Race Listing
Dragon Race and Draconian Race ||| Elven Race
Goblin Race ||| Human Race
Elemental Race ||| Therianthrope Race
Dwarven Race ||| Kitsune Race
Fay Race ||| Shapeshifter Race
Darkling Race ||| Monk Race
Touched Ones Sub-Race ||| Psionic Race

Dragons and Draconians


The Dragons rule over the Dragonis land and vary based on what the Dragon is born of. They do not leave their homeland unless time of war. The only connection of the outside lands of the Dragons are the Draconians who are in appearance of a humanoid but are of Dragon descent. The Draconians carry powers of the Dragon they are born from. They can summon things such as wings, the power of the dragon or even scale armor. Each has different powers but their born form is human.

Fire Kind Description:

Able to breath fire and is immune to fire. Among other abilities and they can have wings.

Ice Kind Description:

Able to withstand ice cold temperatures and breath cold breath that will freeze those who stand in it too long. They can have the ability to have wings.

Sea Kind Description:

Able to breath under water, shoot bursts of water and normally they live in water. Though they cannot have wings due to their common nature to be in the water.

Wind Kind Description:

They have the ability to control wind easily, sending even tornados or hurricanes at their enemies with a flap of their wings.

Darkness Kind Description:

They can change their bodies appearance based on the darkness and are able to hide completely in even he smallest of shadows.

Holy Kind Description:

They can manipulate light and use it just like the darkness dragon/draconian but with light. They cannot create light though, only manipulate.

Earth Kind Description:

They can cause earthquakes nearly just by their roar and can burrow themselves into the ground like it is water, literally fusing with the ground. They cannot gain wings due to their nature of being one with the ground.

Silver Kind Description:

They have a shine to them and have the ability to heal near any wounds from their tears or blood.

Hydra Kind Description:

They have the ability to regenerate their head and split it into two if it is chopped off. One becomes two, two becomes four, and so on. Once their enemy is destoryed their heads fuse back together and wait for the next time they are chopped off. They are the guardians of the Dragon Tomb.



The Elven Race is known for being one of the most active and in the highest of power. They rule nearly fifty percent of the Ouallion Daris world and called their new adaptations to their homeland combined with the new lands it was called Elfunton. They have many regions in their land that are primarily inhabitated by those of common elven race. Their homeland before all of this was called Elfuon. They all worship one goddess and any elves straying from their goddess, religion or laws are sent to the Goblin Lord to be executed. There are quite a few varities of elves.

Pure Blooded Variety Description:

The pure bloods are the only ones allowed on the throne and they are highly worshiped among the rest of the elves and look down upon anyone of any stature besides pure bloods and their faithful bodyguards the Avariel elves.

Snow Variety Description:

The Snow Elves live in cold areas and can stand in ice cold waters without any weakening, it actually makes them stronger. Heat makes them weak. The hotter it is, the weaker they get.

Avariel Variety Description:

The Avariel Elves live in the cities with the pure bloods, they are also called the Winged Elves at times. They are the loyal body guards of the throne.

Forest Variety Description:

The Forest Elves live in the forest areas of their land known as Elfunton. They protect the forest area from even their own Elven counterparts. Only respecting the word of the pure blooded King and Queen when it comes to their forest or when to ceasefire. They are good hunters, only second to that of the Therianthrope race.

Dark Variety Description:

The Dark Elves are known to be a bit less lawful towards the pure blooded elves. Some secretly wish to bring down the rule of them and put themselves on the throne. Some are just rebellious. Though all do obey and live among the others but usually they are looked at first if a crime has been committed.

Light Variety Description:

The Light Elves follow the Elven Goddess and only her. They do not go against the pure bloods but they never admit they are the rulers either. They are similar to the holy ones of the Elven Race.

Volcanic Variety Description:

The Volcanic Elves live on top of a series of volcanos that are called The Figure Eight, seeing as their are eight volcanos nearly touching and on top of them this variation of the elves have built a combination of villages where they live. They are immune to all things fire and even take a swim in the lava at times. It is impossible for anyone to live or even visit unless they are immune to such heat.

Half-Elf Variety Description:

They are half human race and half elven race. They are weaker than elves but maintain the ear trait and the immortality. There has been knowledge of a couple other half-elves that weren't of human descent but it is very rare.



They are a savage race that live in half of the Beastilis land while the Therianthropes live in the other half. They live mostly in caverns and darker places but they do not seek darkness. They have dubbed their half of the land as Gobilis There are two varieties of the goblins and each have certain traits. The goblins thrive on seeing bloodshed and war. They however are not stupid, they got on the elves good side as the elves are of the highest power. One of them anyways.

Day Dwellers Variety Description:

The day dwellers are goblins adapted to the sunlight and perfer to sleep at night. They fight during the day and work during the day.

Night Dwellers Variety Description:

The night dwellers are goblins adapted to the darkness and can see in it. They are hurt by the sun and only go out at night. When the day dweller goblins sleep, the night dweller goblins come out to relieve the day dwellers of their posts. It works almost like shifts.



The human race was one of the last to be found. They were the most deceiving of all the races and thats why they are the most known to be active and the second most powerful race as they built their cities from scratch and have more strength to them then that of any other race besides the elves. The elves and the humans have combined forces to work together. The humans also have done trades with the Fays and the Dwarves. Their land of Draelta is where the Psionics supposely lived before their extinction.

Mortal Kind Description:

The mortals are the main influences of the human race.

Immortal Kind Description:

They are exactly the same to mortals in appearance and their behavior. Some don't even know they are immortal but when they hit the age of twenty, they don't age anymore. They only can die if their heart is seperated from their body. Otherwise they will end up healing up. This kind of humans are a very low percentage of the race.



The Elementals govern nearly every other race in some way. Some assume the two male divines and two female divines, who are in the Temple of Four at all time, are the first born into this world. The Great Four never interfere but they are always watching over their land of Ellianis. Their speices are usually in the form of the element they govern but in the shape of a humanoid. Only the Great Four have been seen (rarely) in complete human form. The Temple of Four has four rooms next to each other, two on each side of a hallway. Each one has a symbol of the element on it and inside there is a huge glass box around the elemental power. Supposely, ever elemental that dies fades away and is found to be in their respective elemental container. The energy that pulses in the container is nothing but energy, it is not sure how it got there but the Great Four guard it and never let it out.
The Four elemental's elements are Fire, Wind, Earth and Water. No others.



They use their keen hunting skills and tracking skills to hunt those who are either criminals or sometimes just innocent. They are great warriors as well. A Therianthrope is part man(or woman) and part beast. The common usages of it is Lycanthrope (werewolf) and the Ailuranthrope (werecat). The King of the Therianthropes is a lycanthrope and the queen is a Ailuranthrope.(of the white-tiger variety) They act as a pack and always have. Even ones that don't quite fit their acts. They know they are one and they fight and die as one. They live in Beastilis and they have dubbed their side the Wereilis.
A common mistake in the usage of their race is called 'Weres', while they don't mind it. It is a false statement unless it is placed with their respective animal.



Dwarves are a race that are commonly known to be the war race. They can build some of the best weaponry and armor. They rule over the Axiuson land and both kinds of Dwarves work together even though they have different rules and laws. They both act as one when it comes to war or when they need help. They do blacksmith business with the humans.

Underground Dwarves Description:

The Underground Dwarves live under the Axiuson land. They have to constantly fight the Darklings and are able to see in the dark. Sunlight bothers them but does not hurt them.

Mountain Dwarves Description:

The Mountain Dwarves live above the underground dwarves in Axiuson. They are fine in the light but still perfer darker areas. They have entrances to the underground land in every major city that the underground dwarves can come up from.



The Kitsune race lives in the land of Kitsonto. They guard the Temple of Knowledge where the Monk race live, the Temple of Knowledge is in the capital where the queen resides. The Kitsune race are able to remain in a human form and can change certain features to that of a fox or turn completely into a fox. The royal family has nine tails when turned into a complete fox and the queen always wears the sacred family heirloom which is the first queen's necklace that is said to give the wearer immunity to disease and viruses. It is mostly a family heirloom, most do not believe it holds magicial properities. The Kitsune race is of complete females, only the Kitsunes know how they reproduce and avoid extinction with no males in their race. Scarlet Village is known as the capital city of Kitsonto.



Fays are known to live in the forest land of Fayrost but there are three varieties there. The young Fays under the age of ten years old, they are not allowed out of the capital city of Saifay.
The Forest Guardian Fays who are the adult Fays who remain in their homeland and protect it from outsiders or evil Fays.
Their are other Fays, however, who seek a master of another race to guard and protect.
Each of the Fays are same in most aspects but everyone of them have unique power traits and can vary in height from one foot up to four feet tall. They also have different wings but all, even newborn Fays(who cannot fly yet), have a set of wings.



Shapeshifters are like the counter-parts of the Kitsunes. The race is of all males but since they can change every part of their appearance they can be "females" in everyway. Though their born gender is always male, no matter the change. They really have ruler over the rest of the shapeshifters, it is more that the one is the strongest or oldest rules over them. If one can out wit the current ruler they can control the throne. (So if the current king is killed or beat by another they gain the throne. You keep what you can kill.) They live in a land known as Codoble.



They are humanoid shadow form beings. Some say they were dark elementals who were turned into shadow demons, others say they are just demons from Doellion. They live among the underground dwarves in the same land but they are the most common enemies of the Darklings. They can possess the weak minded and they must feed(just by touching their food) constantly off the life force of other living beings to go into light or turn into a full humanoid and human-like appearance. Otherwise they are a black shadow in the shape of a human with blood red eyes. They can control the dead(reanimating it) and only the great Darkness Draconian (Touched One) was ever able to get by this spell they have. He was the only one of their race that has been able to beat it. If the spell breaks somehow by the Darkling losing touch with their created or they die they become what they once were or an uncontrollable undead beast.



The monks live in a temple located in the Kitsune's land of Kitsonto. Ten of these monks remain in a room that every wall is covered in complete crystals that reveal events of the past, present and future. It comes in fragments and almost a fast forward pace that only the monks can understand. The other four hundred or so monks either live in the temple or travel around. They have the power to see into the future but they cannot force the visions to come to them. As well as they have no eyes (their eye sockets are level with the rest of their face and their is bone and skin where the eye socket is suppose to be.) but they see everything. They wear a piece of cloth to hide the unique trait that is the only trait that shows they are not human monks but the unique Monk Race.

Touched Ones


They seek the darkness and cannot go into the sunlight no matter what or they shall literally be killed by the sun. The main fact is they have red eyes and have a bit more power than your usual person of that race. The only way one can become such a creature is to be touched by a darkling, sapped your life away and then brought you back before you fully died. It is most commonly considered to be a type of vampirism but no one ever calls it that. They don't seek blood persay, but at times they can heal with blood or have a craving for blood. It is considered sucking their life force away, as thats what they feed on most. They also have the fang-like teeth.



The Psionic race was similar to humans in the fact they look exactly like a human minus the fact they can conjur many different powers. Usually only one psionic had held only one power but some were known to have a few. They are a now extinct race that the only known facts about it is that the jewels people forge into weaponry or use separately for the magicial properties are known as Psionic Jewels as it is said to hold the essence of the psionics.
The cause of their extinction was going against the Dragon King during that period long ago and his province when they had risen to the highest of power. Lord Xenon was wiped out and in their wake it had killed every psionic because each psionic was powered by Xenon, each power was a small sliver of his power. Without Xenon, they no longer could exist. Some say that the human race, which now lives in the former land where the Psionics rule, were actually the powerless psionics. Others say they never existed.

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