• Statistics

    Official name Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
    Capital Ankara. Other major cities are Istanbul, Izmir and Adana
    Form of government Republic
    Surface 779,452 km²
    Coastline Total length of 8,372 km.
    Neighboring countries Armenia, Azerbadzjan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq and Syria.
    Highest point Mount Ararat with 5165 meters
    Currency Turkish Lira
    Official language Turkish
    Population Approximately 76.8 million
    Religie 99% of the population belongs to Islam. There are also some other small communities such as Protestants and Catholics, Syrian Orthodox and Arab Orthodox.
    Export include textiles, tobacco, leather, olive oil, nuts, fuel, steel products
    Agriculture including wheat, tobacco, cotton, olives, citrus, nuts, tea, vegetables