Character Listing
Dragomir Kasun ||| Jirair ||| Etzel Fleischer ||| Kuno Kron ||| Teagan
Dieter Adler ||| Cordula ||| Hibiki ||| Bo ||| Ming

Suk Kwan
Olaf Król ||| Beata Król
Hinata Himura ||| Hanako Himura
Sandalio Del Bosque ||| Imelda Del Bosque
Bai Wang ||| Hai Wang ||| Kun Wong ||| Xiu Wong
Bora Kaminski ||| Arzu Kaminski ||| Ediz Kaminski

Aditi Aldana ||| Kane ||| Berko ||| Kayin

Dragomir Kasun

Name Origin:
Dragomir Kasun's name was actually more or less carefully picked. Dragomir means precious and peaceful, because by nature he is kind, polite, and would rather be peaceful over a war. Kasun means "to order, command" because he is an indirect leader if he needs to be. So overall the name means he can be both a peaceful man but at the same time a strong leader.

Ice Draconian

First Appearance:

Humanoid Appearance:
His hair is the color of sapphire and is long, stopping just after his shoulders. His eyes are baby blue color and he is a rather tall man. His attire are most commonly a gold armor that shines brightly if light hits it.

Draconian Appearance:
He has wings that look like a mix between those of a bat and those of scales. His body is sapphire blue with scales going all around his body and his face seems to be a mix between a humanoid and lizard's head. Much taller, at least five feet, from his former humanoid form.

Known Relatives:
Etzel Fleischer(cousin) and his mother who is an Ice Dragon.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
He wishes to be as good as Aditi Aldana in his journals and other various written word. He is traveling through the provinces primarily to gather information to write a journal based on his experiences that would be interesting to others and to give the dragons a update of his journeys.


Name Origin:
Jirair means "strong, active", I picked it due to the fact that he was going to be a strong ally and more or less active in ways. There was no real specific reason I picked it, I just picked one that was unique, had a meaning that meant it was strong.

Day Dweller - Goblin

First Appearance:
Chapter 4 - Enter Kuno and Jirair


Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
He is (small chapter spoiler)the one that Suk Kwan, the goblin king, picked to escort Dragomir around when he requested to get information on the goblin land. Chapter 7 Spoiler: When Suk Kwan had struck an enemy upon him and Dragomir, knowing Dragomir was a good man. Went to follow him and plans to act as Dragomir's assistant for as long as he can. End.

Etzel Fleischer

Name Origin:
His last name doesn't quite fit with the reason of his first name or his personality. I mostly liked the look of it with his name, seemingly more or less fancy. Etzel means "noble", which he is a 'high' nobleman, and Fleischer means "butcher."

Silver Draconian

First Appearance:
Chapter 6 - The Museum

His attire is silver clothing that shines of noble blood, or at least rich with Ouals blood. His hair is medium length, not hitting his shoulders but long enough to be obvious he didn't cut it anytime recent. The color is silverish white color and his eyes are brown and shows intelligent beyond his years.

Known Relatives:
Dragomir Kasun(cousin) and his aunt(dragomir's mother) who is an Ice Dragon.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
He owns his own museum called 'The Historical Museum of Knowledge', which is located in the Codoble province. He is rather rich and mostly works make a better museum for himself, anything historical he would love to have in his museum if it held some knowledgeable past. (SPOILER:He is the reincarnation of Aditi Aldana.)

Kuno Kron

Name Origin:
It's derived from Germanic kuoni meaning "brave" and his last name means "crown." The reason being is he is a brave warrior, strong and very well at fighting. As well as he is a descendant to the human's throne in Draelta.


First Appearance:
Chapter 4 - Enter Kuno and Jirair

Quoting Chapter 4: "The man had a symbol of a serpent on his hauberk, which is a shirt of chain mail armor that reached just to his mid-thigh but was held up further by a belt, making it stop at his waistline. This man had a spaulder on each of his shoulders, that reached just to half of his upper arm. He wore a pair of greaves that held the same chain mail armor that his hauberk did. It covers from his waistline down to ankles. His long black hair was barely visable under his hood and cape that he wore. The cape covered his sheath that held his katana blade, the hilt of the blade had a beautiful jewel in the hilt. Almost as if the blade was made around the jewel. The jewel was an emerald with what looked like something constantly moving around inside it. He had a second jewel around his neck as a necklace but this one was hidden under his hauberk and was like a ruby with a flame but it wasn't as if it was burning but as if it was just glowing."

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
He just wanders around, having no real reason to stop at anyone place. He is also the descendant of the former king of Draelta, having the ability if he wished to go back and claim the throne.


Name Origin:
It means "little poet," and is a non-gender specific name. Primarily because of the race she has does not have a specific gender, even though she perfers to be considered a female. Secondarily, I had an idea of possibly making her a poet in a way.


First Appearance:
Chapter 7 - The Silver Blood

Her most common attire is a crimson dress that goes down to her knees, crimson high heels and she wears a wedding ring on her finger.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
She works as Etzel's assist at the museum and will nearly do anything for him. (Spoilers:She actually was never married, but wears it to keep any looking men away from her. She does however have a thing, more in a fatherly way thtough, for Etzel and upon a journey with Kuno and the rest of the companions. She actually found a liking to Kuno, in a more of a partner way.)

Dieter Adler

Name Origin:
Dieter means "warrior of the people" and Adler means "noble eagle", in a way I picked this because at one time he was a stronger ruler and was a nobleman because of it. Now he is still a strong warrior but seeks his former royalties.


First Appearance:
Chapter 2 - The Myth of Reincarnation

His attire is usually a crimson color and gauntlets with a half of a jewel on each one, the jewel holding a flaming element inside.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
He wants to become his former self. (Spoiler:He is actually in the body of Dian, seeking to gather the rest of the psionic jewels that hold Dieter Adler's essence. If he can gather all of them he hopes he can become his former self once more.)


Name Origin:
The name means "heart" because she is essentially Dieter's heart.


First Appearance:
Chapter 3 - The Elements and The Darklings

A female with a feline's tail, short blonde hair and blue eyes. She is dressed in what looked like a red japanese kimono.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
She is Dieter's lover and actually (Spoiler: met Dieter through her sister's boyfriend's body, Dian, when he took over. They worked out a plot to get the jewel from her sister and when it happened. Dieter killed Cordula's sister, in result, she could care less because she never liked her sister. She is also an exile of Kitsonto.) She would do anything for Dieter and is actually a skilled fighter if she has to be.


Name Origin:
His name means "echo, sound" because I picked his primary power to being an ear shattering scream.

Darkness Draconian

First Appearance:
Chapter 10 - The Touched One Legend


Goal(s) and Other Various Information:


Name Origin:
It means "wave" in Chinese. I chose this one because her power is a power over winds, being able to send wind 'waves' at enemies. That and I wanted to keep up with the usage of female chinese names as Ming is her sister and wanted to keep the same heritage in a way.

Kitsune (Touched One)

First Appearance:
Chapter 10 - The Touched One Legend

Bo's jewel looks like a white dim color with a tornado spiralling in the jewel. Her eyes are the solid red of Touched Ones but is covered by her long blonde colored hair. She carries two shamshir scimitars and wears the simplest of clothes, something a peasant might wear.

Known Relative:

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
She is Hibiki's lacky and has the only goal of making him happy.


Name Origin:
From Chinese "shining, bright, clear" or "engrave". I chose this name because her power is a power over light, able to flash a light or take away any light in the area.

Kitsune (Touched One)

First Appearance:
Chapter 10 - The Touched One Legend

Ming's jewel is solid black until she calls upon her power in it which it'll shine bright as the sunlight but hold no power like the sunlight. Her eyes are the solid red of Touched Ones but is covered by her long cherry colored hair. She carries two shamshir scimitars and wears the simplest of clothes, something a peasant might wear.

Known Relative:

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
She is Hibiki's lacky and has the only goal of making him happy.

Suk Kwan

Name Origin:
Suk means "rock, stone" and Kwan means "mountain". So I picked it because it was short, not a common name you'll see and his first name meant rock, or some kinda stone. That in reality is kinda like him, he is bull headed, stubborn as a ox and can be dumb as a rock. Mountain? Mostly because he is high in stature.

Day Dweller Goblin

First Appearance:
Chapter 5 - The Colosseum

He has never really left from out under his royalty clothes, clothes that are rung with jewels and a hilt, that has more shine to it then the sun, at his waist. He stands up right and acts more proper than most of the goblin kind, most goblin kind acts more monkey-like.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
His main goal in his royal role is to survive and keep the elves as a powerful ally.

Olaf Król

Name Origin:
His great grandfather was the great dragon during the era of E&D War. His name means "ancestor's descendant" and his last name means "king." He is the king of Dragonis and married to Beata. He is an Earth Dragon and has lived for over two hundred years.

Earth Dragon

First Appearance:


Goal(s) and Other Various Information:

Beata Król

Name Origin:
Her name means "blessed" because she was a silver dragon and her mother's great, great grandmother was a guardian for Olaf's grandfather. She is considered part of the great family and later she became the queen with Olaf as her king.

Silver Dragon

First Appearance:


Goal(s) and Other Various Information:

Hinata Himura

Name Origin:
Her name means "sunflower" and "scarlet village." She was the daughter of the queen and was born into the scarlet village. Her first name was only given after she was born, the reason being is she was always around the flowers which her mother had called sunflowers cause the way they looked and would shine during the day and at night the color would go away.

Kitsune (Royal Family Line)

First Appearance:
Chapter 11 - The Shortcut

She is always seen on her throne when vistors are around as she knows not to leave her castle or they could be risking her life, so when vistors are around she is usually drapped in her golden attire with diamond jewels outlining the stitching. Her eyes are a yellowish color and her hair is very shiney golden. Though when she wishes to be more of a hunter, she is in more of a fitting attire. A black animal skin leather so that she can have more protection and be hidden more as her outfit, hair and eyes alone would alert an enemy.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
She is the current queen of Kitsonto.

Hanako Himura

Name Origin:
Her name means "flower child" and "Scarlet village." She is Hinata's daughter and the princess of the Kitsonto province. With that said her name is simply "The child of sunflower, of scarlet village."

Kitsune (Royal Family Line)

First Appearance:
Chapter 11 - The Shortcut

She is most commonly in her tight animal skin attire that is made of the finest with jewels drapped on the shirt and a light cloth that covers her jewels if she wishes for it to be. Her eyes are of a yellowish color and her hair is a golden blonde that when hit right in the sun, looks as if it would shine more than gold itself.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
She wishes to be a strong warrior, not as much worried about being the heir to Kitsonto's throne as much as being the guardian of the province.

Sandalio Del Bosque

Name Origin:
His name means "true wolf of the forest." He was the son of the previous king of the Therianthropes and now rules as the king. His father had died during the time when the elven race with the goblins, took up arms and took his father by surprise. When the king was killed Sandalio gained royalty rank and he called a peace treaty to stop the war.

Lycanthrope (Werewolf)

First Appearance:
Chapter 1 - The Start of a Journal

The man paused as he walked over to the cage and placed his hand on the top of the cage. He wears black leather pants and boots. His torso usually is completely shown and it is obvious he is well built, and that he works out. His eyes are wolf-line and he has a shaved head.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
Just to protect Wereilis and be happy with Imelda.

Imelda Del Bosque

Name Origin:
Her name means "entire battle of the forest." She was named it cause it meant that she was always a strong fighter and her last name fit for it as well but she wasn't named Del Bosque, she married into it. She is the queen of the Therianthropes and at the time of Sandalio's reign up she was only his girlfriend but he asked her to be his queen.

Ailuranthrope (Werecat of the white-tiger variety.)

First Appearance:
Chapter 1 - The Start of a Journal

She has long brown hair that met to just above her waist, her clothing was of a solid white with black stripes pattern. Her outfit goes from her neck down to her feet where she wears black leather boots. Her hands are covered in the same, snow white, color gloves as her outfit. Her outfit is fit for one that is fast and cunning, over one that is meant for brute force. Her eyes are cat-like.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
Just to protect Wereilis and be happy with Sandalio.

Bai Wang

Name Origin:
His name means "white, pure" and "king." Therefore it means that of the pure white flames and he is a king. He can cause his fire elementalist powers to go so hot his red flames turn to another color and the hottest being the pure white flames. He is the Fire God, one of the Great Four.

Fire Elemental (Great Four)

First Appearance:
Chapter 3 - The Elements and The Darklings

There is no definite appearance as elementals are usually the appearance of their element. Though they can hold a human appearance.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
Bai is easily the dominating male elemental alongside Xiu the more dominating female. He has a very short fuse and can use his flames to attack at a second's notice.

Hai Wang

Name Origin:
His name means "sea" and his last name is the same as Bai's. He is the Water God, one of the Great Four.

Water Elemental (Great Four)

First Appearance:
Chapter 3 - The Elements and The Darklings

There is no definite appearance as elementals are usually the appearance of their element. Though they can hold a human appearance.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
Even though his brother is more of the leader of the men elementals. He is the more cool and collected one. He counter reacts to the tempered nature of Bai.

Kun Wong

Name Origin:
Her name means "earth" and her last name means "yellow" which is the color of earth and the symbol of royalty. It technically holds two meanings as she is the Earth Goddess, one of the Great Four.

Earth Elemental (Great Four)

First Appearance:
Chapter 3 - The Elements and The Darklings

There is no definite appearance as elementals are usually the appearance of their element. Though they can hold a human appearance.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
Shes grounded but not as elegant as her sister Xiu. She stays back and is more of the fighter than the leader and wouldn't hesitate to do something considered 'unlady-like.'

Xiu Wong

Name Origin:
Her name means "beautiful, elegant" and her last name is the same as Kun. Though it only holds the symbol of royalty with her. She is the Wind Goddess, one of the Great Four.

Wind Elemental (Great Four)

First Appearance:
Chapter 3 - The Elements and The Darklings

There is no definite appearance as elementals are usually the appearance of their element. Though they can hold a human appearance.

Goal(s) and Other Various Information:
Xiu is the more dominating female alongside Bai Wang the more dominating male elemental. She is a quiet and soothing spoken woman and only seeks to keep the peace in the land of elementals.

Character Name

Name Origin:


First Appearance:


Goal(s) and Other Various Information:

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