
Perfect? What is perfect you ask?

A girl can think her voice is bad,
When she isn't conscience she sings bad.
Her boyfriend would protest, argue 'til his death.
To him and his ears, her voice is great.
He can even remember her sweet singing voice,
of the very first song she ever sang to him.

A girl can think at times her looks have faults,
That a bruise or a scar can change it around.
Her boyfriend would protest, argue 'til his death.
To him her looks, aren't weakened by that.
If it really did, it'd be a shame.
I doubt he'd be seeing her, as she should be seen.

A girl can think she acts retarded at times,
That her joke was lame.
Her boyfriend would protest, argue 'til his death.
To him and his laughter, it wasn't retarded at all.
It was funny to him and adorable.

A girl can think she is childish,
laughing at 'naughty' words or sucking her thumb.
Her boyfriend would protest, argue 'til his death.
To him and his heart, it doesn't show childness.
It melts his heart, at her beautiful laugh.
Her thumb sucking action, can come off very sexy.

A girl's boyfriend can reverse some of her thoughts,
Swear they are his thoughts and "faults."
My voice is not great! It sounds like a broken record.
My looks are a geek, I'm far from handsome.
To his girlfriend, he is just spouting off shit.
None of it is true and she loves every bit.

The sayings go,
"Love is blind."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Theres more that can apply.
Though not even sure if they do.

No one is truly perfect,
All have faults in ways,
but to that one special person.
You are perfect.

They love you for your positives,
They love you for your faults.
They probably don't even notice,
What you call those faults.

Is it because they are lovestruck and blind?
That they see that inner glow?
They see your beauty and love you truly.

So while no one is perfect,
You are to someone.

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