
Alanya has the longest experience of all tourist towns on the south coast. In history Alanya as early as
the fourth century before Christ. Characteristic of the city is 250 meters high rock, 2 km far into the
sea outlet. Once Emperor Antonius gave this beautiful spot as a wedding gift to Cleopatra. The district
Alanya has a typical Mediterranean climate. Alanya is one of the warmest and safest places in Turkey,
both in summer and winter. The surrounding mountains (part of the Taurus Mountains) keep the wind from
the east, north and west. And this 365 days a year. Due to the favorable climatic conditions in Alanya
thrive almost all crops in the world occur. There are lemons, bananas, oranges and many other fruits
and vegetables grown, even coffee, pineapple, papaya, guava and many kinds of dates, which are normally
only found in South America, India and Africa.
History of Alanya Alanya was once the current 'Coracesium "called. This ancient city was now under the
Pamphylia region and at others in Cilicia. The favorable geographical location and the beautiful port
city made of an ideal haven for pirates and rebels. This led to the only city that stubbornly stood
against Antiochus III. Half a century later opposed a local king, Diodotos Trophon, are similarly against
Antiochus VII.

In the first century BC, the situation for the Roman Empire through the activities of the pirates in the
Mediterranean in both diplomatically and economically critical, even went to pirates robbing ships carrying
grain. Although Publius Servilius, who in 78 BC to Cilicia was sent, delivered several battles against the
pirates, he has shown no success. Only when Pompey the Roman Senate was saddled with this task, were all
pirates in 65 BC destroyed nests. The last pirate stronghold was defeated at the Battle of "Coracesium".
The Romans, who ruled the area, helped the government of Cilicia after the death of Caesar to Antony.
This gave Coracesium as a wedding gift to the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. It is known that Cleopatra the
cedars, which is now almost on the beach grow, for there the ship transported to Egypt. Coracesium on
the situation in the early Christian and Byzantine Very little is known. Possible to convert the city
and the towns in Pamphylia, to Christianity. The churches within the fortress also date from this period.
Also in this period the name of the city into "Kolonoros", meaning "beautiful mountain". After the Seljuks
had taken Antalya, they came to the conclusion that they rule over the Mediterranean Sea could only be
obtained if they had conquered Kolonoros. After Alaadin Keykubat I came to power, he agreed with Lord Kir
Fart in Alanya the fortress, which he awarded great strategic value, to expand. In this connection, he first
called "Alaiye". The location of the city in close proximity to the Seljuk capital of Konya contributed to
the rapid expansion of this thriving port under Alaadin. Because the sultan spent the summer and winter in
Konya Alaiye, he could interfere with the architecture in the city. He provided the city of beautiful buildings,
which today we can still admire.

Today, Alanya is one of the best preserved towns from the Seljuk tijd. After decompose the Seljuk Empire was
Alaiye mid-thirteenth century Karamanogullari conquered. The conquest by the Ottomans took place only at the
time of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. The name of Alanya, the city thanks to a fortuitous event. In a telegram to the
great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was with numerous monuments of Ottoman times sugarcoated Alaiye mistakenly
Alanya. The flexible statesman responded laconically: "If there is, then this friendly city in the sequel but
called Alanya."