratches or any kind of viral contact. It can be air borne, physically transfered from one person's saliva to the next, blood, anything. It shifts how it feels like it. Thats why we are wearing masks, we're not all immune to it. We don't have the vaccine either." He had took a small breath and sighed afterwards, there was a small disappoint in his voice and Chad didn't know why exactly. Though when Stephanie spoke up it was obvious to him why.
     "We use to work for the ones who made this enhancer before they left us to die in this city. We took the equipment we still had from our guard duties, capturing equipment and all. We've been trying to find as many survivors as possible but you're the first one in a long time." She said as she fiddled with her automatic rifle before continuing, "We need to go get your sister or daughter or whoever she is back to you."
     "She's just a friend," Chad said as he turned to the front door and cocked his desert eagle back. "But I'll die before someone hurts her anymore than she has been hurt."

     "Any idea where that psycho could have taken Natasha?" Chad said as they slowly exited the radio station, all were armed and ready to shoot. It was then that he spotted Santo off in the distance, barely in view and it looked like Natasha wasn't moving. He could only assume that Santo knocked her out. The mercenaries with the masks could confirm she was knocked out as her eyes were closed when they zoomed in. Chad tapped one of the mercenaries, Devin, and demanded the mask to see. As he was no fool, he knew what those masks could do. Devin pulled it off and handed it to Chad would placed it on to see Natasha. Just as he did Santo waved to Chad, pointing to the Starlight Football Stadium and just as fast as he did those gestures, he was gone.
     "He wants us to go into the stadium." Chad said as he slammed the mask back into Devin's chest and arms, walking into the driver's seat of their armored vehicle. "I'm driving this time."
     "Like hell you are," Devin said in a shout and catching the door of the vehicle before he continiued, "You may be the captain of the police force but you aren't the leader of us. So get the..." Devin was caught off with a whisper in his ear from Stephanie and he made a few curses before he got into the back of the vehicle. Devin rubbed his neck as he sat in one of the seats, grumbling about not being able to drive his vehicle. Stephanie had got into the passenger seat and the other two sat back with Devin. Blade slipped up out of the roof and started to scan around with his sniper rifle, planning on keeping any of the enemies off of them. As well as to get a sight on the stadium, just as he did he could see the lights turn on, blaring the whole stadium in light.
     "The stadium's lit," Blake shouted down as he continued to watch just as Chad started it up, heading straight for the stadium with no regards to how fast he was going. It only took them a few minutes at the speed he could push out of the vehicle, everyone had buckled up and even Blake slipped back down to buckle up. Chad was going for Natasha and nothing was gonna stop him. When he got to the stadium he made a screeching stop, not even waiting for the others he slipped out of vehicle and ran straight for the doors of the stadium. He pushed straight through the doors as they had been unlocked and waiting for him. He ran further just enough to find that there was signs painted, pointing to the football players entrance. He had left the mercenaries behind as he rushed to find Natasha. He wasn't checking corners, wasn't even caring if anything happened to him. His eyes were bloodshot like he hadn't slept and body was feeling tense when he got to the doors they were locked with the words BUST in all capitals on them. He shot at it but the bullets just bounced back, nearly hitting himself. He started to get angry, his fists tensing slightly and he pulled back with a fist and busted straight through the door with his fist. It slammed the doors open as he hit it through the wood plank holding it on the other side. He rushed out to find Natasha dangling from one of the football goals, her wrists were tied to one side and her ankles to the other, dangling over three cages with ravenous mutated wolves. Each looked different in some manner but they all could be easily spotted to be a wolf and very hungry as their jaws or what was left of jaws snapped at the bars. Chad pulled his gun out just as the 'annoucer' shouted.
     "Ladies and gentleman," Santo's voice could easily be heard as the annoucer's, "In one corner we have the lovely and young Natasha who is easily lunch for these caged wolves if our great gladitor can not help her."
     "Let her go you bastard!" Chad shouted up to the annoucer's room, shooting at the window but the bullet just bounced off the bullet proof window.
     "Calm down our great gladitor, I'm giving you a chance. I'll give you two of your mercenary friends to help. If you have either of the other two join in to help. I'll kill Natasha before you can save her from the wolves." Santo threatened over the speakers just as the mercenaries all entered the stadium. The sniper put up his rifle and started to take aim when Chad shouted for him to stop.
     "I can only have two of you help or he'll kill her and I choose you two." Chad said as he pointed at Stephanie and Devin, Devin was rubbing his neck again. He let out a sigh and cocked his automatic rifle as Stephanie did the same, standing near Chad. She made a gesture to tell them to go back and they obeyed, exiting the stadium. They hated to play the mad man's rules but they knew they had to. That and both Victor and Blake knew that they should try to find the annoucer's room, so they can stop Santo. They gave a thumbs up and headed out, unseen to Santo, or so they thought at least. Chad looked back to the beasts.
     "So we have the great gladitor and his two knights. The well figured beauty knight and the," Santo's voice stopped for a second and you could hear him breathing, the way he was breathing made him sound like he found something interesting. "The strong knight of hell."
     "Devin, you're the beauty I think and Stephanie must be the knight of hell." Chad said with a laugh, trying to ease his own mind about the situation, as he got his gun readied. Just as they had gotten into position Santo shouted to release the wolves and the lights went out, leaving all those mask impaired at a disadvantaged. Just as the lights had gone out Devin cursed out loud as he remembered he left his mask back in the vehicle as they all rushed out after Chad. Chad's eyes closed shut before he opened them and he seemed to be able to adjust slightly to the darkness and see vague shadows moving as the cages opened.
     "They're released!" Chad shouted as he pointed his gun up frantically towards the cages. The three wolf creatures didn't rush off, they snipped at each other and let out howls. Before all at once they all rushed off in one direction and headed straight for Stephanie. Devin couldn't see anything and he was shouting about where are they and swinging his gun around based on where the last snarl he heard was. The wolves were going for Stephanie but going behind her. Just as they got within grasp Chad grabbed Stephanie in time, pulling her away but in the process having his arm gashed by the wolves claws. He let out a gruesome groan of pain as Stephanie turned to face the creatures unloading her automatic rifle's clip into the creatures with his arms keeping her balanced as she wasn't on her feet. He quickly pulled her back to her feet after the creatures ran away and held his arm, she still had her mask on and luckly could see she was just busy focusing on Devin and Chad that she hadn't put full focus to the creatures. Chad's would was bleeding but it had chips of what looked to be some kind of knives but it was obvious each was a nail from the claws. Stephanie swung around in time to shoot one of the wolves who had lunged for Devin, shouting for him to move. Shots were going off behind Stephanie as Chad shot his desert eagle off at the creatures. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Click. Having to reload after every clip was becoming far to risky but at the same time, he had no other guns. He was starting to take more careful aim but his sight wasn't fully adjusted but he could see movement in the darkness. Unsure of what it all was at times he could strain and focus more but the full focus would only last a bit. When Stephanie turned to fire at another of the wolf creatures she heard the automatic rifle of Devin go off and at the same time she could hear two things she wished to never hear. There was a loud scream and bones crushing from the direction of where the gun fire had gone. She turned with her night vision to see the one creature dropping Devin from its jaw. His body was sore, bone broken but he wasn't dead yet. The paw of the mutated wolf was keeping Devin pinned as another one of the creatures stalked over, it seemed they had lost focus on Stephanie and Chad as the three had caught a meal with team work. The third wolf creature was licking at its wounds, Devin had hit one heavily but at the same time he was struck from another side. Everything was happening all at once it seemed. The wounded creature was so wounded it actually tore off its front leg and ate it, the wound seemed to heal up once he tore it off. Though there was more blood dripping from the creature than from where the missing leg was. Devin was slowly being toyed with as Stephanie was grabbed from behind by Chad. She had started to run towards Devin without even her gun reloaded and ready to fire. She just wanted to get to him but Chad held her back.
     "That is not the way Stephanie. The best thing we can do, is fire at the creatures. If we can get them away. Maybe we can help him. If he has those antibodies you talked about." Chad said but he was immediately slammed with the stock of the rifle, releasing Stephanie.
     "He doesn't have the antibodies! Only I do." She said as she reloaded the rifle and started rushing towards the creatures firing at them, not even caring if she killed or wounded just that they would leave Devin alone. Chad hadn't enough time to recover from being hit with the stock to grab her in time again. She got to close to the beasts without and major wounds to that, that the one that was holding Devin down just swung its claw at her breaking off a nail in her stomach. The impact of the claw against her body flung her back against the stadium wall, not knocking her out cold but knocking all the wind from here. Her stomach was bleeding from the claw wound and all she could really do was watch and try to move.
     "Stephanie!" Chad shouted as he grabbed his forehead and felt like he was getting a migrane. Unknown to Chad his eyes were completely red from blood, as if the blood shot has consumed his eyes. His head was pounding and his grip on the pistol tightened as he swung the pistol up and started firing at the creature, each bullet hitting the creatures percisely even the one that was moving around to be a harder target to hit. Finally he got a bullet to connect with the skull of one of the wolves and it fell limp. Though as he turned back to the one who had Devin pinned he saw the creature lunge back its jaw and slam forward, ripping a chunk of his flesh from his stomach. The other one had bit down on Devin's ankle, biting down hard multiple times, finally with a bone crushing sound it took Devin's foot completely off. Chad at the same time all this was happening rose his pistol and started to fire when there was a click. He was out of ammo and he knew there was only one way he could finish these creatures off was to get to Devin's automatic rifle. Chad stepped forward and the next second he was at the automatic rifle, cocked it and started to fire it into one of the creature's faces, at point blank range. It easily killed the creature but just as he swung to kill the other one, the other creature's tail seemed to grow and slap Chad into the wall and at the same time its jaws went clamp against Devin's screaming throat, with a sudden sound of quiet, followed by another sound of bones crushing and a wolf eating its meal. Chad had stood up almost immediately after his body impacted the wall, he started to unload the rifle on the creature one bullet finally seemed to kill the creature. Chad moved at a speed as fast as Santo had, running to Stephanie. He checked her wound, checking her pulse. The wound was bad but she still had a rather strong pulse. He took off his shirt, tossing the rifle to the said. He pulled out a combat knife, cutting the shirt to make a bandage for her stomach. He quickly checked her for any other wounds but she seemed to just have faint from either blood loss or pain but she was stable. His next concern was Natasha who had Santo now on the football goal's bar just above her. Santo clapped his hands as he bowed to Chad. During Santo's bow, he flipped over the goal, slashing the ropes and catching Natasha as she fell down. He placed her down on the top of a cage.
     "Now you're feeling the true power you can tap into. Use it, become stronger and become my ally. We're a rare breed you and I." Santo said as he pushed off the cage in a flip and landed back down on his feet in a crouch, his axe in his right hand and back behind him with his other arm to his chest. He slowly stood up and had his arms to his side as he continued his speeach. "You have powers beyond those creatures you see, beyond the mindless walking dead. You have the power of speed, the power of senses beyond humans. You can see me perfectly right now can't you? Its the virus, its molding you into an unstoppable beast. You'll never have to fear death, you'll not have to fear ANYONE or ANYTHING."
     Chad didn't even respond before he went lunging towards Santo at a fast speed, their weapons clashing hard with sparks flying as the combat knife and axe locked together. Their faces inches apart, it was obvious something was happening to Chad by his appearance. The blood filled eyes, previous a migrane, his veins were showing and his special traits seemed to enhance tenfold. Chad's knee met Santo's chest, jerking his grip on the axe back and out of guard of himself. Chad took the opening and slashed his combat knife across Santo's chest, which all of this happened in the blink of an eye. Chad's boot came up and slammed into Santo's knife wound and sent Santo flying back inside one of the cages. Chad went running fast to go cage Santo but Santo used his own speed to escape the cage, leaving Chad slamming an empty cage. Santo's fist met Chad's cheek, jerking Chad in one direction from the force. Santo then took the small lapse in Chad's focus to connect his own kick into Chad's back, sending Chad flying face first into the dirt. Though soon as he hit the dirt, Chad swung around and pulled up his combat knife to block the axe, with a swift kick to Santo's side and a roll, Chad got on top of Santo placing the combat knife to Santo's neck. The only force stopping him was on hand of Santo's gripping Chad's wrist, in a tug of war it seemed. Though Santo got the advantage when he kneed into Chad's crotch, sending Chad to the side in pain.
     "I offered you this power, I offered you everything! To hold ruler and you spit in my face. I guess you don't wish to be with the new race of men. This isn't finished but," Santo kicked Chad again in the crotch before he could recover so Chad was immobilized. "I am gonna enjoy making you one of our extinct brethren." Santo rose his axe up to bring it down upon Chad's throat just as he felt a bullet pierce his shoulder. He looked up to see the sniper mercenary known as Blake up in the stands. As well as Victor up in the annoucer's stands. Another bullet impacted Santo's other shoulder and he growled, showing disgust as he went running at a slower speed than usual for the exit. Blake went rushing to another end of the stands to try to get another shot but by the time he was at the aim he could see Santo slip inside and out of sight.
     "We're coming down for you guys! Hold in their." Victor shouted from the annoucer's booth microphone, rushing back down, Blake did the same but from the stands. By the time they got back Chad was standing, holding Natasha in his hands. He didn't say anything but handed her to Victor, tossing Blake the keys and lifting Stephanie off the ground. It was the best arrangement. Blake wasn't as muscular as Chad and Victor, and Chad out ranked Victor in strength. So Victor would carry the teenager while Chad would take on the adult. Chad didn't say a single word as he headed out of the stadium, even though both Victor and Blake stared at what use to be Devin. Blake turned, ripping off his mask and threw up in a corner. Chad stopped at the doors, turning to look at Blake and Victor who he gave a nod of his head. A signal for them to follow and they did, even though they both thought it was weird he wasn't talking. He was walking faster than the other two but it was obvious they were holding back their walking pace too as they conversed even though Chad could hear all their concerns, their questions, but didn't anwser. He got inside the vehicle first, as soon as he set Stephanie down inside and they got in, they could hear Chad drop to the floor of the vehicle and the next thing they heard was another slam as his hands gave way of support, passing out cold.
     "So uh...where do we drive to?" Blake said with a shrug.
     "Hell if I know." Victor replied back as he strapped Natasha in a seat.

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