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List of the different playable races

Humans: Humans are the master manipulators, and have attempted to rule the system since their arrival. Sly and greedy, they take by force only what they cannot take through negotiation or trade. Humans are mammals that walk on two limbs, and use two other limbs, for handling tools and technology. They are usually between 5 and 6'5 feet tall at their matured age. Their lifespan is usually around 80 years. Their skin ranges from white to black. Usually, the weaker the ultraviolet light, the fairer the skin. They have hair on the head, above the eyes, armpits and around the genitals; hair color is usually blond, black, red, orange, brown, white, gray, or a mixture of the above. Their eyes are brown, blue, hazel, gray, black, and every so often green.

Zhaat: The Zhaat are one of the oldest of the races, and are known for being extreme traditionalists. They are a peaceful race, and their society places great emphasis on art, architecture, and philosophy. Their people are easily recognized by their iridescent yellow eyes, blue-green skin and shimmering gown-like clothing, and their floating cities and structures are elaborate and ornate, revealing an intricacy in design that seems to parallel everything that they do. They are both mystical and mysterious, a society rich in ceremony and ritual, evoking questions that they will not readily answer...

Abu Zhuch: The Zhuch Hive Mind is the ultimate picture of a harmonious society working for the greater good of all. The Zhuch revere this purity of a social form, not even noticing the cost in creative or original thought. This unity of purpose makes the Zhuch brutally industrious and organized, with leaders born for their tasks and directing the masses without question. The true appearance of this mysterious race is unknown, however it has been rumored that they are insectoid in nature. This is very hard to prove since the Hive Queens can make themselves almost invisible to the humanoid eye, and genetically engineer their brood or genetically manipulate naturally occurring species.

Technods: Servants of the God-Emperor, they are masters of mathematical and computer sciences, and are ruthless and brilliant when it comes to economic calculations and political sciences. Technods are cyborgs, part human and part machine, a hybrid between flesh and silicon. Their upper-class is called the Technomages. These telepaths are known to use technology in new and different ways. Combine ingenuity with the technological knowledge of the various races and the result is startling. Little is known about what technologies are used and how they are controlled. Be reminded, though, that not all of their powers require technological aid. Knowledge and intelligence give them a great edge. Pure humans are wary of the Technods, for they remind them too much of the Ki'an, the alien race that defeated Earth and drove the Humans in exile.

Necrons: The Deathwalker Project was the result of the Technomages' quest for a biological agent that would infect most life forms, kill them and render them mentally docile and obedient in death. It was a major endeavor, with dozens of research labs working on various facets of the project. Even Dra'kiri biochemicals were used. And, in the end, the Technomages succeeded in breeding a virus that did exactly what they wanted it to do. It killed the living and made the dead rise to their cause. Then a few fanatics went too far and introduced the virus among themselves. Creating the Deathwalkers - Necrons that were part machine, part undead - and their new undead Technomage masters, the Necromancers.

Ma'juk: One of our galaxy's most dangerous species, the Ma'juk are parasites that forcibly take hosts, and possess a thirst for power. They have enslaved countless worlds, using their inhabitants as hosts, soldiers, miners, and personal slaves. The symbiotic creatures are birthed from asexual mothers, Matriarchs. In the process every newborn symbiote inherits the genetic memory of the one before it. It is some time after their creation before the Ma'juk are capable of being anything more than helpless, squealing snakes. Only adult symbiots, after attaching themselves to the stem of a host's brain, are able to totally control their victim's body. Forceful removal of the symbiots is not possible. The Ma'juk have a slave race they call the Nasu, born from the same primordial swamps as their masters. Nasu are humanoid reptilians with formidable strength and great regenerative powers.

Ki'an: A Ki'an is, at its basic level, a bipedal robot. They are self aware, and usually quite logical. They are not especially fast, but they are quite strong. They are obviously artifical in nature, and most Ki'an are larger than a human - around 6' 6", although this varies with their type. Ki'an eyes glow red. A Ki'an footsoldier is powered by internal powercells which allow it to function without outside aid for decades. They detest humidity and dislike hot and wet areas. The water vapour can get inside of a Ki'an's circuits causing long term rust and problems. The Ki'an call themselves the "Pure Ones" to signify their complete separation from the corruption of biological matter. They are masters of mathematical and computer sciences, and their mechanical efficiency makes them both supreme industrialists and formidable foes in combat. Contemptuous of organic life forms (the "flesh beasts" of the galaxy), they also eschew their technologies, including economics and ecological science. They despise the Humans at whom they are at war.

Dra'kiri: The Dra'kiri are a race of rodent humanoids about the height of half a human. Their bodies are covered in thick hair, and they have long furless tails. Their eyes are small and beady, best suited for the dark. They prefer to lurk in the shadows and remain unseen: whatever they do is usually made to be silent and blend in with the darkness. Dra'kiri are a somewhat weak race, and buy spaceflight technology like old ships and shipyards from other races. Trade relationships between the Dra'kiri and the Humans has been established where the main trade good of the Dra'kiri was their biochemical technology. This technology contains biochemical weapons, genetic research, drugs,... and is superior to that of all other races except the Abu Zhuch.

Bakram: The Bakram are black-skinned humanoid marsupials, believed to emit phermones which are attractive to most humanoid species. Marsupials are the group of mammals commonly thought of as pouched mammals. They were formerly used as prized harem slaves of the Ma'juk, until an alliance with the Humans ended in freedom. Their society is still highly hedonistic, though they maintain a strong military force to prevent the domination of the Ma'juk or any other species.

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